8) hair

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My head was swimming with nerves as I stood outside the hotel room, the same room I had left just hours earlier.

I had read over Matty's text at least ten times on the way over here, and even now, I still wasn't sure I hadn't just imagined the past forty-eight hours.

I carefully brought my hand up to the door, hesitating before finally knocking, and it took mere seconds for Matty to open the door, a smile already plastered on his face as he greeted me.

He looked amazing. He was wearing dark grey trousers, and a thin white t-shirt that revealed the tattoos on his skin underneath. The only thing I would've changed about his appearance was the slicked back hair.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could get out a single word, his lips were on mine, his hands wandering up my blue jumper. And when his hands reached further up my body, I was thankful I hadn't bothered to put on a bra before I left. 

He wasted no time in lifting the soft material up over my head, leaving me shirtless in front of him.

And as he began pushing me towards the bed, I made no move to stop him. I wondered how I had managed to enter into such a relationship with him, especially considering I had only met him just days ago.

I wanted to say that this wasn't like me, except I didn't even know who I was these days. Maybe this was like me?

Either way, I liked it. I liked the feel of his lips against mine. I liked the weight of his body against me as he kissed me, his hands threading into my hair, whilst my hands fumbled with the bottom of his t-shirt.

He pulled away briefly to help get the material over his head, stray curls falling onto his forehead in the process, and he was back on me in seconds.

It would've been so easy to get lost in him, to just slip back into this world of bliss, except I was beginning to feel suddenly embarrassed.

I was aware of the terms of our 'friendship' and I had no issue with it, but it seemed he had only asked me here to serve as a booty call, a quickie in his hotel room before he simply dropped me back to my own life. And I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"You alright?" I heard Matty's voice in my ear, and when I finally focused my eyes on him, he was looking down at me with concern.

"Fine." I simply said, nodding at him.

He pulled away then, resting on his knees in front of me as he ran a hand through his hair. "If you're not into it, you can tell me you know. I won't make you do something you don't want to do."

"No, it's not that." I answered, shaking my head. "It's just--I don't know...this is all just happening very quickly. I think I'm just struggling to keep up."

"We can still be mates without...this. If you'd be more comfortable."

"We both know that's a fucking lie." I laughed, sitting up now and scooting closer to him. "And believe me, I want this. You have no fucking idea."

"Oh yeah?" He smirked, turning to me.

"Yeah." I nodded, bringing a hand up to his hair. "Although I think I'd want it a bit more if you cut back on the hair gel."

He just laughed, before pinning me to the bed. "If this is gonna work, you've got to stop insulting me, alright?"

"We'll see."

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