Chapter 6

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hitoshi's pov
i listened carefully as shota told his boss everything about me and what happened and that i needed to be added to both his and hizashi work profiles so incase anything happened to me they could leave to come get me.
we have hizashi working on getting him a placement test scheduled so that we can find out where he is academiclly and we have his first therapy session monday afternoon, he said.
thats understandable we will change both your profiles.
hitoshi i know you dont speak but i have a couple questions for you? nezu said
i looked over at shota and he just nodded.
i looked back at him and i nodded.
have you ever thought about attending here? he asked
i nodded
have you ever thought about being a hero? he asked
i nodded but quickly pulled out my notebook.
i always wanted to be a hero till everything happened now since i cant talk i cant use my quirk but i want to try to get better so i can at least try out for the class i want but im scared to talk cause talking usually hurts people or gets myself hurt
well if you decide to take the enterance exam we could work something that would help you use your quirk with out having to talk to much like a voice modulator mask or something. shota said.
maybe but i would have to get over some of my fears for that to work first
i handed it to him and he read it and nodded.
we will talk about that later okay but for now we need to go we have 2 more stops to make, shota said.
i nodded as i took my notebook and i put it back in my bag and i got up.
we walked out of his office and we left the building and we got back in the car and we headed to what looked like a phone store.
since your notebook is your only sense of communication i thought maybe a phone would be more suitable for you since theres text to talk apps you can download, he said.
i nodded as we went inside, he took me to the counter and he talked to one of the attendents and she showed us around at some of the phones and we agreed on a samsung A03s.
we spent the next 20 minutes getting the phone set up and he paid for it.
come on we have one more stop this one is just going to be leasure, he said
we left and he drove for a while till we pulled into a small cafe that ive never seen before.
we went inside and i was greeted with the sound of meows.
oh cats my favorite i thought.
i sat down on the floor and i pet a small grey and orange cat.
he went to the counter and i heard him ordering us drinks.
he came over and he crouched down in frotn of me and pet the cat too.
why dont you pick where we sit. i looked around and i saw a small private booth in the corner with a big black cat sleeping in the middle of the table.
i pointed over and he nodded we got up and we walked over we sat down.
so i wanted to talk to you tell you a little about why we decided to help you, he said.
i simply nodded.
" i was a lot like you kiddo, villianized cause of my quirk my parents scared of me and kicked me out when i was not much older than you when it happened to you, i went through hell living on the streets but it wasnt till my second year at ua that my classmate found me and his parents let me move in with them and 4 months after moving in my classmate and i started dating then 4 years later we got married, hizashi was the reason i kept going he gave me the reason to fight he helped me overcome my fears when it came to my costume design your fear is from what you told me is probably having your face and mouth covered mine was having my eyes covered, it took us months almost a year for me to be able to wear my goggles without having a panic attack we are going to work with you daily to help you overcome your fears so we can help you acheive your dreams of becoming a hero" he said.
yeah its my face, but its been so long how long do will take to get me ready for the tests and the enterance exams?
i hit the button and it played it from the phone
it will probably take a long time but we have 9 months before the enterance exam work a little bit everyday and im sure in no time we can have you talking in small sentences then from there make them bigger, he said.
i just nodded as a waitress came over and sat down our drinks.
i just got you a kids hot tea with honey figured it would be the easiest thing for you to drink here, he said
i took a sip as the big cat got up and stretched he looked around at us and trilled loudly as he yawned he walked over to me and he sniffed me thats when i relaized this cat looks familiar? i quickly picked him up and i looked at his back paw where i saw the thin white line going down his back leg and down his paw.
i hugged the cat and i kissed his head.
i grabbed my phone and i started typing.
i know this cat he used to come stay with me at the park all the time, i named him boe but one day he dissapeared and i never saw him again last i saw him he was really sick i thought he died
i hit the button and listened as my phone said what i typed.
a staff member came over and stood next to our table.
you were the one looking after him last year in the park? she asked.
i just nodded.
well i actually raised him from a kitten but i found him in the park i used to live in, he was the only one of his litter and his mom got hit by a car, his name is boe i knew it was him from the mark on his leg but i was scared he died cause last year he got super sick and never came back.
he was sick very sick but the rescue we work with took him to the emergency vet and they kept him for 3 months getting his health back up then he was sent here waiting to be adopted, she said.
