16) hotel room

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Thoughts of the past week clouded my mind, as I stared up at the ceiling of my hotel room.

It was probably past midnight now, and I was having no such luck with falling asleep. I just wasn't used to sleeping in a hotel bed when sober it seemed.

Although I'd never really been good with sleeping in general, to be honest. My mind just didn't know how to switch off. The only thing that ever seemed to quieten my thoughts was alcohol.

It'd been three days since I officially joined Matty on tour and I was still coming to grips with it all. I'd never lived life at such a fast pace.

Since that first morning I woke up next to him, I've made decision after decision, doubting several times whether or not it was a good idea, only to come to the conclusion that it didn't matter.

I agreed to let him put me on the guest list to his show. I agreed to have a drink with him. And then, because I simply couldn't stand to keep my distance from him, I had agreed to go on tour with him.

I was crazy. But somehow I couldn't find it in me to care. I may have come here upon Matty's request, but that didn't take away from the fact that maybe I might just find myself somewhere along the way.

I was snapped away from my thoughts when I heard a sudden knock at the door, the faint tapping making my heart jump in my chest.

When I opened the door, my unease seemed to dissipate at the sight of Matty standing there, eyes tired and hair all over the place, a black t-shirt messily clinging to his torso.

"I haven't woke you up, have I?" He asked, his voice still laced with sleep.

"No, but uh, what're you doing here?"

"Oh uhm...I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight." He mumbled, raking a hand through his hair. "It's just...George is snoring like really fucking loud."

Although I didn't completely believe him, I let him in regardless, stepping aside for him and closing the door.

I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head, leaving him in just his boxers now, before slipping under the covers.

"You definitely have a staring problem." He said when I finally joined him in the bed, his lips twisting into an amused grin.

"No, I don't."

"I can't exactly blame you. I am really good looking."

"You're also way too obsessed with yourself." I countered, smiling at him.

"For good reason."

"Okay, let's just be quiet now, yeah? I actually want to get some sleep tonight."

I rolled over then, facing my back to him. But it seemed he wasn't finished pestering me as he shifted closer to me, his fingers skating along my hip.

"Matty." I warned, suspecting exactly where this was going.


"I need to sleep. And so do you."

"I don't mind losing sleep over you, Serena." He said quietly, his breath hot on my neck as he leaned closer to me. "In fact, I welcome it."

And I'm going to lose sleep over that statement.

"As much as I would also love to lose sleep over you." I sighed, turning around to face him. "I'd prefer it a lot more if we could just sleep tonight."


We laid there in silence for a moment then, just watching each other in the dark as I thought about my next move.

And then I leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, before pulling away, turning around so my back was to him. "That's all your getting tonight."

He sighed, a breath of laughter leaving his lips. "You're fucking killing me."

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