Chapter 3

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hitoshi's pov
first stop the police station, mr aizawa said
i didnt want to go to the police station i didnt want to tell a random person everything i've been through, but isnt that what i already did i told this man i only just meet so much im going to cause so much trouble for them i didnt mean for this to happen i dont want them to hate me. i thought as my thoughts started to race.
looked down and i saw the stuffed cat sitting in my lap i quicky grabbed her and i hugged her tightly feeling my self calming down.
im okay they said they are going to help me they said im safe with them, they are hero's they will protect me, i thought.
i felt the car pulling to a stop and the car turning off, i took off my seat belt and i held kitty tightly as i got out aizawa came over and i grabbed his hand tightly, i dont know why but this man makes me feel so incredibly safe ever since he brought me to his house yesterday hes showered me in nothing but paternal love.
we got to the front doors and he stopped me, listen hitoshi i know you want to be little but this is a very serious matter okay we need you to be as big as you possibly can so you can tell these officers your story and what happened to you then we have 2 more stops one of them you might be allowed to me little at,aizawa said
i nodded and turned and i sat myself on the steps of the station and i took deep breathes over and over and i hugged the kitty till my brain didnt have that haze anymore.
i got up and we walked in and aizawa told the officers at the front desk what we were there for.
soon 2 officers came and talked to all of us in the loby for a minute.
okay so i want to talk to him alone for a moment then to talk to all of you together. one officer said.
hizashi handed me the laptop and he pat my head softly.
i got a little nervous but i followed the officer to a room it wasnt like an interagation room like i saw on tv. it looked more like a employee break room with vending machines.
i opened the laptop and i saw the word app, i opened it and i started a new file and i started to type vigorisly.
after 2 hours of typing i was done and i turned it around for him and he started to read.
it only took him 20 minutes to read it and i could see tear fallling down his cheek. okay im going to bring in my partner and the pros you came in with, he said.
i nodded as i was still feeling anxious, i hugged kitty tightly as i played with her silky soft ears.
the door opened and i saw the 4 people walking in now.
they all sat around the table as the officer took the laptop and turned it around for everyone to read.
i watched as everyone read it feeling nervous about what they had to say about it.
oh my god hitoshi im so sorry you didnt tell my any of this at all, aizawa said.
i couldnt hold back anymore tears were welling up in my eyes, i pulled my knees to my chest and i started breaking down.
i couldnt help i just hugged my knees and i put my head down and i started sobbing.
hey hey bud your okay now remember you have us here with you, his soft voice said.
here take this, he said.
i lifted my head slightly and i saw him holding kitty.
i grabbed it and i hugged her tightly. i reached my hand out looking for his arm i found it and i gripped his wrist so i could feel his pulse.
hey just listen to my voice okay you need to get out of your head thats whats hurting you right now, he said.
i turned to him and i fell into him, he hugged me close to him and held my head to his chest.
its okay little one your safe now i got you just let it out, he said softly.
i clutched my hands in his shirt as i felt so overwhelmed.
i know this is hard bud but in the end everything will be okay just take as long as you need and get your heart slowed down then we can finish up here. he said.
hizashi come over here, he said.
the tall blonde came over and kneeled next to us, when we leave here i think we should swing back by the house and pack him up a quick little space bag to take with us the rest of the day i think he would benefit from it, aizawa said.
after about an hour of him just holding me and softly rocking me i felt a little better. he helped me up back into my seat and hizashi went and got the detectives.
they came back in and they asked me a few questions and i typed out my response. we talked for another hour till they got everything they needed.
can you send us the document he used to communicate with so we can print it and add it to his file? one detective asked.
hizashi nodded and took the laptop and clicked a few things and typed some stuff and he closed it.
there it should be in your captains inbox, he said
all right thank you, you guys can go ahead and head out if we need anymore infomation we can give you a call to bring him back, the officer said.
we got up and he walked us back to the front, he got contact info for both aizawa and hizashi.
i followed them both out to the car and we got in we are gonna swing back by the house to grab a couple things for you then we can finish what we need to do, hizashi said
i nodded and we drove in a nice quiet as i played with kitty in the back seat.
we pulled up to the house and aizawa looked back at me, im just gonna run up to your room and grab you a few little space things to help you, he said.
i nodded and he got out of the car.
okay so hitoshi we are gonna go out to eat after all the appointments are done where do you want to go? hizashi asked.
