6) addie

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I was surprised my head was still screwed on by the time I got back to the flat. Matty and I had agreed to be 'friends', we finished our breakfast, and then I left. And now here I was, stumbling into my shared flat as though I had simply been on another night out.

Addie, my friend and flatmate, was sitting on the sofa in the living room when I entered, and she didn't even seem the slightest bit fazed as I collapsed into the seat beside her.

"Rough night?" She asked, smirking at me as she took a glance at my outfit.

I just sighed. "Rough night, rough morning, rough afternoon..."

"I don't understand why you don't just go back to college if things aren't working out for you."

"I dropped out of college because things weren't working out for me." I explained. "I figured I'd only need a year to sort myself out, but that clearly hasn't worked."

I had actually met Addie in college four years ago. She was in her second year whilst I was only in my first, and let's just say she was the more put together of the two of us.

With her perfectly trimmed blonde hair and her beautifully put together outfits, she was definitely no longer 'learning the ropes'. Her life was perfectly in order.

We were the same age and she actually started college when she was supposed to, unlike me who had started two years late. I always seemed to be behind in life.

Addie currently worked as a barista and she actually passed her A-Levels in college, unlike me, who dropped out two years after starting.

I had initially gotten the idea that it would give me a chance to figure myself out, but even now, at the age of twenty-two, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

I kept reminding myself that it was okay to still be a little lost, except I found it difficult to not compare myself to my friend, as she already had her life in order.

"Maybe you should work in a bar?" Addie suggested, a quiet laugh escaping her lips as she grinned at me.

"Maybe." I chuckled, nodding my head in agreement. "I should probably go sort myself out."

"Yeah, you should." She agreed. "You fucking reek of sweat."


"Mhm. Now go on, get a fucking wash will you?" She laughed, swatting me with a cushion.

We shared one final laugh as I got up and made my way to the bathroom in pursuit of a much needed shower.

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