18) boyfriend

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"Come on, it's not much further." Matty was pulling me by the hand as we hurried down the street, towards a club he wanted to take me to.

I could still feel the music from his show pulsing through my veins, and I was desperate for a cig, but I let him drag me here regardless. Besides, I was no stranger to a night out.

"We're here," he practically announced, finally releasing his grip on my hand as he turned to me.

He was still wearing his sweaty black dress shirt, his trousers only slightly crumpled, but he'd insisted we come here almost immediately after the show. And here we were.

I followed him inside and was immediately hit by the blaring music, the colourful lights drowning me as we weaved through the crowd. It didn't take long for me to decide that I hated being in a club when sober, so thankfully it was mere minutes until I found myself with a vodka and coke in my hand.

"You alright?!" Matty yelled into my ear after a moment.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, nodding my head dramatically. "You know what? I think I'm just going to go out for a smoke!"

He nodded at me in response, taking my glass whilst I pushed my way back outside.

I was beginning to get a headache, and if I were being honest, I would've much preferred to just be lying in bed with Matty right now, as opposed to hanging about in a club.

"You alright, love?" A man's voice boomed beside me, almost making me drop my cig.

"Fine," I simply said, turning away slightly as I brought my cigarette up to my lips.

"What're you doing out on your own?" He questioned, a rather unnerving grin on his face as he continued to get closer to me.

I took a step away from him, continuing to smoke my cigarette, which I was seriously considering just putting out on the pavement.

"Fancy going for a drink, love?" The man spoke again, his voice becoming more and more grating by the second.

"I'm fine, thanks."

He was still shifting closer to me, and I could smell the vodka on him, and it made me feel sick. I wasn't scared or anything. In all honesty, I was trying to stop myself from kicking him in the balls.

"Come on." He carried on, still with a grin on his face as he looked at me. "We'll have a laugh, yeah?"

I wonder if he'd be laughing if I kicked him in the teeth right now?

Unfortunately, I wouldn't get to find out as I soon spotted Matty coming out of the doors, his eyes immediately finding me.

"Oi, mate!" He shouted, practically marching towards us. "Do you wanna leave her alone?"

The man simply laughed. "Come on, we were only having a laugh!"

"You can see she's uncomfortable."

"Well do you wanna maybe fuck off?" The man answered, his laughter quickly fading.

This wasn't going to end well.

"Just leave her alone." Matty persisted, attempting to push past the man to get to me. "She obviously doesn't want to speak to you."

"Matty, it's fine─"

"See? She's fine, mate." The man chuckled. "You heard her."

"Come on, Serena, we're going," Matty said then, his fingers closing around my forearm as he started to drag me away.

"You do know I can take care of myself," I said as we walked down the street, my cigarette still burning between my fingers. "I'm not that incapable."

"I never said you couldn't take care of yourself," he argued, his grip still tight around my arm. "But that guy was being fucking disgusting. I was hardly just going to stand there, was I?"

"I'm not your girlfriend, Matty," I argued, pulling my arm free from his grasp. "You don't need to protect me."

"I know."

"Do you? Because I said I was fine back there─and I was─and still, you felt the need to drag me away like an overprotective boyfriend would."

"Look, we might not be together or anything, but I'm still going to look out for you. I'm not that much of an arsehole."

"Okay, fine."

I didn't really know what else to say to that, so instead, I stopped walking for a moment and I stamped my cigarette out on the concrete. Matty stood waiting for me the entire time and I could feel his fingers skating along my wrist as we walked.

I didn't want a boyfriend. I didn't even really want a relationship, but this thing with Matty─this odd little situation─I could've lived in it for an eternity.

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