3) friends

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What was I doing?

I know I had asked myself that before, but really, what was I doing?

I was currently sitting at a bar, mere centimetres away from Matty, and it was so incredibly mad. Two days ago, I had somehow managed to fall into bed with him, and now I was sitting with him whilst we shared a drink together. Fucking mad.

"You know, for a one-night stand, I really have been seeing you a lot." I commented, casting my gaze down to the glass in my hand. "Why're you even bothering with me?"

Matty just chuckled, leaning towards me slightly. "I find you interesting."

"You can't say that." I said, my heart fluttering at the words.

"Why not?"

"Because it's attractive." I confessed, looking up to see him smiling at me.

"Is that wrong?"

"Yes." I answered. "Because I shouldn't even be here right now, let alone find you attractive."

"You seemed to find me attractive the other night." He smirked, taking a quick drink of his wine.

"I was drunk, okay? I was drunk and stupid, and quite frankly, I prefer waking up to my toilet instead of the person I slept with."

"Oh, come on. Surely I'm hotter than a toilet."

"Oh I beg to differ." I joked. "My toilet is actually pretty hot."

We both drifted into quiet laughter for a moment before falling into silence. And after a moment, Matty leaned even closer to me, his knees bumping against my own.

"You know I do kind of fancy you." He said quietly, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"Alright, you definitely can't say that."

"Why not?"

"Because this is just meant to be a drink between friends, okay? Nothing more. We agreed."

"We agreed to be friends." He recalled. "No one ever said I can't fancy my friends."

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