14) goodbyes

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"She's going to fucking kill me." I sighed, staring at my suitcase that was still sitting by the door. "I told her I'd be good from now on, and now I'm leaving with you."

Matty just chuckled at me from where he sat on the other side of the table, a cup of coffee held between his hands. "It'll be fine, trust me."

And then just like that, as though we had summoned her, the door swung open.

Addie's eyes immediately went to Matty as she closed the door behind her. "What's he doing here? Did you win something?"

"Matty asked if I'd come on tour with him." I explained. "We're leaving today."

"Um...alright, I'm gonna need you to fill me in...because what? When was this even decided? No, actually--how do you even know him?"

"I met him a few nights ago." I simply said, embarrassment coming over me at the memory of our first meeting. "And I don't know, we've just been seeing each other a lot the past few days."

"And now you're going on tour with him?"

"I know it sounds mad, but I think it could be fun."

"You know your parents aren't gonna like this." She pointed out.

"Yeah, well I'll deal with them when it comes to it."

"Okay, well I just have to ask. Do you actually want to go with him? He hasn't like coerced you into anything has he?"

"I am sitting right here, you know." Matty chimed in.

"And I'm not talking to you."

"He hasn't coerced me into anything." I assured her.

"Well in that case, I think this could be good for you."


"Yeah, I mean you've been trying to find yourself for the past couple of years. Maybe this is what you need to finally sort yourself out." She said, offering me a small smile. "Just make sure you call me, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course."

"You ready to go then?" Matty asked, getting up from his chair.

I nodded. "Yeah, just a sec."

I turned to Addie, but before I could say a single word, she cut me off. "Don't start with the cheesy goodbyes, alright? If anything, I'll be glad to have the flat to myself for a while."

"Wow, thanks for that."

"No worries." She chuckled. "Just have fun, yeah?"

"I will."

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