bonus scene #2

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"Marry me." Matty's soft voice cut through the silence of our bedroom, his thumb tracing gentle circles on my shoulder.

The words caught me off guard, because much like when he told me he loved me a year ago, I never thought that I would hear them come from his lips.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head up to look at him, and finding nothing but warmth in his eyes.

"You heard."

"Are you serious? It's only been a year."

"And you were telling me you loved me after a month," he argued, laughing. "I think I'm perfectly capable of marrying you after a year, don't you think?"


"Please don't reject me now," he groaned, rolling onto his back, eyes on the ceiling.

"No, I'm not. I'm just...surprised."

He turned to look at me. "Why?"

"I didn't think you were the marriage type."

It was true, I didn't think he was the marriage type. Although to be honest, when I first met him, I didn't think he was even the relationship type.

And look at us now. Laying in bed together, already countless happy memories between us. Coffee dates and late night 'I love you's', kisses left strewn across each of our bodies.

"You're serious about this whole marriage thing, yeah?" I asked, stroking my finger over his bare chest, tracing his tattoo.

His lips twisted into a lazy smile. "I'm serious."

"Okay then."

"Okay?" He answered, raising an eyebrow at me.


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