Chapter 10

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( i will be naming hizashi's father iro pronounced e-row)
hitoshi's pov
it will be strange for a while but im ready, i signed
good well lets check our bags make sure you have everything you will need. shota said.
i nodded and he picked up both my bags off the floor and sat them on the table he opened my school bag first and he flipped through all my books and made sure i had everything. next he grabbed my smaller backpack and he opened it okay we have a paci, a stuffie, a small blankie, a few fidget toys, a coloring book and crayons, some snacks and water bottles as well as flavor packets for the water, he said
sounds perfect, i signed
awesome well lets get shoes on and head out to the car we are going to stop for breakfast on the way, shota said.
i nodded and i went over to the door and sat down and i pulled on my shoes.
i grabbed my backpack and hizashi grabbed my other bag, we walked outside and we all got in the car.
we drove off and we pulled into a mcdonalds, they ordered me 2 pieces of sausage, 2 pieces of bacon, a side of eggs, a yogurt parfeit and an orange juice
to me that was still a lot of food especiall with how greasy the meat is.
we pulled to the second window and hizashi paid and was handed the bag of food.
he handed me back my food and some napkins and he started driving.
i used the napkins to dry up some of the grease, i slowly ate, i was able to eat 1 and half of my sausage all of my bacon, 3 quarters of my eggs and all of my yogurt.
i felt really acomplished from this.
i leaned forward and i showed shota what i had left ever and i saw him smile.
you did so good hitoshi im very proud of you, drink your juice and we can throw away the trash when we get to school, he said.
i nodded as i slowly sipped my juice.
a few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot and we all got out and we gathered our trash and we walked up to the front of the school and we threw away our trash and we went inside.
i started to feel nervous so i grabbed shota's arm as he guided me down to his classroom.
you okay hitoshi? he asked me
i feel nervous being in here, i typed and played.
i understand you havent set foot in a schools classroom since you were 6 its gonna take you some time to get used to being here but your seat is right there in the front go sit down and take a second to breath to calm your nerves. he said
i nodded and i sat down at my desk as he took my other bag to his desk and put it under neath.
i closed my eyes and i took deep breathes and i felt my nerves calming down.
the door opened and i saw three people coming in one blonde, one red head, and one with green hair.
bakugou your seat is right there front row, midoriya right behind him and kirishima right over there, shota said.
bakugou that name sounds familair? i thought
thats when it clicked my friend who i was on chat with last night on call of duty thats what he told me his name was.
he went to his desk and he started to flip through his bag and he came over to me, hitoshi can you go down to hizashi's room and get a folder for me i think one of my folders got in his bag by accident. he said
i nodded and i got up and i left the room but i sneaked a look back and i saw bakugou had the same look of recognition on his face.
i walked out and i made my way down to hizashi's class room.
i opened the door and i walked in and he was already standing there with the folder in his hand.
i knew one of you two was coming to get this, he said with a smile.
he gave me a soft hug and ruffled my hair, now head on back the rest of the class should be there by now, he said
i nodded and i walked out and made my way back to my classroom and i walked in i handed the folder to shota and i went and sat back down at my desk.
we are going to be doing a field test to test where every student places at physically and to see what needs to be worked on head to the locker room and get changed out and meet me out on the training field, he said.
we all got up and grabbed our bags and we headed to the changing room, we each went to our lockers and put our bags away and grabbed our gym clothes, i grabbed mine then i remembered my scars i dont want anyone to see them i went to a corner and i got changed and when i turned back around only bakugou was left like he was waiting for me.
hey your name is hitoshi right? he asked
i just nodded.
we played COD last night together we talked in chat right? he asked
i nodded again.
you dont talk i remember you saying that in the chat last night, he said
i cant talk very well i was nonverbal for several years but im learning how to get my voice back i can say a few words but not many yet, i wrote in my notebook and showed him.
i understand well if you want someone to help you with the other kids just you know let me know, okay that sounded weird im sorry my auntie made me promise that i attempt to make at least 1 friend this year cause well im not the easiest to get along with people tend to see me as "explosive " he said.
if we hang out more i'll get more comfortable and might start talking around you but we should head outside so we dont keep the other waiting. i wrote.
he nodded and we went up the stairs and caught up with everyone else.
we got started on the tests but i could tell my body wasnt as strong as everyone elses but i know its cause im still healing and recovering but i still felt ashamed that i was so far behind everyone else.
the test took about an hour but it felt longer. once we all finished he projected the results and i was shocked to see that i wasnt dead last, but i was close i was only 6th to last.
