7) texts

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"Made you a coffee." Addie called, as I walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks." I smiled, taking the mug from the counter and sitting down at the table.

I had finally showered and changed into something more comfortable than my previous outfit, and I hoped I looked at least a little more put together than I did an hour ago.

"Why don't you see if you can come and work with me?" Addie suddenly suggested, sitting down in the chair across from me. "It'd give you something to do while you figure yourself out."

"I don't have much experience though." I pointed out. "Most I've done over the past two years is wait tables. You sure they'd want to take me on?"

"Well I can always ask my boss." She shrugged. "We could use the help."

"Alright then, sounds good."

"You're gonna have to stop with all these late nights you know."

"I know."

We drifted into a peaceful silence then as I stared into my mug of coffee, the steam clouding my vision.

And as I sat there, I found my mind wandering to Matty. I wasn't sure how our little arrangement was going to work out, considering we both lived very different lives. He was always on the go, whilst I was never going anywhere.

Just then, as though I had conjured him with my thoughts, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Who's that?" Addie questioned, leaning over the table as though that would get her a better view of my screen.

I remained silent as I opened my messages to find a text from Matty.

???: you alright to meet me later? it's matty by the way

"Helloo?" Addie said, trying to get my attention. "Who is it?"

"Nobody you know." I answered, looking back down at my phone as I texted Matty back. "I might be going out in a bit though."

"Thought you said you were going to stop with the late nights."

"I am, I promise." I assured her, slipping my phone back in my pocket. "I'm gonna be good from now on, okay?"

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