The CrEAkhEaDs
BlueJay: hey guys?
Danceking: yuh?
Yang Garden: wassup
OnlySmartOne: hii
PuppyJake: sup yall?
BlueJay: guys im bored. Can we play like idk Truth or Dare or smth
Sunniboi: ooooo sure! Can i go first!
BlueJay: sure
Sunniboi: okay...Heeseung hyung T or D?
OnlySmartOne: Truth
Sunniboi: do you have a crush on anyone?
OnlySmartOne: i dont know
IcePrince: hi guys. And how do u NOT know?!
OnlySmartOne: well i dunno if i would call it a crush!
OnlySmartOne: anyway Jay T or D
BlueJay: dare
OnlySmartOne: mkay 7 minutes in heaven with Jungwon
BlueJay: we aren't even in person right now
OnlySmartOne: yea do it when u are in person
BlueJay: fine
BlueJay: Niki truth or dare
Danceking: ermmmm truth ig
BlueJay: did you ever like someone before Sunoo?
Danceking: i mean like...the occasional small crush or so but i actually fell for Sunoo hyung.
Sunniboi: aww ❤️
Danceking: ❤️
IcePrince: *gags*
Danceking: whatever hyung
Danceking: Jake hyung T or D?
PuppyJake: umm i guess truth
Danceking: do u have a crush on Sunghoon hyung
PuppyJake: wth?! No where did this come from?!
IcePrince: Seriously Niki wtf
Danceking: I think hyung is lying...
PuppyJake: i am not!
PuppyJake: ANYWAY, Sunghoon t or d
IcePrince: why not? dare
PuppyJake: hmmm
PuppyJake: i dare you to kiss you crush on the cheek
IcePrince: i don't have a crush tho
Yang Garden: r u sure...?
IcePrince: Jungwon dont
Yang Garden: okayyyyy~
In a private chat w/ Jake and Jungwon
Yang Garden: Sunghoon likes you
PuppyJake: w-what?!
Yang Garden: i mean im pretty sure
PuppyJake: and how do u know?
Yang Garden: i know him. He probably just doesn't know he likes u yet
Yang Garden: do u like him?
PuppyJake: i don't know WHAT i feel for him...its confusing...
Yang Garden: i get that
Yang Garden: you'll figure it out
PuppyJake: thanks Jungwon-ah

Misunderstanding (JAKEHOON)
FanfictionJake and Sunghoon have been enemies since middle school. Jake hates Sunghoon for his way of judging people. Sunghoon hates Jake for his attitude. Both have HUGE misunderstandings of each other. When their friends start hanging out more and more, Jak...