oh my god boe im so glad your okay now, can i take him to the park so he can see his family he used to sit at their grave everyday he probably misses them
if you guys sign a release form you can take him for the day as long as he comes back, she said.
i smiled widely and nodded, i hugged boe again and she walked off before i realized i didnt ask shota if it was okay.
im sorry i forgot to ask is it oka if we take him for the day?
of course it is its not always you get to rekindle with old friends and when we get back we can talk to his care team and see if hes available for adoption and if he is we can talk about with hizashi about adopting him after we get your adoption finalized, he said.
i smied and nodded.
boe climbed down into my lap as i could feel him purring.
we sat there and talked for a bit as we drank our drinks.
it was nice just sitting here with him talking.
once we finished the woman came back and handed shota a couple pieces of paper and she handed me a harness with a leash.
i got boe in the harness and i attached the leash.
he always followed me around i never thought about putting him in a harness how long did it take you train him for this?
not very long at all hes a very smart cat and he loves going for walks though your the first to volunteer to take him out for the day hes never this affectionate with our patrons hes usually very standoffish and doesnt like to be pet but its like he remembers you its very unusual for him to be this cuddly with anyone, she said.
i smiled as shota signed the papers and handed them back to her, i stood up and i sat boe on the floor and he looked up at me and rubbed on my leg.
we walked out and he walked almost in a perfect heel next to me.
i guided us back to the park as soon as we got to the end of the street he looked up at me and she started to go faster, i started jogging next to him as he starting running we got to the park and he slowed down as we made our way to the edge of the forest where his family rested i sat down and i let him go over and sniff the ground and he laid on top of the soil.
is that where is mom is? shota asked.
his mom and 3 siblings they were killed me abusive kids they watched the mom get hit by a car so they chased down the kittens and threw them in a bag and i watched them throw them in the lake, i jumped in and i rescued them i tried to save them all but boe was the only one who survived the others died of hypothermia so i burried them as a family.
he sat next to me and he ruffled my hair a bit, that was very kind of you hitoshi. he said.
can we just stay here for a while?
yeah of course we can. he said.
he leaned against a tree trunk and he just watched me play with boe for a while till it was 2 and a half hours passed and it was time to take him back.
we started the walk backin a peaceful silence except for boes chittering noises.
we walked back into the cafe and the care attendant came over while i was unbuckling him from the harness.
he had a lot of fun playing with hitoshi i got a few videos of them at the park together, shota said.
we would love if you could send those to us so we can put them on the website sopeople can see how playful he is we have tons of videos of our patrons who take out our cats, she said.
um actually im not allowed to do that hes a foster kid and he cant have his face on the internet until he is fully adopted but after he is fully adopted i can send you the videos, shota said.
she smiled and nodded, i picked up boe and i hugged him and i kissed his cute little face and i passed him over to her as we started walking out as we heard him yowling and growling then i heard his paws hit the floor and him running.
i turned around and i saw him running towards me.
i kneeled down and he climbed into my arms.
shota took him from me and he held him.
i know you want to come home with us but we will be back for you in a couple weeks hopefully, he said as he passed him back to the worker who took him to the back room as we left.
we got in the car and we headed back to the house.
we pulled in and we went inside and we saw hizashi in the kitchen cooking.
hey did you two have fun out today? he asked
i smiled widely and nodded quickly.
well you seem happy i take it the talk went well? he asked.
i smiled and i sat down.
well yes the talk happened but we went to the cat cafe you know the one that is connected with the rescue that helps the rescue with rehoming, well he had a cat that he raised from a kitten when he was living in the woods behind the park where we found him and now the cat resides at the cafe and they reunited today we took the cat on a day pass and we took him back to the park to visit the grave hitoshi made for the cats family, and they got to have some time to play together before we had to take him back where he tried to follow us out, shota said.
once we get hitoshi's adoption legalized we are going to go get his cat you should have seen the bond these two had it was instant recognation when he woke up form his nap, shota said.
well it seems like you have a solid plan but now i made miso soup and and grilled fish for lunch go wash up and i'll fix you a plate, hizashi said.
i got up and i went up the stairs and i went to my bathroom and i washed my hands and i dried them on a towel and i went back down stairs.
i sat down and i saw a small plate that had rice and big chunk of grilled fish with a bowl on the side filled with soup.
i know i gave you a lot just eat what you can and dont over do it, hizashi said as he placed a plate infront of shota he kissed him on the head and sat down next to him, its very clear just how in love they are its so sweet i hope to find that someday

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