bonus scene #3

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I chuckled as I twisted the engagement ring on my finger, Matty sheepishly pulling at the new sheets on our bed. "Come on, it's just a bit of colour."

"It's birds, Serena," he argued, still picking at the cotton. "Fucking birds."

"I think it looks nice."


"Matty, can we please just have one room that doesn't look like a fucking underground bunker?"

He just stood there, his eyes flicking between me and the bed, considering. He picked at his fingernails, twirled his hair, tapped his foot on the floor. And then he finally turned to me, a breath of air leaving his lips.

"We can keep the sheets," he said reluctantly, pulling at the hem of his white t-shirt. "But that's it. I won't change anything else, okay? I don't care if we're engaged."

I took my ring between my fingers again, twisting the metal. It still felt odd to hear out loud that we were engaged.

We were engaged.

I was going to marry this man. My one night stand. The man that was supposed to be a mistake.

"You alright?" Matty asked then, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I smiled, stepping towards him and tracing a finger along his collarbone. "I'm marrying you. Of course I'm alright."

"Fucking hell, that still sounds weird," he laughed, his eyes going wide. "In a few months, you'll be Mrs Healy."

"Okay, don't say that," I argued, fake gagging. "I've barely even processed that we're together."

He just laughed at me, leaning forward to press a kiss to my lips, his hands sliding down the length of my body, careful fingertips brushing my thighs.

He was intoxicating, addictive, everything I didn't know I needed.

He was also my best friend. He was the person that was passionate about what he did, the music he created, the community.

He was the person that played guitar in our bed, spent the morning posting shit on Instagram whilst I slept, who laughed like a child at his own jokes.

He was like sunshine. Dressed up in black suits and slicked back hair, a brilliant smile on his face.

He was everything.

"Oh, by the way," he said, when we parted. "My mum rang earlier. She wants to know if you'll meet her for lunch."

"Yeah, of course." I smiled, stroking my hand along his jaw. "I'll let her know in a bit."

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