Jake gives Sunghoon more money than he has ever seen in his life

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"Ey Hoon! Where have ya been all week, mate?" Sunghoon looked up from tying his ice skates at the sound of a familiar voice. He smiled.

"Hey hyung," Sunghoon said. The person who approached him was Ryujins best friend. He was an ice skater which was what got Sunghoon interested in the sport. He was Korean but he was born in the UK so he had a British accent.

"So where were you?" Hwan-ji asked curious. Sunghoon gulped. He forgot he would have to tell Hwan-ji his best friend died.

"I-i needed a week. Ryujin..." Sunghoon trailed. Hwan-ji's eyes widened.

"Don't tell me she passed..." Sunghoon nodded miserably.

Hwan-ji fell silent. Then the older placed a hand on Sunghoons shoulder.

"Im sorry. How you holding up?" Hwan-ji asked softly.

"I-its been hard...but im better," Sunghoon reassured. Hwan-ji nodded.

"This is a lot to process," Hwan-ji said sadly. "Well, i mustn't keep you from the ice any longer. Im gonna bounce. I have a friend to mourn."

"Okay. Bye hyung," Sunghoon waved. Hwan-ji waved back as he left.

Sunghoon stood and made his way to the rink. He took a breath to calm himself before stepping on.

Almost instantly he felt at peace. The ice rink had always had this affect on him. Feeling the slippery surface under his skates, knowing he was in his domain, it always created a feeling of comfort. Even when he first stepped on the ice he felt a feeling of belonging. Every time he came for practice, it was like meeting with a friend.

Sunghoon glided across the ice rink simply warming up. He hadn't stepped on the ice for a week after all. After doing some simple moves, spins, and jumps, he executed a triple axel. When he landed he frowned. Sunghoon could've sworn his blade touch the ice too early. Time to try again.

While he was skating around trying to perfect his jump, someone was watching him from the edge of the rink. That someone, watching with a smile. That someone, being Jake. (I mean are we really surprised???).

Sunghoon finally perfected his triple axel. He landed with a bright grin. That when he noticed Jake watching from the sidelines clapping. Sunghoons face flushed in embarrassment. He saw Jake laugh.

He skated over. Jake, still giggling, leaned over the railing a little.

"Hey," Jake said with a grin.

"Didn't expect to see you here," Sunghoon said with a raised eyebrow. "In fact why are you here?"

"What, i cant see one of my friends show off his skills?" Jake teased.

"Maybe you should try skating," Sunghoon suggested.

Jake scoffed. "Oh hell nah. I'll fall instantly. I'll leave the skating to you. You're much better."

Sunghoon snickered. "Suit yourself," he shoved off the railing, continuing to perform more tricks.

After 'bout an hour

"You finished?" Jake asked when Sunghoon skated to the gate. Sunghoon nodded and put his skate guards on the blades of his skates. He sat on a bench and began to unlace his skates.

"So, why did you actually come here?" Sunghoon asked as he took of one skate. He began to unlace the other.

"Just wanna hang out," Jake said with a shrug sitting next to the younger. Sunghoon couldn't deny he blushed a little.

"What about Hyejoon? Its the weekend so i assume he doesn't have school," Sunghoon questioned as he slipped his shoes on and put his skates in his bag. Both boys stood.

"He doesn't. His "uncles" wanted a day to have him to themselves," Jake said with air quotes. "So i thought I'd go see you."

"Well, wanna head to the cafe that i work at? I can get us a discount," Sunghoon offered as they walked out.

"Sure!" Jake smiled.

At the cafe

"Hey Hoon?" Jake asked. The pair was sitting at a table each sipping their respective coffees.


"Why aren't you like, training for the Olympics right now? You have the skill," Jake asked.

Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck. "Well there is this competition i can enter. If i win then i get a personal trainer and a shot at the Olympics."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Did you enter?"


"Why not?"

"Because entering cost a LOT of money that i don't have. Personally, i think they should focus on skill and not money but what can i do?" Sunghoon said.

Jake frowned. "Do you want to be in the Olympics?"

Sunghoon looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course! Thats my dream! To become a professional, well known figure skater."

"How much is the competition anyway?" Jake asked.

Sunghoon paused, thinking. "I've saved up about 1,000 won since living eats up my pay. And to enter you need like...10,000 won."

Jake nearly choked. "All that for a competition?!"

Sunghoon nodded. "I know, its insane."

"Here," Jake said suddenly. The older boy reached into his wallet and handed him...5,000 won.

"W-what? Jake i cant accept this," Sunghoon stuttered. He hadn't seen so much money in one place before.

"Take it. I'll give you the rest to pay for the competition later. This is what i have on me now," Jake insisted.


"Take it." Jake demanded.

Sunghoon gulped and took it. "Thank you."

Jake waved it off. "Its nothing. What good is my money is i don't help others with it?"

"Still you didn't have t-"

"Hoon," Jake cut off. "You are my friend and i care about you. I want you to live your dream. Thats why im helping. Because i care."

All Sunghoon could do was nod. His brain seemed to forget words existed.

"Good. Now c'mon lets go," Jake said as he stood. Sunghoon followed wondering what the f**k just happened.

If someone just gave me a wad of cash id be like "YO B!$H IM RICH!!" Even if it was like, idk, 20 dollars.

If you haven't smiled yet today, smile for me

Author signing out

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