Chapter 8

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( just to clarify this font means hes typing on his phone and playing out loud) ( and this is normal spoken)
hitoshi's pov
i grabbed my phone and i opened the text to talk app.
what kind of noises? i hit the button and it spoke for me.
well it would just be small noises like humming then moving up to things like popping and clicking that would involve ou like opening your mouth more, shota said.
i felt hesitant but i nodded.
he could see it on my face that i was hesitant.
we can also teach you how to sign for when ou start school and you dont feel like talking, hizashi said
i nodded as i always wanted to learn how to sign.
well that does it you will start vocal lessions tonight with shota then tomorrow you will be with me for sign lessions, hizashi said.
you know sign? i asked
yeah cause of my quirk it has made me hard of hearing and i have to wear hearing aids, and i was taught sign when i was 16 so i could still communicate when i dont wear my hearing aids, hizashi said.
is it like a drawback from your quirk or from like overusing? i asked
well a little of both my quirk is voice its very loud and can incapacitate others around me if they dont have earphones but my ears arnt immune to it so when i was a student at UA during quirk training and combat training i damaged my ears the only people who know about my hearing aids are my boss principal nezu and shota none of the other pro heros know, none of my other teachers or co workers know and none of my students know, he said
what about your parents? i asked
well when i was born and i cried for the first time i injured my parents and all the doctor and nurses in the room with my quirk so my parents decided to put me up for adoption they said they didnt want a kid who would do nothing but bring them pain and shame so i was sent off and ever since then i was bounced from house to house from family to family, never having parents to call family, never having a house to call my home when i was 15 i filed for emancipation and it was granted i moved out of the house i was in and i went out on my own couch surfing at different friends houses till one of our teachers found out what was happening and he took me in and raised me as his own since then hes the one who helped me help sho, he said
wow so just like what you guys are doing for me? i asked
yeah exactly like what we are doing for you, but something you dont know, when sho and i graduated my dad told us something, he said " you survived as long as you did all by your self all i did was pull you from the weeds and gave you the push you needed to be the best you that you could be, when your in the position to help someone i want you to do everything in your power to help a child in need and give them the best life you can and when that child grows up tell them the same thing i told you so they can help a child of the next generation" he quoted
wow your dad sounds like an amazing man will i get the chance to meet him? i asked
of course you can he comes around every birthday and holiday. he said
i smiled a bit and nodded so whens the next time he comes over? i asked
well the next birthday is next month and its sho's birthday on april 19th hes turning 30, he said
do you do birthday parties? i've never been to one or ever had one, i said
of course we do it wouldnt be a birthday with out celebration would it and when your birthday comes around we will have one for you too and if i remember from the paper work its july 1st right? he asked
um i dont reall know but if thats what the paper says than that must be right. i said
you dont know your own birthday? shota asked
no i never celebrated my birthday and i was living on the streets since i was 9 and the only way i know how old i am was before i was abandoned my mom came to me 1 day every year and would say" your no longer this age your this age now" i explained
well that is defiantl changing you will get a special birthday party every year from now on and actually fn fact your birthday is just a few days before mine my birthday is the july 7th, hizashi said with a big smile.
well ou had a long day why dont you go shower and get yourself cleaned up while we start on dinner then after dinner we can start on your vocal lessions, shota said.
i nodded and i turned to go back up stairs but i stopped and i turned back and i walked back over to them and i hugged shota tightly. he held my head to his chest and hugged me tightly.
you havent done this before when your big whats going on? he asked
you guys helped me so much and you made me feel so safe, you gave me a place to call home, i have people to call parents now and you got boe back for me im so thankful for everything you did for me im so happy im legally your guy's kid. i typed
hizashi came over and he hugged the both of us and kissed the top of my head.
we are very happy your our kid too toshi, and we couldnt possibly keep you seperated from boe not after what sho told me about when you first found him the instant reconnection, you two have a special bond. hizashi said
we stayed like this for a good 5 maybe 10 minutes just enjoying the feeling of being hugged and loved.
hizashi pulled away and ruffled my hair, before you go upstairs can you look over your meal plan sheet and pick what you want for dinner, shota said.
i nodded and i walked over and i leaned over the table and i read the list and i grabbed the pen that was on the table and i circled grilled chicken, rice, and veggies.
they both nodded and i went upstairs to my room and i walked in to see a package on my bed.
i walked over and i read the lable it said that it was for shota but why was it in my room.
then i remembered that they ordered me new little space stuff 2 weeks ago, this must be it, i thought to myself.
im gonna wait till im out of the shower before opening it.
i grabbed my towel and i went to the bathroom and i turned on the shower and i stripped off my clothes and i climbed into the shower the warm water rushing over me giving me a feeling of relaxation.
i washed my hair and my body and i turned the water off and i got out i wrapped my towel around my body and i went back to my room and i quickly opened the box to see all the new stuff the got me, a little dissapointed cause even the stuff i told them to take out of the cart was still there but i do appreciate everything they got me, i pulled all the footie pajama's out of the box and i found a pair that looked like a big fuzzy kitty with ears on the hood and everthing i quickly pulled it on and i zipped it up and i instantly got the urge to be little.
i dumped everything out of the box and i found a paci clip, i attached it to my paci and i cliped it to my feeties, i grabbed my new sippy cup and a stuffie and i went back down stairs.
