Chapter 13

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( italics=text to talk,  bold= sign, regular= spoken)
hitoshi's pov
(3 months later)
i was in the park with bakugou he was letting me be small while he watched over me just so i could work out some of the stress of school.
i was playing on the playground on the monkey bars when i got a bad feeling.
i got down and i walked over to bakugou.
hey bud is something wrong? he asked
i grabbed his phone from his hand and i sat down closely to him and i opened the note pad on his phone.
i got bad feels some 1 watch me it feel scary, i typed
i handed it back to him and he read it.
okay well how about we go get some lunch then i'll take you home but only if you want to okay? he offered as he handed me back his phone.
can we try a toy meal today?i typed
a toy meal? he asked
do you mean a kids meal? he asked
i nodded as i looked around.
yeah we can go do you want mcdonalds or wendys? he asked
mhmmm i hummed then i held up 2 fingers he nodded and he grabbed my bag and we got up and we started walking.
he could tell i was scared.
hitoshi bud if your scared or nervous you can held my hand to help you calm yourself, he offered
i quickly reached down and i grabbed his hand tightly as we walked to the resturant.
we went inside and he took me to the counter and we looked over the menu i saw what i wanted and i tapped him.
he handed me his phone and i typed it in
the kids meal with the chicken teriyaki with sauce on the side, with the fries with no salt and a sprite to drink with a shai shai blue cream soda ( i actually looked up the menu)
i handed him back the phone and he read it back to the cashier then he told them what he wanted.
he paid and we went and sat down.
is this your first time eating here? he asked
i just nodded and i pulled out my phone and i opened my chat with shota
H- we are at wendy's and im trying it for the first time
A- thats great toshi what did you get?
H- i got the chicken teriyaki chicken sandwich kids meal and im trying ice cream again and i got the shai shai blue cream soda, im a little nervous about it but it looks good.
A- ohh thats a good one thats my favorite the red one is hizashi's favorite
H- baku said we gonna be home after we eat so i see you later
i put my phone down and i looked out the window as i saw people walking i looked at each person i saw when i noticed someone with similar hair color to mine sitting on a park bench behind some shrubs in one of those sitting areas with several benches.
i picked up my sandwich as i took a small bite as i kept my eyes on the person i was hyper vigilant right now i couldnt be small i had to be on high alert.
hitoshi hey whats going on? bakugou asked.
i looked back at him then quickly back out the window, and i saw her looking at me when she saw me looking she quickly turned back.
sh-she h-here- fi-finded m-me, i stuttered out.
okay lets move away from the window and finish eating then we can go home. he said.
he grabbed the tray of food and he stood up and he grabbed my hand and he guided me to the back of the resturant where we found a round booth that would hide us from anyone looking.
we sat down and he let me lean on him as i ate my food quickly i grabbed my ice cream and i ate it slowly and got about half way through it but i started to feel sludgy.
i poked him and he looked down at me.
hey you ready to go home? he asked
i nodded as he got out of the booth and helped me out.
i grabbed his hand tightly and he threw away our trash and we walked out.
i started to feel anxious and panicy we stopped at a bench and he sat me down and he opened my bag and he pulled out my stuffed kitty. he handed her to me and i hugged her tightly.
he placed his hand on my face and gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb.
your gonna be okay toshi i'll protect you, he said softly
i nodded as i got back up and i grabbed his hand and we started walking again. the feeling of being watched started to feel like it was getting closer and closer.
i kept darting my eyes around till i saw the person i dreaded right in front of me.
i got scared i felt my heart freezing in my chest i couldnt move my body at all.
he stopped and he looked at me and he saw the intense fear on my face.
the woman kept getting closer and closer and soon she was right infront of me.
i kept tightening my grip on bakugou's hand tighter and tighter.
i think its time for you to come home, the woman said as she tried to grab me.
i started to dissocate everthing was getting blurry and all the sounds started to muffle.
i felt him letting go of my hand and i started to shake.
i felt him grab my hand again, and he tried to pull me but i was still frozen.
he picked me up and put me on his back and he placed my kitty in my arms.
your okay hitoshi we are going home she wont bother anymore, he said.
he carried me the rest of the way home, as i laid on his shoulder.
he walked in the front door and shota jumped from the couch and he rushed over what happens he looks terrified? he asked
he took me from bakugou and held me close to him.
you werent suppose to know he lived with us, hizashi said
right now i dont care right now we need to help him hes in a type of ptsd paralysis when we were at the park he said he felt someone watching him so we left and i took him to get lunch we sat next to a window and he saw someone watching him from across the street, then we ran into them on the walk back here i had to carry him back here cause he couldnt move, bakugou explained.
