Jake lied. He lied. He totally has feelings for Hoonie

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The CrEAkhEaDs

BlueJay: hey guys?

Danceking: yuh?

Yang Garden: wassup

OnlySmartOne: hii

PuppyJake: sup yall?

BlueJay: guys im bored. Can we play like idk Truth or Dare or smth

Sunniboi: ooooo sure! Can i go first!

BlueJay: sure

Sunniboi: okay...Heeseung hyung T or D?

OnlySmartOne: Truth

Sunniboi: do you have a crush on anyone?

OnlySmartOne: i dont know

IcePrince: hi guys. And how do u NOT know?!

OnlySmartOne: well i dunno if i would call it a crush!

OnlySmartOne: anyway Jay T or D

BlueJay: dare

OnlySmartOne: mkay 7 minutes in heaven with Jungwon

Yang Garden:...wtf

BlueJay: we aren't even in person right now

OnlySmartOne: yea do it when u are in person

BlueJay: fine

BlueJay: Niki truth or dare

Danceking: ermmmm truth ig

BlueJay: did you ever like someone before Sunoo?

Danceking: i mean like...the occasional small crush or so but i actually fell for Sunoo hyung.

Sunniboi: aww ❤️

Danceking: ❤️

IcePrince: *gags*

Danceking: whatever hyung

Danceking: Jake hyung T or D?

PuppyJake: umm i guess truth

Danceking: do u have a crush on Sunghoon hyung

PuppyJake: wth?! No where did this come from?!

IcePrince: Seriously Niki wtf

Danceking: I think hyung is lying...

PuppyJake: i am not!

PuppyJake: ANYWAY, Sunghoon t or d

IcePrince: why not? dare

PuppyJake: hmmm

PuppyJake: i dare you to kiss you crush on the cheek

IcePrince: i don't have a crush tho

Yang Garden: r u sure...?

IcePrince: Jungwon dont

Yang Garden: okayyyyy~

In a private chat w/ Jake and Jungwon

Yang Garden: Sunghoon likes you

PuppyJake: w-what?!

Yang Garden: i mean im pretty sure

PuppyJake: and how do u know?

Yang Garden: i know him. He probably just doesn't know he likes u yet

Yang Garden: do u like him?

PuppyJake: i don't know WHAT i feel for him...its confusing...

Yang Garden: i get that

Yang Garden: you'll figure it out

PuppyJake: thanks Jungwon-ah

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