15) irresistible

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"I thought I'd bring this over." Matty was standing in my hotel room, my black dress held loosely in his hands. "Maybe you could wear it to the show tonight."

We'd arrived in Birmingham a couple of hours ago, and I was already exhausted. I'd always hated travelling, which was probably why I had lived in London my entire adult life.

I took the dress from him, smoothing it out on the bed. "I suppose I could wear it."

"Promise me you will?" He asked, pouting at me.

I laughed. "Okay, fine. I promise."

"Thank you!" He beamed, stepping towards me and pressing his lips against mine.

The act alone almost knocked the wind out of me, rendering me speechless as I stood there staring at him. It wasn't abnormal for him to kiss me, but it still felt odd somehow.

"You must really like this dress." I finally laughed, earning an enthusiastic grin from him.

"I do. I really do."


"I'm thinking it might've been a mistake having you wear that dress tonight." Matty sighed, raking his eyes up and down my body. "I could barely fucking concentrate with you down there."

"Well you're the one who practically begged me to wear it, so you've only got yourself to blame really."

"I know, I know." He chuckled, slipping the sweaty black dress shirt off his shoulders. "Me and the boys are going for some drinks in a bit. Do you wanna come?"

"Yeah, of course. Will they be alright with me being there though?"

"Course they will."


Quiet music floated around the pub as I sat beside Matty, tapping my fingers on my glass. He'd introduced me to the rest of the boys before we left and it seemed to go smoothly. It didn't make me feel any less awkward though.

These people were his family. I didn't even really know what I was to Matty.

Either way, I began to feel somewhat comfortable as the night went on, answering questions from the boys from time to time, even exchanging a few words with Matty every now and again. I was never really much of a social drinker to be honest.

"So how did you and Matty meet then?" George asked me. "'Cause he hadn't mentioned you before yesterday. Didn't even really tell us much then."

"Um, well we met quite recently, to be honest. We're just friends though." I tried to explain, neglecting to tell them of the nature of our meeting. There was no way I was giving that up.

Everyone just nodded in response, hopefully satisfied with my answer. I didn't quite know the exact terms of our arrangement, but I was pretty sure Matty wouldn't want me telling his friends every detail of how we'd met.

After a couple more rounds, I felt Matty's hand graze my thigh under the table, his fingers slipping under the material of my dress.

I turned to him to find him smirking at me, his fingertips still dancing across my skin, never going higher than the hem of my dress though. He knew what he was doing, and I was afraid it was working.

"I'm just going to the toilet." I practically announced, shooting up from my seat and making my way toward the bathroom.

My skin was on fire as I stood in front of the sink. It was becoming near impossible to calm myself down as I gripped the cold porcelain, my breath catching in my throat.

"You alright there, love?" Matty's amused voice came from behind me. I hadn't even heard anyone come through the door. "You're looking a bit flustered."

"No thanks to you." I breathed out. "What the hell did you think you were doing? Either one of your mates could've seen."

"Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous."

"What are you doing in here, Matty?" 

"Wasn't it obvious?"

"You think you're so irresistible don't you." I grinned, shaking my head at him.

"Well you clearly think I am."

"Fucking hell, how is this even real?" I sighed, a quiet laugh falling from my lips.

"You look beautiful tonight, by the way."

"You know you really shouldn't say that."

"Why not?"

He was so close to me now, and I wasn't sure how much longer I'd be able to resist him. I wasn't sure I even wanted to.

I could barely even form a response as I stood there, practically gawking at him.

But it seemed that I wouldn't have a chance to offer him a response, as his lips came crashing down on mine, his hands already snaking around my hips as he guided us toward a toilet stall.

"God, you're fuckin' gorgeous." He breathed out, his mouth still on mine as he hiked my dress up my legs.

I shoved him down onto the toilet seat, my hands already working on his trousers. "Just shut up."


So I've noticed a few people are reading this story now, which I'm not gonna lie, is kind of terrifying aha.

I don't usually write real person fanfiction to be honest but I needed some sort of outlet, which ended up being this story.

Anyway, I hope whoever is reading this story is enjoying it, it means a lot that at least a few people are interested in it.

Thanks for reading! <3

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