Chapter 9

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( bold= sign, italics= text to talk, bold and plain text is talk and sign( mostly from mic or aizawa))
( the enterance exam for this book wont be fighting robots they would have had to fight each other and eleminate the others by wearing like laser tag vests and hitting the button hand to hand combat or by quirk a certain amount of times will eliminate them)
( time lapse: 7 months)
hitoshi's pov
your first day of high school is tomorrow and hizashi's dad is going to be coming over to celebrate your acceptance into UA and getting into the hero course tomorrow after school hes going to take us out for dinner and hes gonna let you pick the place since you got so far in our recovery. shota said.
i smiled and i nodded.
now head on upstairs and ill pack you a safe kit just things like stim toys, discreet regression tools, and a few comfort items and i will keep them in my room behind my desk and if you need anything you can sign to me or write it out and wave me over i want you to limit how much you use your phone in class cause it might cause problems with some of the other kids but if you absolutely have to you can. he said
can i have a little space bath tonight to help with the stress for tomorrow? i signed
of course you can do you want to slip into your little space now and i can help you pick out your jammies and get the tub ready? he asked.
i nodded and smiled.
he ruffled my hair and i followed him up the stairs to my room.
i went to my play mat and i grabbed my paci and i put it my mouth and i instantly feel small, i grab my stuffed kitty as sho goes to my closet and he picks out some comfy footies for me.
come on little one lets go get the tub set up and pick which tubbie toys you want to play with, he said.
i got up and i reached my hand out, he grabbed my hand and he guided me down the hall and he sat me down, okay little one lets pick do you want bathbombs or bubbles? he asked.
bub bubs, i said softly
good job little one you used your words im so proud, he said happily.
he pulled out the 2 bottles of bubbles from under the sink and held them up for me.
melon kiwi or apple strawberry? he asked
i pointed to the green bottle and he nodded, he plugged the drain and he started the water and he poured some in and i watched the bubbles build up.
pick out what toys you want and put them in the water, he said softly.
he pulled my bag of bath toys from under the sink and he sat them down in front of me.
i picked out my boat, my dolphin and my small bag of fishies. i placed them all carefully ontop of the bubbles and i watched as my dolphin and the fishies sunk under the bubbles quickly as the boat sunk slower.
he kneeled down in front of me and he gave me a smile and ruffled my hair, are you big enough to take a tubbie all by yourself?
i just shrugged.
well do you want me to stay in the hall in case you need anthing? he asked
i nodded softly and he leaned over and he kissed the top of my head.
just throw something at the door if you need any help just make sure its something that wont break, he said.
i giggled softly and i nodded, he got up and he walked out of the bathroom and he closed the door.
i took off all my clothes and i climbed in and i started playing with all the bubbles and the toys.
i giggled loudly as i picked up handfulls of bubbles and i threw them up in the air not even caring where they went i splashed around happily i played with my toys just having so much fun feeling super small.
after playing for a long time the bubbles went away i started to feel cold so i reached down and i pulled the drain and i watched the water go down then finally the last bit swirled down the drain, then ipulled my towl off the bar and i laid it over me as i grabbed my big shark toy and i threw it at the door hearing it make a loud thud.
the door opened and i saw sho coming back in and he smiled a bit then he looked down at the floor.
toshi buddy what did you do? he asked as he rubbed his head.
you keep making messes with your tubbies i think we might need figure something out to prevent you from splashing, he said.
he looked up at me as i just stared at him not understanding a word he just said.
what did you need help with? he asked.
ou- ou- out, i said slowly and quietly.
he helped me out of the tub and he turned around so i could fix my towel.
i walked over to the sink and i grabbed my stuffed kitty and i went over to him and i grabbed his hand he looked down at me and smiled.
he walked me back to my room and i sat on my bed.
can you dressed into your jammies while i go clean up the bathroom, he said.
i nodded and he walked out and i put my feet into the jammies and i wiggled them up and i put my arms in and i zip it up.
i sit on my bed patiently waiting for him to come back and get me.
i got tired of waiting so i got down on the floor and i started playing with boe.
a long time passed and i heard a gentle knock on my door and he walked in.
s-s i tried to say his name but it was hard
are you trying to say my name little one? he asked
i nodded s-s i tried again.
its sh-o -ta, can you try it slow like that? he asked
s-s-o-ta i said slowly.
close enough toshi im very proud of you, he said
i think next we need to work on your volume getting you to speak at an appropriate level so people can hear you but we can do that later lets head down stairs hizashi made your favorite dinner, he said.
mac and cheese and chicken? i asked
yep but i think this time we are moving past grilled chicken and its chicken nuggets this time, just to give you a heads up so you dont any problems at the table, he said.
i nodded happily as i put my arms up and he laughed softly and he picked me up and he rested me on his hip and i wrapped my legs around him as he carried me down the stairs.
you very little arnt you sweet boy? zashi asked
i lifted my hand and i held up 2 fingers
he placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.
wow little one your very small, he said
i reached up and i grabbed his hand as i poked at all his fingers making him laugh a bit.
i looked up at him and i reached over and he took me from sho.
a-a- asi, i said trying to say his name.
whats asi? he asked
uhhh you- you is- is as-ashi i said slowly.