okay now that you know if you want to stay you can he seems comfortable with you and hizashi can you make him some of his milk and meet us upstairs. shota said
he nodded and he followed us upstairs and to my room, shota  pulled out a mat from under my bed and he set it up.
can you grab some pillows and blankets off the bed and a coupe stuffies? he asked bakugou
he nodded and he grabbed a pillow and my blankie off the bed and he grabbed some of my favorite stuffies and shota sat down and moved me to lay across his lap i put the pillow under his head and i laid the blanket over him. i placed his kitty in his arms.
i  snapped the rest of the way back to reality and i looked around when i saw i was home with my dad i  curled up closer to him and the door opened and hizashi walked in.
he came over and he sat down in front of us and handed shota a bottle of milk.
he held it down for me and i grabbed it quickly and i started drinking it, i started to feel more calm i sat up and i rested my head on shota's shoulder and he took over holding my baba with one hand and he rubbed my back gently with his other hand.
hey little one your coming back to us are you feeling better sweet boy? he asked
i nodded softly.
i finished my milk and cuddled shota, as i started to fully relax and  the anxiety was washing out.
can you tell me what happened? he asked
sh- she t-try t-ta-take me i-i so-soo s-sc-scare, i whispered
its okay little one your home now your safe he said as he hugged me tightly.
i so sc-scare da-da no w-weaves m-me pw-pwease, i cried as i felt the tears starting to fall.
your okay sweet boy i got you your safe i wont leave you i'll sit here with you for as long as you need me to. shota said.
i glanced over and i saw bakugou sitting there, i reached my hand out and he scooted closer and grabbed it.
hey little one its okay your safe now, he said.
ou- day- wif- me- to, i stuttered out quietly.
yes of course i will let me call izuku and tell him i will be home late then we can do what ever you want, he said sweetly.
he got up and he walked out to the hallway to make the call.
you really like hanging out with bakugou dont you? shota asked
i just nodded and i rested back on him. he softly rocked me back and forth.
bakugou came back in and he sat back down with us.
i have permission from auntie to stay as long as you need me to, he said.
i reached back out and he grabbed my hand hey do you want to play stuffies for a bit or watch cartoons i think aizawa probably needs to get up so he can make some calls about what happened, bakugou said.
mhmmm i whined loudly as i let go of his hand and i hugged dada.
it can wait for a while little one lets get you comfortable enough to get up, he said
hey buddy should i go find boe and bring him here and then you can help me pick out a coloring book for you and we can have special tv time in here, hizashi offered.
i nodded and he got up and he left my room.
i looked up at dada and i pulled my hand away from bakugou.
can he sleep the night please? i asked
im okay with that but you need to see if hes okay with it, dada said.
i pointed up at him and he nodded.
he wants you to sleep over tonight you okay okay with that? he asked bakugou.
yeah im good with that i can have auntie bring me some clothes how about tonight we build a fort and we can have a movie marathon with your stuffies. he said
i smiled softly and i nodded and i put my arms out for him and he pulled me into his lap.
buddy do you want to pick dinner tonight or do you want us to pick one of the meal cards from your doctor? hizashi asked.
i held out 2 fingers and he nodded.
bakugou hugged me and he rubbed my back gently, im gonna go make some calls then gather stuff for the fort i'll be back dada said.
i nodded as he got up and left with hizashi behind him.
you wanna pick something to do? bakugou asked
i pointed up at the hanging animals on my play mat that played music.
he reached up and he pulled one down and let go and the soft gentle music started playing.
i closed my eyes and i rested my head on his chest as i started feeling sleepy.
the soft music lulled me as the anxiety and fear washed away as i feel asleep.
i woke up and i saw that i was still laying on bakugou's chest and my paci was on the floor next to me and my blankie was still over me.
hey izuku is on his way to see us he wants to make sure your okay are you okay with that? he asked me softly.
i nodded and i pointed down at the floor and he smiled and he grabbed my paci for me.
he placed it in my mouth and he wiped a couple loose tears from my face. are you hungry little one? he asked
thirsty, i signed
oh okay well you have a sippy cup right here do you want it? he asked
i nodded and he handed it to me, i drank the water and i sat it down as i curled my hands up into his chest.
hey do you think your okay enough to get changed into comfy clothes? he asked me
i nodded and he helped me up and he sat me on my bed.
he went to my closet and he flipped through my clothes.
do you want footies or ounsie and shorts? he asked as he held up both
i pointed to the care bear ounsie that had all the different carebears on it and the matching shorts.
he nodded and he hung up the footies and he handed me my clothes and he stepped into the hallway, i got my ounsie on but i couldnt snap the buttons i got up and i went over and i opened the door.
he-hel-help, i asked
what do you need help with little one.
i pointed down at my snaps and he nodded.
