Probably an important chapter but all that matters is Jakes cute dog

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Sunghoon entered his room and shut the door. He threw his bag in his bed then rooted through his closet. He grabbed a black hoodie, as it would get much colder, then walked to the bathroom. He brushed his hair and glanced at the clock. It wouldn't take to long to wall to Jakes house but he decided to leave now.

He grabbed his bag, locked his apartment door, then left the complex. Then he began the walk to Jakes neighborhood.

The people around Sunghoon slowly changed. As he entered the wealthier part of town, their clothes became more expensive. Sunghoon felt a little self conscious as he was only wearing simple jeans and a black pullover. Some gave him weird looks which didn't help.

At Jakes (well, more accurately, in front of his door)

Sunghoon glanced at the numbers on the door, checking that this was Jakes place, then knocked. He immediately heard a dogs bark then a voice shushing it.

The door opened and an adorable fluffy border collie came rushing out wagging its tail. Sunghoon smiled, sat on the steps, and began to pat the dog.

"Hey," a voice said. Sunghoon looked up. Jake was standing in the doorway with a small smile. "I see you've meet my dog. Her name is Layla." At the sound of her name Laylas eyes lit up and she barked.

"Shes really cute," Sunghoon said. "Since when did you have a dog?"

"Since we got her," Jake said with a grin

"Okay smartass," Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "Lets just get this shit over with."


"This is my room," Jake said opening a door in a random hallway. Sunghoons eyes widened. The room was luxurious.

"Your eyes look like they're gonna pop out of your head," Jake snickered.

"Im honestly a little jealous," Sunghoon said. "Your house is huge!"

"How big is yours?" Jake inquired.

"Its a one person apartment," Sunghoon shrugged. "I live alone so why have something big?"

Jake nodded then stepped aside. "After you sir," he bowed mockingly like Sunghoon had done to Jake before.

Sunghoon smirked. "You're right. After me."

After a while of doing the project

"Hey Jake?" Sunghoon asked.

"Hmm?" Jake looked up from his work.

"Do you live alone? I figured you would have like, maids, or something."

Jake wrinkled his nose. "Whats the point of having maids when you can do everything yourself? I don't like it when people do things i can do like laundry, or washing dishes. It makes me feel weird," he said. "Also yes i live alone. Why?"

"I mean like i said your house is huge. Seems a little big for one person," Sunghoon raised an eyebrow.

Jake shrugged. "I think i found an answer to question 26," he said almost avoiding the statement but Sunghoon let it go. It didn't really matter anyway.

Layla came trotting into the room wagging her tail. She licked Jakes face. Then she licked Sunghoons hand.

Sunghoon smiled. "Shes so cute."

Layla flopped down on the floor and put her head on Sunghoons lap. Sunghoon chuckled and began stroking her soft fur.

Jake stared at then a smile making its way into his face. Why was he feeling so happy? He shook his head oblivious to what he was feeling.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sunghoon asked when he caught Jakes stare.

"Nothing. Layla seems to like you," Jake nodded at his dog.

Sunghoon smiled then paused. " have an accent?" He asked curiously. He could have sworn he heard an accent when Jake said 'Layla.'

Jake nodded. "Im Australian."

Sunghoons eyes widened. "Say something in English!" He begged.

Jake didn't know why but he found the intrigued look in Sunghoons eyes cute. "Hi. My names Jake, nice to meet you," he said in English.

"Ooooo, your accent is so cool," Sunghoon said.

Jake laughed. "Thanks i guess?"

"Ima start asking you to talk in English more."

Jake tilted his head. "Can you speak English?"

Sunghoon shook his head. "No. Ive wanted to learn for a while though."

(Underlined is English)

"Repeat after me: hello," Jake said.


"How are you?"

"How are you?"

"My name is..."

"My name is..."

"You're pretty good. I can teach you English if you'd like," Jake offered. "Come to the library during free period tomorrow."

Sunghoon grinned. "Thanks. I will."

Even more progress! They can go about a hour or so with out trying to kill each other!

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