11) pass the time

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"What time are we leaving?" I asked, dragging my suitcase behind me on my way to the door.

I had already asked him various questions during the short walk from my bed to the hall, and he was still quietly laughing at me as he trailed behind.

"It's not funny, you know." I told him, setting my suitcase down at the door. "I want to be prepared."

"If you want, you can just come back to my hotel room for the night?" He offered. "That way we can just leave together. Saves us messing about in the morning."

"I mean, if you want?"

"Great, then that's that sorted. You wanna leave now?"

"I still need to tell Addie." I told him. "You can go on ahead though?"

"I'll wait with you." He said, a cheeky grin expanding across his features, alerting me to exactly what he was going to say next. "Maybe we can find a way to pass the time."

"Is that all you think about?" I asked, attempting to flash him my most disappointed expression.

"Only when I'm with you, love." 

"I'd say you're disgusting, but then I'm no better than you." I admitted, warmth already pooling between my thighs at the thought of 'passing the time'. "That white t-shirt's doing fucking wonders."

"Oh yeah?"


He was standing so close to me now, and my skin felt like it was on fire as he stared down at me, his lips still twisted into a grin.

I don't know what had gotten into me recently, but I didn't even hesitate before taking his face in my hands and pulling him down to me, his lips crashing against mine in a forceful kiss.

It only took a few steps for my back to hit the edge of the kitchen table, and I felt Matty chuckle against my mouth before pulling back slightly.

"Why is it that whenever we're together we always end up like this?" I asked him, already breathless as I looked up at him. 

"Because we're friends." He smirked, his fingers already fumbling with the hem of my jumper.

"You fuck all your friends, do you?"

"Only the ones I fancy."

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