Chapter 2

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aizawa's pov
i went back downstairs after leaving him in the bedroom i dont normally show foster kids this room unless a case worker tells us that the kid is a regressor but i could tell from the little bits hes told me that he might benefit from it. i sat down back at the table and i finished my dinner, i cleared the dishes off the table and i wrapped up his left overs and i put them in the fridge just in case he wants them later.
i washed up all the dishes and i went and i sat on the couch waiting for my husband.
i made sure to still listen carefully incase i hear hitoshi crying or anything but other than that its nice to have some personal quite time especially when your husband is a human speaker.
i turned on the tv and saw criminal minds was on so i clicked it and i watched tv for a while till i heard the door behind me opening, i grabbed my phone and i saw i was sitting here watching tv for an hour and half.
i got up and i walked over to my husband he put his speaker on the floor and he came over to me and i wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my waist, so hows the kid doing? he asked.
honestly i wish i could say we found him and he was only out there for a short amount of time but he spent yearing living out there alone, he probably has an eating disorder, hes either mute or nonverbal he communicated by writing in a notebook. he only ate a small amount of the noodles his whole salad and only 4 dumplings the smallest size pants we had from our last foster kid were too big on him, and when i showed him the different bedrooms to pick from he chose the regression room but he isnt sure if hes a little or not that poor child has been living in those woods since he was 7 years old hes 13 now and he hasnt spoken since he was 6, he said when he was younger he wanted to be a hero but now he doesnt feel like he can, i said.
well that just means that we have to help him so whats the plan? he asked
well right now go take a shower and come join me in bed then tomorrow we are going to the police station to file a report against his mother, then to the dcf office, to get him put into the system and he agreed to our offer to foster him after we talk to cps we will ask if we can take him,i said
thats good why dont you go take a shower im gonna go check on him. i said.
he nodded and he leaned down and he kissed me sweetly.
we seperated and he walked down the hall and i went upstairs and i cracked open the door to his room and i peaked in and i saw he wasnt in his bed, i looked around at the play mat and the swing when i saw the swing moving, i stood in the door way as it slowly spun around and i could see him inside it. he was curled up with one of the cat stuffies and he seemed to have found the paci's and he had one in. he looked so peaceful.
i stood there just watching him having this feeling that i just need to protect him with everything i have, he reminds me so much about what i was like at his age but hes worse then i was.
i didnt realize how long i was standing here till i felt arms wrapping around my waist.
hes okay you dont need to watch over him, he whispered to me.
i palced my hands over his and i leaned back into him i know but he reminds me so much of me when i was his age, starving, homeless living a live of stealing just to surive. i said softly.
i know sho but we are going to help him hes going to be safe with us we found him and hes gonna be okay, he said.
at least he wasnt out there for as long as i was no one helped me till half way through year 1 of UA when you found me, i said.
he hugged me tightly and and kissed the side of my neck.
i know baby and i know you still think about that time alot when both of you are ready you should sit down with him and tell him everything you went through he could use someone who knows what it feels like to go through what he did to know he isnt alone and that he can have someone to confide in but for now lets go to bed, he said softly.
i nodded asi turned to face him and he placed his hand on my face and gave me a small smile and he kissed me and he grabbed my hand and he guided me back downstairs and to our room we went over to our bed and i took off my shirt and i laid down in his arms and rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, i know this is going to be a hard proccess on both you and him but im right by your side baby, he said sweetly as he kissed my head. i feel asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
i woke up feeling my heart racing i dont know what caused it but i was in a cold sweat.
hey your okay you just had a nightmare, hizashi said as he grabbed me and held me close to him.
everything that happened with him and your similiar back grounds when you talked to him about his past earlier it probably triggered something in your brain and triggered your nightmares, he said.
i just nodded as he ran his fingers through my hair.
i sat up and i climbed into his lap and i wrapped arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
he hugged me tightly and kept giving me gentle kisses, can you tell me which one it was this time? he asked.
it was the one with the blindfolds and her locking me in my room when i was younger the time it was for a month, its the one that normally starts the chain reaction of them, i said softly.
i know baby i know just take your time and and relax i'll hold you the whole time till your calm then we go back to bed, he said softly.
i nodded as he held my face in his hands as i got lost into his gentle soothing eyes. he kissed me a couple times till i heard muffled noises coming from the room above us.
i tried to lower my heart rate just incase he needed us to run up there to help him.
i looked up at the air vent that attached our rooms just so i could focus on the noise.
i hear it to sho, he said
we stayed like for about 20 minuted till there was the loud sound of sobbing and and a scream.
i  quickly jumped off his lap and off the bed i grabbed my shirt and i ran up the stairs as i pulled my shirt on and i opened his door and i saw him on the floor and he was clawing his face and there were streams of tears flowing down his face, as he was gasping for air as he looked like he was trying to kick something or someone away from him.
i quickly grabbed the weighted blanket and i laid it over him, i grabbed the stuffed cat and i carefully placed it in his arms i knew i needed to wake him up but i didnt want to trigger more of his trauma.
i looked around the room and i found a small hand fan i grabbed it and i fanned his face the air from it hitting his face reminded his body to breath, he gasped deeply and he jolted up he was clutching his chest as he was breathing heavy and i could see the fear in his eyes.
hey, hey your okay its just me, i said
i looked around quickly when i noticed the notebook under the swing.
i quickyl grabbed it and a crayon and i handed it to him.
do you need me to do anything to help you ? i asked.
he started scribbling in the paper and handed it to me.
dont leave me please, i want to be held but im scared.
would you like to maybe start with going dowin stairs and getting a drink and then coming back up and getting you in your bed and if you want i can read you story and get you back in your little space so you can feel safe, i offered.
he nodded softly, i stood up and i reached my hand down for him.