okay buddy go and lay down and i'll help you, he said i went back to the bed and i laid down, he moved my legs around and he pulled my snaps and he snapped them together, and he pulled on my shorts he picked me up and took me back over to my play mat, he sat me down and he went over to my book shelf and he grabbed a couple books and he came back over and i climbed back into his lap and he pulled my blankie over me and put my paci in my mouth for me as he grabbed the first book and he started to read to me.
we got half way through the second book when there was a gentle knock on the door and it cracked open and i saw izuku walking in.
i smiled softly and i waved at him.
hey little one, i heard what happened are you okay now, he asked as he kissed my head.
i nodded as he sat down next to me.
i got him changed and we are now having story time if you want to join us, bakugou said.
he smiled and he leaned over and he kissed bakugou and he looked down at the book.
the three of us cuddled up as they took turns reading me stories, till hizashi came back in.
hey boys dinner is ready, he said.
they both got up but i just put my arms up.
hizashi smiled and he picked me up. and put me on his hip.
and he hugged me and we all went down stairs.
dada saw me with papa and he smiled and he came over and he rubbed my head.
hey buddy you dont normally let him hold you, he said
i smiled and i hugged papa.
hes getting more comfortable with me i guess, papa said.
he sat me down at the table and i saw bbq sauce and slices of pork with rice on the side and some veggies.
dada made my plate for me and he placed my sippy cup on the table next to my plate.
everyone else fixed their plate and they all talked for a while as i just quietly ate, my pork not touching my sauce. i ate all my veggies and half my rice.
i grabbed my sippy cup and i pulled my knees up.
are you all done toshi? dada asked.
i nodded and he looked at my plate.
you did very good with your dinner, he said.
hey do you want dessert? bakugou asked.
i nodded with a small smile.
well would you want to help me make it? he asked
i nodded quickly
what do you want to make cookies, brownies, cupcakes? he asked
i thought for a minute and i held up 1 finger.
and he nodded with a smile.
come on and help me in the kitchen, he said.
i got up and i followed him to the kitchen and i got myself up on the counter and i sat down with my legs crossed and papa showed him where everything was.
he sat a bowl on the counter and he pulled out all the ingredients now do you want to pick what flavor we make? he asked
i nodded happily
i got off the counter and i pointed to a cabinet and he reached up and opened it and i pointed to a jar of peanut butter.
you want to make peanut butter cookies? he asked
i nodded with a smile.
he pulled the jar down and helped me back up onto the coutner then i helped him put them all in the bowl having fun helping him.
i helped him spray the cookie sheet, and helped him scoop the cookie dough onto the pan.
he pre heated the oven and izuku came down from upstairs and handed me my stuffed kitty and he ruffled my hair and he sat n the counter with me as bakugou put the cookies in the oven.
now do you want to make a frosting or do you want the cookies plain? he asked me
i held up 2 fingers. and he nodded.
he came over and he played with kitty with me, we played for a while till the timer went off, he ruffled my hair and he went over and he pulled the cookies out of the oven and he sat the pan on the counter and he grabbed the cookie rack.
i reached for a cookie but he hit my hand scaring me.
i scooted away from him and i pulled my knees up and i covered my head as i felt tears falling down my face.
hey im sorry buddy i didnt want to do that i didnt want you to burn yourself on the pan i didnt mean to scare you im sorry, can you look at me please little one? he asked
i lifted my eyes and i glanced at him, and i saw him holding kitty, do you forgive me? he asked
i nodded softly as i put my hand out wanting kitty.
he handed her to me and i hugged her.
now we gotta wait a couple minutes for the cookies to cool off, then i will give you two cookies. he said.
i held out my arms and he came closer and hugged me.
he pulled away and he grabbed a napkin and he put 2 cookies on it for me and handed it. i smiled softly and he got himself one while everyone else came and got some as well.
he took me off the counter and we went back to the living room. and we sat down and dada turning scooby doo on for me.
i cuddled up with bakugou and i watched my cartoons comfortably.
time ticked by and it was starting to get dark. i should head home its getting dark, izuku said.
we all nodded and he came over and he shared a kiss with bakugou and he kissed my head. i gave him a happy wave as he left.
it was getting close to bed time and i was not feeling sleepy, since i took a nap earlier.
cans- we- ha-has p-pway time- pa- pwease? i asked
of course we can little one lets go up to your room and pick out some toys, papa said
da-da up up, i said as i lifted my arms up.
he looked shocked but he smiled you called me dada little one you havent called me anything but shota since you came to live with us. he said
he picked me up and he hugged me.
so if im dada who is that? he asked pointing at hizashi.
d-dat pa-pa, and dat k-kat- k-kat, i said
what do you call the boy who just left? kat kat asked.
he zuzu, i said with a smile as i laid my head on dada's shoulder.

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