Chapter 5

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hitoshi's pov
i sat on my floor all my new colorings book opened and i had the ones picked out for them i had a kitty picked out for aizawa and a pokemon one for hizashi and i had a dragon one for myself.
my door opened and i saw them come in. i put away all the other books and they sat down with me i pointed to the kitty then to aizawa and then pointed to the pokemon page then pointed to hizashi.
they both nodded and i put the crayons in the middle and we all started to color, i felt myself starting to get the fuzzy brain again but soon it cleared and i felt small. i got up and i grabbed my paci and i sat back down and i laid on my tummy and i kicked my feet back and forth, i put my paci in my mouth and i started to color.
zawa looked over and he smiled.
your doing so good buddy thats looks so good, he said.
i smiled widely and giggled.
that was so good your laughing now your making progress, he said happily
i smiled softly.
we continued to color till we all finished the pictures.
okay bud now that we are all done its time to get ready for bed do you want to take a shower, a bath, or wait till tomorrow? aizawa asked.
i held up one finger.
okay i will go get it set up for you and hizashi will help you pick out some jammies, aizawa said.
i nodded and he left the room and hizashi and i got up and we walked over to the closet.
he flipped through my clothes and he held out several things for me i shook my head at all of them till he pulled out a black and purple hoodie with a ghastly pokemon on it and a pair of black basketball shorts.
hey i have a question kind of about your little space. hizashi said.
i looked at him and i raised my eyebrow.
so we were wondering about some littlespace clothes for you like ounsies and footie pajamas are those something you would like to try to see they help you feel more comfortable in your littlespace? he asked
arnt ounsies and footies just for actual babies they wont have them big enough for me
oh no hitoshi they make big kid ones theres a lot of people that make and sell them online after your shower we can sit down with shota and we can look at some and see if theres any you like, he said.
i nodded softly with a smile.
now come on lets get you to the bathroom so you can get a shower. he said.
i nodded and i walked to the bathroom.
hey go ahead and hop through we are gonna head back downstairs join us when you get out, aizawa said.
i nodded and i closed the door and i undressed and i climbed into the stream of water.
i washed my hair and my body and i turned the water off and i grabbed my towel and i dried off and i got dressed.
i went down stairs and i saw that they had a laptop set up.
i went over and i sat down.
so this is etsy its a website for small buisness they have a lot of shops that specialize in little space, hizashi said.
i nodded and i looked at the computer and i pointed to a shop that looked interesting.
he clicked it and he slowly scrolled i saw all the adult sized sippy cups, bottles, paci's and there were ounsies.
i saw so many that i liked purple black and orange galaxy, one with ghost type pokemons, one that was black with white trim, black with purple trim, some with dinosaurs, and some with dragons.
i pointed to everything i liked and i saw them both smiling as they clicked the add to cart button on everything. i felt guilty that they were spending so much money on me.
i grabbed my notebook and my pen.
you dont have to spend so much on me i dont mind just a few.
no hitoshi you can get whatever you want today was all about you i know it wasnt the best day to begin with but we want to get you as much stuff as we can to help you feel comfortable and safe in your little space. hizashi said.
i know your trying to help but i feel guility you already spent so much on me today.
i understand if you want we can remove some things from the cart and only get a few things and we can get everything else later, aizawa said.
i nodded.
we went through and i picked the 3 ounsies i wanted the most and the sippy cup and the paci and i watched as they deleted everything else.
okay can you head on up to bed and one of us will be up in a bit to check on you, aizawa said.
i nodded and i went back up to my room.
i climbed into my bed and i grabbed my kitty and i hugged her. i cuddled down into my bed not feeling tired in the slightest.
i played with kitty and i rubbed the veletly inside of her ears.
a few minutes later my door cracked open and i saw aizawa coming in.
hey why arnt you asleep yet? he asked.
i sat up and i grabbed my notebook.
i have really bad insomnia, got it from my parents 1 had my quirk the others made them not sleep a lot.
thats understandable well if you want you can come back downstairs and we can turn on some cartoons for you and make you something warm to drink, he said.
i smiled and nodded softly.