all right everyone head on inside your only having me today so we have one more thing to do inside it will take us a while to do go get changed back and head back to the classroom,he said
i started to walk off but i heard shota call my name.
i turned back and he waved me over.
hey you did so good how are you feeling? he asked
tired, i signed
i know that probably took a lot of energy out of you, but the next activity will be a lot easier, he said.
i nodded and i walked off when i saw bakugou waiting at the enterance to the locker room.
hey what did he want to tell you? he asked
i motioned for him to follow me, he nodded and he followed me into the locker room i grabbed my communication notebook.
he knows everything about my past and he knows that im in recovery and he wanted to make sure i was okay after all that, i said
what is he like your dad or something? he asked
adoptive but yes you cant tell anyone though it can be dangerous if the wrong people find out he adopted me, i wrote
i wont i wont say anything i promise, he said
i nodded and i went to my locker and i pulled out my uniform as i saw the green haired boy talking to bakugou as he got changed.
i went back to my corner and i got changed quickly and i grabbed my bag and i quickly went up the stairs and went back to the classroom.
we went in and we sat down at our desks.
shota came back in and he had the folder in his hand and he went to the front, these are work sheets you all need to complete then we will have you all share your answers to each question on the sheet, he said.
first i will ask if there is anyone who currently does not wish to share outloud for any reason? he asked
i held my hand up but i was the only one so i again felt like i was the weakest one.
he came around and he passed out each paper and we all started to work on the papers
tells us about your family
favorite activity
favorite snacks
favorite pro hero
reason for becoming a hero
and a few others
i wrote down everything and i put my paper at the top of my desk and i pulled my knees to my chest starting to feel a little over whelmed.
i put my head down into my lap and i lifted my eyes to look at shota, he caught my gaze and he came over to me.
he kneeled down and grabbed my hand under the desk to help sooth me
you okay? he whispered
i grabbed my pencil and i wrote the word over whelmed on the corner of my worksheet.
okay do you need anything from your bag? he asked
i wrote out the word cube, wanting my infinity cube. he nodded and he got up. he walked over to his desk and he kneeled down and soon he came back up and walked over to me and he passed it to me before anyone else could see it. i held it under my desk as i folded it feeling it starting to help.
once everyone finished one by one they all got up and they all read their answers out loud i listened as i tried to memorize everything about everyone.
i payed extra close attention to bakugou something about him just seems different to me he doesnt act explosive like he said people call him.
once everyone went shota went around the room and collected all of our papers.
okay you guys can mingle and get to know each other for the remainder of the day since today is only a half day we have like 2 and a half hours left, shota said
everyone jumped up from their seats and went over to the people they already knew form the year before so i just got up and i went to the back corner of the room and i sat down, i just needed to get away from the crowdedness.
i kept playing with my fidget toy slowly folding it over and over, soon i felt the presence of someone sitting next to me, when i looked up i saw bakugou.
he gave me a small smile and he grabbed my notebook and he opened to a clean page and he started writing several things.
he handed it back to me and i saw it had several questions on it for me to answer.
for the whole time we talked back and forth with my notebook just getting to know each other better.
when the bell rang he got up and he handed me my notebook back, i gotta go my dad is probably home expecting me, he said
i nodded and i got up and i went back to my desk to grab my back pack.
hey before i leave is some one coming to get you or do you want to walk home together? he asked
i smiled softly and i shook my head and i held up 1 finger, and he understood.
well maybe next time, he said and he walked out.
you two seem to hitting it off already, shota said.
i sat on his desk while we waited for hizashi to come back.
we played call of duty together last night and talked in the chat bar for most of the night we recognized each others names earlier when you said them so we hung out for a bit, i signed
thats good hitoshi im proud that your making a friend now gather your stuff hizashi's dad is gonna be there soon. he said
i nodded and i hopped down and i went back to my desk and i grabbed my bag and i gave him back my fidget toy and he put it away.
the door opened and i saw hizashi coming in, he smiled and he came over to me and gave me a hug.
then hugged shota and they shared a kiss before we all headed down the hall and out the door and we got in the car and we headed home.
we pulled into the drive way and i saw iro'scar already there.
we got out and we went inside and i saw iro standing there waiting for us.
hizashi went over and hugged him and he came over and gave shota a hug as well.
he gave me a firm handshake cause hizashi told him im hesitant about hugs.
all right so hitoshi what are you thinking about for dinner tonight? iro asked asked.
i thought for a while then the sound of pho started to sound good.
pho? i signed
good choice i know a great place down town, iro said
i went up to my room and i got changed into jeans and a tee shirt with a hoodie and i went back downstairs and i put my shoes back on.
we all went out and we got in one car and we headed off.

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