Chapter 1

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mostly his mothers pov
( flashback shinsou age 4)
i saw my son walk in the house and he came over to me and he handed me a paper that his teacher gave him he looked defeated. i took the paper and i read it over it was about his quirk, it says he developed it and it has caused harm to another student by accident i read the words again.
Childs Name: hitoshi shinsou
Quirk: brainwashing when asking questions
i felt fear settling into my stomach.
i grabbed him and i pulled him close to me and i grabbed his face.
you can never talk to anyone ever again do you understand if you do there will be punishment, i said harshly.
he looked terrified but nodded i let go of him and he rubbed his face.
now go to your room and dont come out unless i tell you to i said sternly.
he ran off to his room sobbing but i didnt care i dont want a dangerous child like that here but i dont have a choice.
( flash forward age 7)
i cant handle this kid anymore he is barely eating he completely ignores me when i tell him to do anything he never looks me in the eyes, and he seems empty and emotionless he used to be terrified of the muzzle but now he just sits there and stares at the wall i cant stand him anymore he hasnt even tried to talk in a year, normally i just liked watching him squirm and runaway from the muzzle but now it doesnt even faze him anymore. i knew what i needed to do, i grabbed a backpack and i shoved some of his clothes in and i went to his room and i grabbed him by his arm off his bed and i dragged him out of his room, down the stairs and i tied a blindfold over his eyes and i took him outside and i shoved his small body in the car and i drove all around town till i found a good place to dump him. i pulled him out and i took him to the park across the street and i took off the blind fold.
you need to stay here while i go run errands but dont worry i'll be back i told him.
( flash forward age 13)
hitoshi's pov
i walked down the street and i walked past the farmers market and i walked closely by the tables and i sneakily grabbed fruits and veggies from different stalls and i hurridly made my way back to the forest before i got caught.
i made my way into the woods to my makeshift shelter.
i climbed in and i pulled out the text books i stole from the local library, i had highschool year 3 books, i opened it and i started reading a science book.
i quietly ate my fruit, trying to be quiet so no one would hear me.
i read the text book till it started to get dark, so i shut it and i pulled my back pack close and i laid my head down and i pulled a thin blanket over me and i fell asleep.
i woke up partly to the sound of leaves crunching  and soft voices talking.
i quickly got up and i gathered all my things and i shoved them in the corner and i scooted to the corner so i wouldnt be seen.
trust me hizashi i know theres a kid out here i saw him at the farmers market ive seen him at the clothing stores and the library and i see him at the park walking in this direction, one voice said
i dont know shota i cant imagine a child being out here alone, another said.
look right there i knew it, the first voice said.
i felt the fear settling in my chest as the panic attack started.
i looked out the front of the shelter and i saw 2 people sitting against a tree across from me a dark haired man moved closer to me and my breathing got a lot faster and i felt my head spinning, and my vision went black.
i woke up and i didnt feel the normal hard ground under me but it felt soft.
i looked around and i noticed i was on a couch.
i felt the panic start to set in again as i started to freak out and started to have a panic attack.
oh hey wow hey now its okay your safe we are here to help you, a gentle voice said.
i felt a warm weighted blanket being wrapped around me softly, i grabbed it and i felt secure in the weight of it.
can you tell me your name? the dark haired man asked.
i looked around and i saw a notebook on the table and i pointed at it.
he grabbed it and pen and handed it to me.
my name is hitoshi shinsou i wrote.
well my name is shota aizawa im a pro hero, he said
do you not talk? he asked.
i just shook my head
well how long as it been since you last spoke? he asked
i was 6 so its been about 7 years now, i wrote
how long have you been living in those woods? he asked
i was left there when i was 7.
by who?
my mom.
well if you would like you can stay here with me and my husband we can help you get everything you need get you back in school, get you some clothes that fit, and anything else you need? he offered.
no i dont want anyones pity, i survived out there long enough i can survive till i get old enough to get a job i wrote.
hitoshi its not safe for a kid to be living out there especially for as long as you have, my husband and i are both teachers at UA we can help you get in if you want to go there, but right now since with your age you would still be in 3rd year of middle school so we can start there we will go talk to the police about what your mom did and we can get you a case worker through cps and get a file started and since my husband and i are foster parents so we can talk to them about you staying here only if you want if you dont want to stay here, we can find you a good foster home, but i promise you theres no pity here i promise, he said.
i dont want to cause too much drama but your offer does sound nice, and when i was very young i wanted to be a hero but after what happened i didnt think i could. i know you who are i used to look up to you i watched you on tv's in the store fronts a few times, you are amazing. but getting the cops involved im scared to see my mom not after everything she did before she abandoned me in the park. i wrote.
i understand you might not have to see her but you deserve justice you were just a small child you didnt deserve what happened to you no matter what you were told, he said.
i just nodded.
i accept your offer but only if your husband agrees to let me stay. i wrote.
it was him that offered it in the first place. he said.