he helped me out of bed and he grabbed my paci as i grabbed my kitty.
he grabbed my blankie and wrapped it around me and he grabbed my hand and he helped me slowly walk down the stairs.
he helped me sit down on the floor and he looked up at hizashi.
can you go make him a warm milk to help him fall asleep? aizawa asked.
yeah of course. hizashi said as he got up.
here bud lay down with your kitty. aizawa said.
i laid my head down on his lap and he pulled my blankie over me and i hugged my kitty.
soon hizashi came back and sat a small warm bottle of milk in front of me and he rubbed my head softly.
okay now what do you want to watch? aizawa asked as he turned on the tv
he opened netflix and started to scroll i pointed at the tv when he was over bluey.
he clicked it and i cuddled closer to him as he softly ran his fingers through my hair.
i feel so safe with him i have never felt parantal love like this before. i felt soft tears rolling down my face.
hey bud whats wrong why are you crying. he asked
i sat up and i hugged him.
hey buddy your okay i got you, he said as he hugged me tightly.
here bud, he said.
he grabbed my notebook and handed it to me.
can you tell me why your crying? he asked.
i um i've never felt loved by someone before especially parental love, you make me feel so safe.
i handed it back to him and i rested my head on his shoulder he read it and he wrapped both his arms around me and he placed a soft kiss to my head.
as long as you live with us you will be our son and we will both love you just as if you were biologically ours and that will never change tomorrow is going to be a day just you and i we have a meeting we need to go to together then you and i are going to go to a cafe we have a lot of things to talk about but right now lets get you relaxed, calmed down and back to bed if your still not sleepy you can just stay up and play with your toys or relax in your swing. he said gently.
i nodded as i laid back down and put my head back in his lap and he let me cuddle into him.
i watched 4 episodes of bluey with him.
do you feel better to go back to your room? he asked
i nodded we both got up and he took my bottle and he took it to the kitchen and sat it in the sink. he helped me back to my room and he closed the door do you want to try to get some sleep or do you want to play in your swing for a while? he asked i went over to my bed and i pulled out the playmat.
i grabbed the building blocks and i sat down.okay thats my answer. he said with a small laugh.
im gonna head to bed my room is downstairs right under yours if you need anything come get me, he said.
i nodded as i started playing, he walked out and shut my door behind him.
i played with my blocks building different figures and towers.
i played for what felt like hours till i saw the sun coming up.
uh oh i might be in trouble if they find out i didnt sleep.
i got up and i went over to my closet and i pulled out a pair of boxers, jeans, a hoodie and a pair of shoes.
i got dressed and i checked the time on the alarm clock next to me and i saw it was 8am.
i grabbed my notebook and i walked out of my room and i went downstairs i saw them both awake and in the kitchen.
hey good morning we made breakfast come and sit down, hizashi said.
i nodded and i went over and i sat down.
we made sunny side up eggs over buttered toast with a side of fresh fruit, he said
he sat the plate infront of me and he sat down across from me with his own plate.
after you eat go brush your teeth and you and i are heading out together, aizawa said.
i nodded and i started to eat.
i ate about 3 quaters of the eggs and toast and most of my fruit. i got up and i took my plate and i scrapped the rest into the trash and i put my plate in the sink.
i went upstairs and i went to the bathroom and i brushed my teeth. i went to my room and i grabbed my backpack.
i went downstairs and i saw aizawa waiting in the living room.
i went over and he gave me a smile and he ruffled my hair a bit, you ready to go kiddo?
i nodded and we walked out. how are you feeling today little or big? he asked me
i held up two fingers.
good well lets head to this meeting, he said.
we climbed in the car and we took off.
we drove for a while till we pulled up to a parking lot it looked like the back enterance to something.
we parked and we got out and we walked up to a gated door, he swiped a badge and the door buzzed and he opened it.
we walked in and i followed him down the twisting hallways.
we got to a door and he knocked.
its open, i heard a voice say.
he opened the door and we walked in.
oh shota glad your here, you two can have a seat. a mouse thing said.
we sat down and i pulled my knees to my chest and i looked at aizawa, your okay i'll do all the talking, he said

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