he looked hesitant and he slowly reached up and he grabbed my hand and he got up still hugging the weighted blanket around him as he grabbed the sttuff cat.
he looked at the cat then at me. you can take it with you its okay, i said softly.
he hugged the cat tightly and he grabbed my hand and i slowly walked him out of his room and back down the stairs, do you want to sit on the couch while i get you a drink? i asked.
he shook his head no.
okay well how about you sit at the island counter and help me make your drink? i offered.
he nodded and he carefully climbed up on the stool.
i turned to the kitchen and i found the drawer of bottles and sippy cups. i pulled out one of each and i went to the fridge and i pulled out the water pitcher, a bottle of juice and the jug of milk.
i went and i sat them all on the counter in front of him.
which would you like to have? i asked.
he looked at them and pointed to the milk.
i nodded and i put the juice and water away.
okay now what cup do you want your milk in? i asked holding up the sippy cup and a bottle.
he pointed to the bottle.
now just use your fingers 1 is yes 2 is no, i said
do you want the milk warm it will help you feel sleepy? i asked
he held up 1 finger
now a lot of the younger kiddo's we get that come through here like warm milk a special way that we make it here with some vanilla and a sprinkle of cinnamon do you want to try it? i asked
he nodded and held up one finger. good job. i said.
i made the milk and i helped him down i walked us back upstairs to his room and i moved the blankets on the bed back and let him climb in, i watched him shuffle the blankets around so the weighted blanket was the first one on him, he climbed in and i pulled the blankets over him i handed him the bottle and he softly chewed on the tip of it as i went over to the book shelf i picked out 2 books and i picked up the fallen paci off the ground and i went back over to him and i sat on the side of the bed next to him.
i started on the first book, as i was reading to him he rolled onto his side and he reached over and he grabbed my hand.
i let him use my hand as a grounding tool to help him slip into his little space.
i got half way through the second book when i realized he had finished his milk and was half way turned around his head next to my leg so he could see the pictures better as he sucked on the tip of his thumb as he looked super sleepy.
i grabbed his paci and i handed it to him, he glanced up at me and he took it as he tightned his grip on my hand, its oaky little one you can use it, i said softly.
he slipped it into his mouth and i saw his eyes close and soon he was out like a light.
i carefully got up and i got his head on the pillows and i pulled the blankets over him and i made sure the cat was tucked nicely in his arms and i walked out and went back down to my room.
is he okay what happened? hizashi asked.
he had a nightmare as well something to do with face we can talk to him about it tomorrow but its now 6 am i want to get at least a little bit more sleep, i said.
thats okay i'll go get started on the chores and get breakfast started for you guys, he said.
um could you wait and just lay with me for a bit? i asked.
of course baby i dont mind at all, he said with a smile.
he climbed back into the bed and let me curl up into him as he hugged me into his chest and held me while i fell back asleep.
i woke up to the smell of fresh coffee i rolled over and i saw him kneeling on the bed with his arms and face resting on the bed as he looked at me.
morning sho i brought you coffee hitoshi is already at the table eating breakfast waiting for you, he said.
i nodded and scooted closer to him and i kissed him. i sat up and i grabbed the coffee from the table and i drank some. i got up and he walked out and i got dressed.
i grabbed my coffee and i walked out of my room and down the hall to the dining room.
i saw him sitting at the table with the weighted blanket still wrapped around him with the stuffed cat i saw his paci sitting on the table he had his knees pulled up as he poked at his eggs taking small bites.
i went to the fridge and i made a small bowl of cut fresh fruit that consisted of some apples, pineapple, cantilope, and some strawberries and i grabbed the bottle of honey and i took it over to him.
if eggs are to hard for you to handle right now i understand but i want you to at least try to eat this and later when we get back you can help me make lunch food that wont make you feel sick, i said.
he gave me a very soft nod but he pushed the honey away and he started to eat just the fruits.
he ate it all and he had a small smile on his face like a small look of accomplishment.
now why dont we figure out something for you to wear then we can head out we have a lot we have to do today its going to be very hard and maybe even painful for you but we will both be right with you the whole time and we are going to bring my laptop with us so you can use it to communicate, i said
he nodded and he finished his fruit.
he stood up and i let him grab my hand, i helped him up the stairs and to his room and i opened the closet door and i looked through all the stuff, i pulled out a pair of shorts that would probably fall to his knees or past i flipped through again and i pulled out a tee shirt and i passed them to him.
he looked at them and shook his head.
i kneeled down in front of him and i put my hands next to him.
can you tell me why you dont want to wear this? i asked.
he grabbed the notebook and he thought for a moment.
and he started to write soon he passed it back to me.
i dont look good i look weird people laugh at me cause how my body looks.
i understand hitoshi how about some sweatpants and a hoodie? i offered.
he nodded and i went back to the closet i pulled out a clean pair of boxers, some clean black sweatpants and a grey hoodie.
i passed them to him and i put away the unwanted clothes.
i stepped out and i waited in the hallway for a while till he opened the door.
i stepped back in and he had picked out his shoes and he sat back on the bed and he grabbed the left shoe and attempted to put it on, do you need help? i offered.
he glanced up at me and nodded as i saw a tear falling down his cheek, he wiped it away as i tied his shoes.
you dont need to cry little one its never a bad thing to ask for help. i said.
he scribbled in the notebook and passed it to me.
can i bring kitty i really like her?
of course you can now lets go see if hizashi is ready to go, i said
he grabbed the stuffed cat in one hand and he grabbed my hand in his other.
we walked out and we went back downstairs. okay looks like we are all ready to go, hizashi said
we walked out hizashi locking the door behind us. we got in the car and i made sure hitoshi got himself buckled in properly.
okay first stop the police station, i said

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