hes trying to say zashi hes been trying to vocalize our names for months now this is as far as we got when hes big it will probably be more correct but when hes little its gonna sound more like this, sho said
thats understandable, well how about some dinner then we have desert to if you want to try, zashi said
i just shrugged.
he sat me down in my seat and he went to the counter and he opened the fridge and i saw all my juices inside.
em-emon-em-emon, i couldnt say what i wanted and i got frustuated and i felt like crying cause i felt like i was doing bad with my words.
hey you dont need to be upset, can i help you figure out the word your looking for? sho asked.
i nodded softly
okay 1st what is that you want food food or drink drink, he said while signing
drink, i signed back
okay was a juice? he asked.
yes, i said
okay tell me stop when i say the one you want, he said.
apple, apple, grape, grape, orange,orange,lemonade, lemonade,
stop, lemonade, i signed
look how far you have come with your sign your doing so good and yes we can get you some lemonade did you want plain lemonade or did you want one of the flavored ones or add anything to the plain one? he asked
r-r-red, i said
red what bud? he asked
b-b-berry, i struggled to say
you want the red berry, okay is that strawberry or raspberry? he asked.
r-a-s-p-b-erry, i said very slowly.
that was so good little one good job.
zashi can you get him plain lemonade with raspberries in it? he asked.
of course you never ask for lemonade you usually want apple juice its good your wanting to try new things, zashi said
do you want to come help me make your lemonade while we wait for the food in the oven to be done? he asked me
i nodded and i carefully got out of my seat andi walked over to him.
he pulled the 2 items out of the fridge and sat them on the counter then he opened my cup cabinet.
what cup do you want to use? he asked me gently.
i pointed to my big boy sippy cup and he nodded, he pulled it down and he opened it we are gonna put the raspberries in and mash them up so that the seeds dont clog your sippy lid okay? he said.
i nodded as i held the cup and he started dropping them in 2 at a time to make sure i was okay with the amount.
after 10 berries went in put my hand over the cup as a way to say no more.
he nodded and put the berries away.
do you want to mash them up or do you want me to do it? he asked.
i pointed to him and he smiled.
well im gonna use a hand blender to make it as liquidy as i can so you can drink it easily, he pulled out this device and he plugged it in and he put it in my cup and turned it on and it was so loud it scared me, i quickly covered my ears and i whined a bit.
it didnt take him long to finish and he put the blender in the sink and he poured the lemonade in my cup and put the lid on, and he passed it to me.
i took and i gave him a hug and i went back to the table as the timer on the oven went off.
i sat down and i leaned my head on shota's shoulder as i watched hizashi fixing my plate.
he came back over and i saw it was my split plate half of it was my mac and cheese and the other half was the dino nuggets.
DINO DINO DINO, i signed happily.
yeah buddy those are dino nuggets we know you like dino's so we thought maybe dino nuggets would be the best course of action to getting you to try these for the first time, shota said.
theres a few different sauces on the table if you want to try them with any sauces theres ketchup, bbq, ranch, zashi said.
i smiled and i gave him a nod but i didnt reach for any. maybe next time, i signed.
they both nodded as we all ate they talked while i just quietly babbled to boe who was sitting on the floor next to me.
i ate half my nuggets and most of my mac and cheese. and i tasted my juice for the first time.
di-dis yum,i said
thats good im glad you like your juice little one.
now do you want to try desert or wait for that? shota asked
i shook my head.
i- is - is f-full, i stuttered softly.
thats okay bud we can try a desert another day but i think its time to get ready for bed, do you want one of us to go up and help you brush your teeth or can you do it yourself? hizashi asked.
i pointed at him and he nodded.
he got up and he helped me up and he walked with me up the stairs and he lifted me up and he sat me on the sink.
he grabbed my toothbrush and he put the toothpaste on it for me and wet it, he handed it to me and i followed what he was doing with his own toothbrush and i brushed my teeth.
once we finished he helped me rinse my mouth and he rinsed the brushes.
he took me to my room and he sat me on my bed do you want story time or quiet time to help you sleep tonight?
Shhhh i said as i held my finger to my lips.
quiet time it is i'll get you tucked in then i'll leave you to get some rest you have a big day tomorrow. he said.
i nodded and he pulled back my blankies and he let me climb in and he tucked my stuffed kitty in my arms and boe came up and laid on the other pillow, he gave me my paci and he placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head.
good night little one, he said.
i gave him a wave and i rolled over to face boe.
in reality i wasnt tired at all but having some quiet time like this is really good for me.
after about 5 hours of just laying in bed cudding with boe and relaxing in my little space i decided to be big i put my paci away and i grabbed my phone from the night table and i just played some online games mostly call of duty and i played several rounds with some one by the username godexplosion we talked in the chat for a while till he said that his alarm was going off for his first day of school.
suddenly mine started going off as well, i laughed a bit to myself and i got up and i went to my closet and i pulled out my new uniform i got dressed and i went down stairs where i smelt fresh coffee brewing.
i walked into the kitchen and i saw both my dads already there.
when they heard me walk in they both turned around.
hitoshi are you ready for your first day at school its been several years since you have actually been in school are you sure your ready? shota asked.

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