A week without Hoonie. Till the day it wasnt

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Day 1

"Hey Niki?" Jake asked. Niki closed his locker and turned his attention to his hyung.

"Yeah hyung?"

"Have you seen Sunghoon? I haven't seen him all day and he didn't show up to our English lesson," Jake didn't want to show how worried he was but he got the feeling his face was expressing exactly what he felt.

Niki shook his head. He looked equally worried. "I dunno where he is either. Im worried too."

"Do you think this has to do with that thing he wont talk to us about?" Jake questioned. He felt like it did.

"Honestly, now that you mention it, yeah it could," Niki sighed. "I hope he is okay."

Jake sighed as well. "Me too."


PuppyJake: hey Sunghoon?

PuppyJake: u didn't show up today. Is everything okay?

IcePrince: im okay. Im just sick

PuppyJake: oh. I hope you get better. When will you be back?

IcePrince: thanks hyung. And i dunno

Day 2

"Do you guys know where Sunghoon is?" Jay asked durning lunch.

Jungwon nodded. "He said he had a doctors appointment." He said with food in his mouth.

Jake paused his chopsticks halfway to his mouth. "He told me he was sick..."

Sunoo tilted his head. "He told me he was working."

Everyone stared at each other in confusion.

"Okay so it obvious Sunghoon lied," Heeseung broke the silence. "Why?"

Jungwon shrugged. "Im not sure," he glanced at Jake. "Jake hyung, try texting him. See what he says when you confront him with his lies."

Jake nodded and pulled out his phone.

PuppyJake: why did you lie?

PuppyJake: we all know that you told us different reasons as to why you weren't in

PuppyJake: so why?

PuppyJake: Sunghoon?

PuppyJake: hoon

PuppyJake: plz answer

PuppyJake: we're all worried about you

PuppyJake: hoonnnnn

Jake sighed. "He wont answer me," Jake said in defeat. He tucked his phone away.

The others tried but they were equally unsuccessful.

"He isn't even leaving us on read," Sunoo murmured.

"Okay lets leave him alone for now," Jungwon said. "If he doesn't show up by the end of the week try contacting him again. Maybe he just needs space."

The table nodded in agreement. Silence once again fell over the group each wondering what could be going on with Sunghoon.

After a few more days without Sunghoon in school or answering calls, texts and emails

'Where is he,' Jake thought worriedly. It was the end of the week and Sunghoon was a no show. Everyone was beyond concerned.

Jake entered his house with Hyejoon as he always picks his son up from daycare. Hyejoon skipped inside humming a song he supposedly learned at school.

Jake set his bag down, helped Hyejoon take his coat and backpack off then began to take his shoes off.

He felt a tug on his shirt. He looked at his son who was holding Laylas leash in one of his tiny hands.

"Appa, can we take Layla for a walk?" Hyejoon begged.

Jake smiled. How could he resist? He needed to relieve some stress anyway. "Sure," he said. "Why don't you go find Layla?"

Sunghoons POV

Sunghoon exited his house for the first time this week. He had hibernated the entire week having been too sad to go to school. Having been too sad to do anything really. But he needed to go to the store sometime if he didn't want to starve.

He walked to a nearby convenience store. He bought ramen and chips. He paid then walked out.

He was on his way home when he felt a tug on his hoodie. He turned to see a small child.

The kid looked to be about four years of age. His brown eyes were glossy and his cheeks had tear stains on them. Sunghoon knelt to the toddlers height.

"Hey whats wrong buddy?" He asked gently trying to soothe the sniffling child.

"I-i lost my Appa," the toddler whimpered. "I cant find him."

"Okay I'll help," Sunghoon said. "What does your Appa look like?"

"He is tall. He has brown hair. He has a dog with him," the kid said.

Sunghoon stood and took the kids hand. "Alright lets go look for him."

The pair walked around for a bit. Then the child suddenly asked: "whats your name?"

"Im Sunghoon," He answered. "Whats yours?"

"Im Hyejoon."

"Cool name buddy," Sunghoon smiled.

"There he is!" Hyejoon cried suddenly. "Thats my Appa!" Hyejoon ran forward pulling Sunghoon with him.

Sunghoon looked at the figure Hyejoon was racing to. He frowned. Why did they look familiar?

"Appa!" Hyejoon called. The guy whipped around. The dog beside him barked.

"Hyejoon!" The guy knelt and hugged Hyejoon when he ran into his arms. "I was so worried! Don't ever do that again!"

"Sowy Appa. This guy helped me find you!" Hyejoon said.

The guy raised his head. Their eyes met and the world stopped. Sunghoon breath hitched.



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