Chapter 14

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hitoshi's pov (short)
he carried me up to my room and he sat me down on my floor and he pulled out some of my favorite toys from my toy box, and he brought them over and he sat them on the floor.
pway-- c-care b-bears da da? i asked
he nodded with a smile and he sat on the floor with me and he grabbed all my care bear stuffies and sat on the floor with me inside my fort.
with everyone else sitting around us as we played.
playing with toys with dada is one of my favorite activities it helps me be good small instead of bad small.
pa-pa i-is ou ju-juice p-pw-pwease, i stuttered out.
of course little one can you tell me what kind of juice you want? he asked
mhmm m-may-maybe a-app-apple, i sounded out thats a good job little one papa said as he got up and he started to walk out.
pa-pa wa-wai i is wan da-ki-kiddy cuppy pw-pwease, i asked
he smiled widely and he came back over to me.
sweet boy that was a full scentence you did so good im so proud, he said as he hugged me and he kissed my head before he got back up and he left the room.
i went back to playing with dada and kat kat, till i saw boe coming in.
boe-boe-boe i giggled out as i flopped over and he jumped up and pounced onto my chest and he rolled over asking for belly rubs. i tickled his tummy, kat kat laughed and i heard aww from the door way.
i sat up and papa came in and he handed me my sippy and i drank my juice.
we played for a while and i saw kat kat yawn.
making me yawn back, you sleepy little one" kat kat asked.
i shook my head fastly.
you dont want to sleep huh how about we lay down and cuddle and i'll read you a story. he suggested.
i nodded and i laid down on the floor of the fort, and he laid my blankie over me and boe came over and laid next to me.
kat kat grabbed a book and he laid down next to me, he let me cuddle up to him, i rested my head on his chest and he softly played with my hair.
the story of mickey mouse the magician, he said softly.
i closed my eyes and i listened to the story feeling so sleepy i couldnt keep my eyes open.
bakugou's pov
i looked down at the sleeping little in my arms and i gently ran my thumb over his face as i wiped a couple small tears from his face.
i wrapped my arms around him and i hugged him tightly to me hoping that the pressure and comfort could help stop the nightmare that was attacking him.
he sniffled softly and he curled up closer to me, i reached over and i grabbed his paci and i gently placed it in his mouth, his eyes opened for a second before he closed them and he nuzzled into my chest and gripped my shirt tightly as he fell back asleep.
i was still too worried about him to sleep i stayed up all night just watching him, something was telling me this boy has been through much more than what he has told me.
i watched the sun rise and  i saw his eyes flutter open and he looked up at me and he kept his eyes on me.
he opened his mouth and his paci fell out, ka-kat, he whispered.
yeah little one im here. i said softly.
ou be-bes me- d-daddy? he whispered.
but you already have your dads that are down stairs why do you want me as your daddy? i asked.
dey is my pa-pa an da-da but is wan d-addy do b-aby me a-an m-ade me feel s-small, he whispered
well i will have to talk to your dads about it and izuku how about we go down and get you some breakfast and i'll talk to them, i said
he nodded and he got off me and i stood up he lifted his arms up and he made grabby hands.
i lifted him up and i held him on my hip.
you know little one you have spoke so much this morning im so happy that you let me hear your voice, i said , he smiled at me and he hugged me tightly.
i carried him downstairs and i sat him at the table.
morny dada, morny papa, he said softly.
good morning little one do you want to pick breakfast this morning or do you want us to pick? aizawa asked
i pick pwease, he said
aizawa sat 2 papers infront of him one had a picture of eggs, toast, and bacon and hash, and the other was a picture of pancakes and sausage.
he pointed to the pancakes but then he pointed for the eggs and bacon on the other picture.
you want pancakes eggs and bacon? aizawa asked.
toshi nodded.
okay we can make that do you want the full stack of pancakes or half the stalk? aizawa aske dhim.
half, he said
bakugou you want some pancakes? he asked me.
yeah sure i'll take some, i said happily.
here have him pick out of these cards, he said handing them to me.
i nodded and i looked through the cards, scrambled eggs, over easy eggs, orange juice, apple juice, strawberries and banana, blueberries.
i took the egg cards and i sat them in front of him. and he pointed to the scrambled.
and i told aizawa what he picked.
i laid out the juice cards and he picked orange, as i vocalized to aizawa again.
i laid out the fruit cards and he picked out the strawberry and banana card.
i told aizawa what he picked and he nodded.
after 30 minutes a plate of food was sat in front of him.
another 10 minutes later there was a plate sat in front of me and there was a jug of syrup and the butter dish sat on the table.
he put a small amount of butter on hitoshi's stack of pancake and i took a huge slab and i spread it all over mine and i doused mine in syrup as hitoshi watched me with wide eyes, he took the syrup and looked at my pancakes then looked at aizawa and then back at me and he started pouring the syrup all over his stack.
oh woe buddy you gotta be careful you dont eat this a lot you gotta start small then go bigger, aizawa said.
he sat the bottle down and he grabbed his fork and he dug in. i was so shocked he was going so fast.
