9) tomorrow

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"I want you to come with me."

I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing as I laid there, gawking at Matty. He'd just asked me to come with him on his tour, and I honestly didn't know how to respond.

"I can't." I found myself saying.

"Why not?"

"Because I promised my friend I'd be good from now on, and I agreed to look into a potential job tomorrow. I can't just run off with you."

"If it's money you're worried about-"

"No, it's not the money." I said, cutting him off. "Couldn't we just wait till you get back? You haven't got too long left, have you?"

"That'll never work."


His mouth pulled up into a grin as he looked at me. "I couldn't even wait twenty-four hours before being inside you again. How am I gonna survive the rest of the fucking tour?"

"I won't be some groupie."

"Then I'll give you a job."

"Come on, we both know that won't be why I'm coming." I argued, feeling a smile tugging at my own lips now.

"So you are coming?"


"Come on, it'll be a laugh."

I flashed him a small smile as he shifted closer to me under the covers, his fingers skating along my hip. "Fine. When are we leaving?"


"Tomorrow." I repeated, my eyes focused on him. "I'm gonna need to go home and pack."

"Want help?"

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