i grabbed my notebook and i found a clean page.
aizawa said him and i can cook together later im not ready for resturants yet
oh im sorry i didnt really know how bad your situation was with food he didnt specify any details about it but what do you think your going to make? he asked
i dont know maybe a soup or something i dont really know how to cook i really only ever lived on fruits and veggies so its going to take a while to get used everything else.
i handed him the book and he read it. i understand we will follow your rules when it comes to meal times, he said.
soon i saw the front door of the house opening and he locked it back and he came back and he got back in the car and he handed the bag back to me.
i got you your paci a small blanket to hold for comfort, theres a few small snacks incase you get hungry and a few fidget toys to help you stay focused and grounded and i did put a bottle of water in so you can stay hydrated, he said.
i gave him a small smile and i opened the bag and i pulled out the blanket and i laid it over me as i played with kitty till we pulled into the next stop.
this is gonna be hard for you so all we need to do is get a caseworker assigned to you then show them the file you typed up for the officers. aizawa said.
i nodded and we got out of the car and we walked inside.
hitoshi go sit down with hizashi while i go talk to the people i need to and get a worker out here to talk to us, aizawa said.
i nodded and i grabbed hizashi's hand and we walked over to the chairs and we sat down while he went to the desk and he talked to a woman.
she handed him some papers and he came over and he sat down with us.
i need you to fill this out the best you can if you cant get everything thats okaythey can figure it out. he said as he handed me the clipboard.
i nodded and i took it and i started to fill it out.
20 minutes later i got everything i could filled out but it was only a quater of the packet.
i handed it back to him and soon a door opened and a woman walked out you three can come on back to my office, she said.
we got up and we followed her and she shut the door behind us and we followed her down a hall and she opened another door to her office.
we went in and she closed the door behind us.
go ahead and sit down, she said pointing to the seats.
hizashi handed me the laptop up and ready for me.
umm can i ask why he needs a laptop for this meeting? the woman asked.
hes mute he doesnt talk this is the easiest way for him to communicate when theres a lot to talk about we came here from the police station so he already has a file made with everything you should need, aizawa said.
i opened the file and i turned it to her and i sat it on her desk.
she read it carefuly and scrolled down and highlighted some parts and printed it out. okay i would like to talk with the child alone for just a moment, she said.
they both nodded but i was scared to be alone i grabbed aizawa's wrist.
i shook my head.
he kneeled down in front of me and held my hands.
hey your gonna be okay you just need to answer all her questions and you have kitty she can help you stay calm, he said softly.
i shook my head. depending on what she needs from you i might no be able to stay with you for everything but i can stay with you till she says i cant stay any more. he said
well um actually it might be best if you step out since im going to be asking him to show me certain parts of his body and we dont want people who arnt authorized in here. she said.
i whimpered softly and he looked at me its gonna be okay i promise it wont be anything innaproprate and if you start to feel uncomfortable you can stop, aizawa said softly.
i nodded and he got up and he walked out and he shut the door.
i know this wil be hard, but all i really need is for you to show me your stomach and ribs so i can determine if you need to have a full medical examination are you comfortable doing that? she asked.
i hesitated but nodded and i pulled off the hoodie and i covered my body with my arms.
she looked at me and made some notes she gave me a nod, you can go ahead and put your hoodie back on and ill call them back in, she said.
i nodded as i quickly pulled it back on as she got up and let them back in.
okay so from what i saw i do want to send him for a full examination due to concerns of malnourishment and the posibility of an eating disorder, she said.
we understand we will head right over to the hospital after we leave here. aizawa said.
hitoshi can you step out so we can talk about some sensitive infomation, she said.
i nodded and i got up and i went out and i sat on the floor next to the door.
i held kitty on my lap as i softly rubbed its ears. i started to dissociate as i lost track of time.
i felt a gentle hand touch my face, i lifted my eyes up and i saw aizawa. come on little one lets go we have just a few more places to go then we can home, he said softly
i nodded as he helped me up. okay so the next few places we need to go to is the hospital, then we are going to mall to get you some good fitting clothes and then we can go to the grocery store and you can help us pick out our weekly groceries, he said.
i nodded as we walked out and we got in the car, i was not looking forward to the hospital.
we got in the car and we drove a few miles away and we pulled into a parking lot.
are you ready for this? hizashi asked.
i shook my head agressively.

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