i ran into the kitchen hugging my stuffie as i held my paci in the corner of my mouth.
i bounced happily on my feet waiting for them to turn around.
a few minutes later shota turned around to grab something and he looked up and saw me and he tapped hizashi and he turned around as well.
oh my gosh little one you look so cute in your new jammies how do they make you feel? hizashi asked
i smiled and i thought hard it feels very hard to communicate right now so i used my fingers to do the really small size.
your very little arnt you? shota asked softly.
i nodded and i put my arms out and dropped my stuffie and i made grabby hands.
do you want a hug or do you want up? shota asked.
i held up two fingers.
he smiled but he tried to hide it as he picked me up and i wrapped my arms and legs around him as hugged him again.
he hugged me back and rubbed my back before moving me to his back where i held on tight scared i was going to fall off.
its okay little one i wont let you fall i got you, he said softly.
i hugged him and i rested my head on his shoulder i watched from over his shoulder as he cut the veggies and he would let me taste a piece of each to decide what i liked.
he put them in the steamer and he looked back at me and he smiled, hold on tight toshi, he said
i gripped his shirt tightly as he ran into the living room and bounced me around
HAAAAAAHHAAA i laughed loudly and as soon as i realized what i did i quickly stopped.
he stopped and he put me down, hotishi you laughed for us why did you stop? he asked me.
it sounded weird i didnt like it, i said
thats okay buddy its gonna sound weird to you for a while but that was a very good first step now how about some dinner the veggies should be done soon? he asked.
i nodded but i looked up at him.
what do you want little one? he asked
i put my arms out and made grabby hands.
do you want hug or ups? he asked
i crossed my arms to signal a hug then put them back out.
he nodded and he came over and he hugged me, i rested my head on his chest and he softly ran his fingers through my hair. after a few minutes he let me go and i went over and is at at the table.
hizashi brought the food over and he sat it on the table and and he placed a small amount of each thing on my plate and shota got me a sippy of juice.
i slowly ate not really feeling hungry but fearing that i would get in trouble if i didnt eat.
i crossed my arm over my stomach and i pulled my knees up to my chest as i took a small bite of veggies.
hey bud you okay? hizashi asked.
i looked up at him then back down and i grabbed my phone and opened my communication app.
i dont want to get in trouble, i said
you wont get in trouble whats going on? shota asked
you promise you wont be mad? i asked
yes we promise, hitoshi whats going on? hizashi asked
its feeling really hard to eat right now i know you both took time to cook this for me im sorry. i said
hitoshi buddy you dont need to apologize for that can we cut a deal if you can eat a quater of the chicken and half the veggies then you can be excused, shota said.
can you maybe cut it smaller for me its harder when its a whole piece? i asked
i felt ashamed to ask that im 13 i shouldnt need my chicken cut up for me.
thats no problem at all honestly we should have known that and cut it before we gave it to you, hizashi said
he took my plate and he cut up the piece of chicken for me and placed the plate back in front of me.
i carefully ate the few pieces of cut up chicken and the half portion of veggies and i felt like i had a brick in my stomach.
you did very good hitoshi you can go to your room and rest for a bit i know your stomach is probably very upset, shota said.
i nodded as i got up and i picked up my plate and i took it back into the kitchen and i sat it on the counter next to the sink and i walked back upstairs wanting to have a little space time. i went to my room and i pulled out my play mat from under my bed and i got it set up and i grabbed some toys and 2 coloring books with my crayons. i grabbed my paci that was hanging off my jammies and i put it in my mouth then i looked around but i didnt see the stuffie i wanted, i think i left her downstairs.
i got back up and i went back down stairs and i looked around and i saw my kitty laying on the floor with boe laying next to it.
when boe saw me he got up and he came over to me, i grabbed my stuffed kitty and he followed me as i went back up to my room he laid down next to me while i sat down on my play mat and i turned my tv on and i put on care bears.
i started playing with the toys till i got bored and decided to lay on my tummy and color a picture.
i was happily coloring away feeling as little as i could as i watched the colorful bears on the tv.
i got drawn into the show and i slowly sat myself up and i got lost in the show.
i was startled by a knock on my door.
i looked over and i saw shota standing there and he had a big smile on his face.
hey little one do you realize what you were doing? he asked
he came over and sat down with me as i shook my head.
he held out his phone and i saw a video of me from just now.
he hit the play button and i saw that i was so engrossed with the show that i was giggling and babbling along with the show.
i turned away and i tucked my head down into my lap.
you really didnt know you were doing it did you ? he asked.
i shooked my head and i wiped my eyes
i didnt mean for it to upset you toshi but thats progress i know its scary but you did so good im very proud of you little one and if little space helps with this progress then we can work with that but you did so good im so proud of you, he said softly as he moved closer and he rubbed my head.
can you try and say something else? he asked
blahblahbrerdhgnrw i babbled quietly.
he pulled me close and he hugged me.
i dont know what that means but your making noise and more then what we planned to start with, im so proud of you, you have no idea just how proud i am just for these big steps in progress and to celebrate this progress how about a trip to the toy store tomorrow? he offered.
i smiled widely and i nodded quickly as i made the sound for uhh hu.
he had the biggest smile on his face and he hugged me and kissed my head.

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