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This is a time skip. Its around March or April, they are back in Korea, and Jakehoon, Sunki, Jaywon, and Heegne are still together and friends.

Jay placed down two plates on the counter, both brimming with breakfast that Jay had gotten up early to make. It was the weekend and all Jay wanted to do was spend it with his boyfriend. (Oh and maybe his friends too).

"Jungwon-ah!~" Jay called. "I made breakfast!"

No answer.

Jay frowned and glanced at his phone. Jungwon was usually up by now. Jay walked to their shared room and peeked it.

Jungwon was still sleeping, hugging a pillow to his chest, with a cute little pout on his sleeping face. Jay couldn't help but smile. You couldn't see such an innocent face on savage Jungwon often. Jay opened his camera and took a picture...or five.

At the sound, Jungwon woke up. He yawned like a baby, realized Jay had taken a picture of him sleeping, and sat up.

"Delete that!" Jungwon demanded.

"No, your so cute i could never," Jay placed his hand on his chest theatrically.

"Dramatic much?" Jungwon rolled his eyes.

"See, i think your the one who's dramatic. All i did was take a picture and i wont post it. You're acting like i have a bomb or something."

Jungwon pouted then sighed in defeat. "Fine, keep it. But dont take anymore pictures without my consent, here on out."

"Okie!" Jay said innocently. "Now lets go eat breakfast."

Sunoo was watching TV in Niki's living room, having stayed over. He wanted to wake Niki, but the younger was sleeping so adorably, that Sunoo couldn't bring himself to ruin the youngers slumber.

Floorboards creaked making Sunoo look up. A tired Niki flopped on the couch next to him. Sunoo looked Niki over and winced.

"Good morning," Sunok began. "And no offense, but you look terrible."

"I know," Niki stifled a yawn unsuccessfully. "I was up a little too late playing games last night," then Niki shifted his position and hugged Sunoo like a koala.

"If your tired, go back to bed," Sunoo urged gently.

Niki shook his head. "No i wanna stay with you."

And with that, Niki ended falling asleep on Sunoos shoulder.

Engene entered the bathroom to do their morning routine. They were busy brushing their messy hair, wincing at each snarl, when the door opened.

Engene glanced in the mirror, although they knew it was Heeseung. Their eyes widened at Heeseungs image. Heeseungs  eyes had dark circles around them, his face was red, his hair was a mess, and he looked absolutely miserable.

The comb Engene had held earlier fell into the sink and they dropped it when they rushed to Heeseung. Engene wrapped their arms around Heeseung worriedly.

"Babe what happened? Do you feel okay?" Engene asked, concerned. All Heeseung could do was shake his head.

Engene made him sit on the edge of the shower, while they took his temperature.

"Heeseung, you have a fever," Engene said. "You need to get back into bed."

Heeseung followed Engene and lied back down. Engene got a cool cloth for his forehead.

"Now i want you to stay here," Engene said firmly. "I'll take care of you."

Heeseung managed a smile. He sat up and kissed Engenes lips.

"I love you," he said softly.

Engene smiled back, blushing. "I love you too, Heeseungie."

Sunlight filtered through the curtains and into the room illuminating Sunghoons face in golden rays. His eyes slowly opened and he yawned and stretched out one arm. The other was sandwiched between himself and the mattress. If you're wondering why he cant just get up, its because his sleeping boyfriend was giving him a back hug and we all know how much Sunghoon loves back hugs.

"Babe," he grunted his voice slightly husky. "Its time to get up." Granted, it was the weekend but who cares?

"Ughhhh," Jake groaned barely awake. "Love, im tired. Lemme sleep."

"You're only tired because you wouldn't stop binging Harry Potter. Maybe listen to me next time and go to bed," Sunghoon said.

Jake rolled his half open eyes. "Okay, mom," he teased.

"Shut up," Sunghoon turned so he was facing Jake. He pecked Jakes lips. "Now get up, or at least let go of me."

Jake only snuggled into Sunghoon more, burying his face in Sunghoons neck. "No," he said like a pouty two year old.

"Clingy as always. You're lucky i love you, you little Golden Retriever," Sunghoon often called Jake a Golden Retriever because he always acts like a dog.

"I wanna cuddle more," Jake whined.

Case in point.

"Jakey, we can cuddle later," Sunghoon said sternly. "Hyejoon and Layla are probably hungry."

Pouting, Jake released Sunghoon from him hold, and sat up, running his fingers through his unkempt, shaggy hair. He almost looked like a god, the way he seemed to almost bathe in the sunlight. The golden rays lit his bare chest perfectly, accenting his skin tone.

"Staring?" Jake asked with a smirk. Sunghoon blinked not realizing he had been.

"S-shut up," Sunghoon stuttered, embarrassed.

Jake laughed. "You can stare at me all you want, love. Im all yours," Jake said. Sunghoon couldn't help but smile and kiss him again.


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(For the last time. *sniff*)


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