hitoshi slow down your gonna get sick, aizawa said.
i is sorry, he whispered.
aizawa got closer to him and he kneeled down in front of him and he started to sign but it was faster than i could understand.
they finished and hitoshi nodded and i could see him sign " im sorry" they shared a hug and aizawa ruffled his hair.
he turned back to the table and he started to eat again this time a lot slower.
what happened? i asked
he saw how much syrup you put on your food and how quickly you were eating so he wanted to be like a big kid and eat like you. aizawa said.
oh im sorry ill be more mindful i didnt think about that, i said.
your okay bakugou. he said.
we both ate slowly and i made sure he didnt over do himself.
so how would you feel about playing in the back yard today, play on the swing set? i asked him.
he smiled and nodded. okay why dont you go upstairs and get ready for the day while i go talk to your dads, i suggested
he nodded and he got up from the table and he went upstairs i took our plates and i sat them in the sink.
i went over to the living room and i sat on the coffee table in front of aizawa and mic.
so he asked me an interesting question this morning, i said
oh yeah what was that? mic asked.
he said even though he has you two he wants someone who can make him feel really small like what i did last night and he asked me if i could be his caregiver second to the two of you, i told him i would talk to you two before i made a decision, i said
well if it makes him feel better in his little space than i dont see any problem with it what does midoriya think about this? mic asked.
well i havent talked to him about it yet but im gonna call him when i take him outside to play, i said
they both nodded if it makes him comfortable then yeah i dont see why not, aizawa said.
i went upstairs and i saw him strruggling to get his ounsie clipped i walked in and i helped him to finish getting dressed.
come on lets go play, i said.
he nodded and i grabbed his hand and we went back down stairs.
i opened the back door and we went down the steps and under the porch where the swings were hanging from under the porch, i look around the yard and i saw a slide attached to tree house and there was a set of rope monkey bars going between two trees, and a small play ground in the middle of the yard, theres even a medium sized pool under the porch behind the swings.
he went and sat down on the swing and he looked at me.
i went over and i pushed him and he held the chains as he went higher and higher laughing and giggling.
after 20 minutes he got off and went over to the tree house and he climbed up.
i sat down on the swing as i called izuku as i kept an eye on hitoshi making sure he was okay.
i talked on the phone for an hour as i watched him play.
i hung up the phone and i went over and i climbed up onto the playground with him.
he saw me and he quickly came over to me.
what zuzu say? he asked
hes gonna come over and hes gonna play with us and then hes gonna ask you a couple questionsokay i promise they wont be mean questions he just wants to learn a little bit more about why you asked me that, i said.
he smiled and he hugged me quickly before he got up and went down the slide. i got down and i went over and i sat on the swing as he was running around the backyard playing with the different equipments.
i heard the sliding glass door above me open and close and the sould of footsteps coming down the stairs. i looked over and i saw hitoshi looked excited he quickly climbed down and he ran over i got up and i went over and i saw izuku hugging him.
i walked up to them and i kissed izuku. play for a bit so he can burn off some of his energy then go talk to him im not sure if he will speak for you or not yet but he has his phone with him, i told him. he nodded and i went back and sat down as i watched my boyfriend chase and play with the little.
after about another hour i saw hitoshi was starting to get tired.
he stopped and sat on the bottom of the slide as he was breathing heavy trying to catch his breath.
izuku came over and kneeled infront of him, he talked to him but i couldnt hear what was said till he pointed up to the play ground.
hitoshi nodded and they both got up and i watched as they both climbed up and they sat down in the open area of the structure at the opening of the slide so i could still see them.
i watched as izuku asked him questions and he would reply back using his phone. they talked back and forth for 45 minutes.
soon hitoshi came down the slide and he climbed into my lap and hugged me tightly as izuku came over and handed me hitoshi's phone.
i softly swung the two of us as i read the answers to izuku's questions as he told me what the questions were before i read the answers
I- why did you ask him to be your caregiver?
H- he make me feel super safe and he can make me feel extra smaller then what dada and papa can, he likes to play with me and he colors with me, he cuddles me when i scared, he let me cook with him, i love how small hes able to make me feel.
i smiled to myself at his answer.
after reading over all his answers i handed izuku back his phone and i hugged my little close to me.
he nuzzled his head into my neck.
did you tire yourself out little one? i asked softly.
he nodded softly into my neck.
okay how about we go and get you ready for nap time and i'll read you a story, i suggested.
he whined a bit but nodded.
i got up and i carried him back inside.
i took him upstairs to his room and i sat him on his bed, do you want to keep these clothes on or do you want to put on a ounsie to help you feel smaller for naptime? i asked?
unsi, he said in a whisper.
i nodded and i went and i picked out a basic back one that had purple trim on it.
i helped him get dressed and i tucked him in bed and his door opened and izuku came in and handed me a bottle, i carefully moved myself around so i could hold hitoshi and give him his bottle comfortably.
he took it in his mouth and i saw him start to drink it as he cuddled closer to me.
he drank about half of it till he was knocked out.
i sat the bottle to the side and i held the sleeping boy to make sure no nightmares scared him again.

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