i gave him a weak smile.
listen kid you are safe here you can be yourself, and right now how about we get you cleaned up fed and show you your room you can sleep tonight then tomorrow we can take you to the stores and get you everything you will need tomorrow is saturday so we can take the whole weekend to help you be comfortable in this family, he said.
where is your husband at? i wrote
hes out on patrol he had to leave 20 minutes before you woke up its only going to be short patrol since they just needed an extra cover for an area. but right now its 4 in the morning so why dont i show you where the bathroom is and get you set up for a shower and i can have some food ready for you when you get out what kind of food do you like? he asked
um i dont really eat a lot of meats or dairy or anything cause i wasnt able to get access to them i mostly just eat raw fruits and vegtebles i havent eaten anything hot in i cant even remember how long, i wrote.
well ill fix you something hot and we will ease you into meats and dairy and other things so it doesnt make you sick but now follow me, he said.
i got up still holding the blanket around me as i followed him up a set of stairs and down a hall and he stopped and opened a door and let me in okay this is the bathroom that will be the closet to your room the towels are on the shelf above the toilet ill grab some clothes and drop them in here before i go start dinner, he said.
i nodded and i sat my notebook outside the door so the condensation wouldnt ruin it.
i went in and i turned on the shower and i stripped off all the dirty small fitting clothes and i looked at my emaciated body in the mirror i looked so gross my body was so skinny you could see my hip bones and ribs. i climbed into the shower and i closed the curtain the feeling of the hot water washing over me was so relaxing i dont remember the last time i was able to take a shower i looked over the soap bottles and i grabbed the shampoo and i washed my hair i watched as the water turned almost black. i was starting to feel defeated.but i kept going.
i had to shampoo my hair 4 times before the water ran clear, i ran a little conditioner through it and i washed my body.
i turned off the water and i reached out and i grabbed a towel and i saw some clothes sitting on the sink.
i grabbed them and i put them on realizing they were way to big.
i folded the waist of the pants down to best i could, i opened the door and i walked out and i grabbed the notebook and i walked back downstairs where i saw several plates on a table in the kitchen.
hey hitoshi so i dont really know the full extent of what foods you like so i made a salad, and some tofu dumplings and some beef noodles i hope thats okay? he asked.
i gave him a weak smile and i nodded.
he looked me up and down and down i saw him look concerned.
the pants are too big for you arnt they? he asked
i nodded and i lifted the front of the very baggy shirt to show the rolled waist.
that was the smallest clothes we had here from our last foster kid. well dont worry when hizashi gets home ill talk to him about this and when you wake up tomorrow we will go shopping and we will pay back everyone you stole from.
oh um sorry but i have been stealing since i was 7 theres a lot of people to pay back and some of them dont even own their shops anymore and most of the people i got stuff from knew my circumstances and helped me but i never wanted to be greedy so i only went to those places once or twice.
okay i think first we should at least pay for everything stolen yesterday and explain to them why you did it but not in graphic details. he said.
i nodded softly and he pushed the bowl towards me.
i took the chopsticks and i started to slowly eat, he slid the plates with the salad and dumplings closer to me and i glanced at him as he started eating too.
i finished about a quarter of my noodles 4 dumplings and all my salad i waved at him and he looked up and he nodded you finished eating? he asked
um yeah sorry it was good but my stomach is kind of hurting the noodles and soup were really heavy and oily.
oh thats okay you did still eat a lot thats good now come on i'll take you upstairs and let you pick which room you like we have 3 different rooms for foster kids, he said.
i nodded and i felt my head feeling a little fuzzy its happened before its not like a bad a fuzzy but its more of a mental blocking kind of fuzzy.
i got up and i followed him upstairs.
okay so the first room is this one we set it up for more feminine identifying kids, then this one is for our masculine identifying kids. but this last one is a bit odd we know a lot of the teenagers we get tend to have had horrible childhoods so we set up a room designed for age regressors if thats not something you do or your comfortable with you dont have to pick this one.
the room looked so inviting it looked peaceful.
i pointed to the room and i felt the fuzzy feeling getting worse in my head like it was trying to take over.
your a little? he asked
i just shrugged.
well your welcome to go in and explore and get to know your little space if you want me to stay with you while you explore to help you be more comfortable i can stay, he said
i shook my head and he nodded.
he walked out and i walked in and i saw all the stuffies stacked together on wall hammocks and on shelves there was a compression swing in the corner and different things.
i walked around the room and i found a set of drawers that had unopened paci's that were my size i dug through them an di found a black one that had a kitty in the middle of it, i took it and i opened the box and i took the cover off and i slipped it in my mouth it felt so soothing i went over to the book shelf and i picked out the  kittens puppet book and i grabbed a medium sized black and purple cat stuffie. i pulled the blanket off the bed and i climbed into the swing and and i felt the soft motion it swaying.
i played with the finger puppets till i got sleepy, i hugged the kitty and i cuddled down and i feel asleep

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