Chapter 15

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( italics=text to talk, bold= sign language, regular=spoken)
bakugou's pov
i held him softly in my arms as i gently ran my fingers over his face to keep him soothed i have no idea what this boy has been through but i know he feels safe with me and i need to protect him.
i was pulled from my train of thought when i saw his bedroom door open and i saw izuku standing there he came over and he sat on the bed with me, he looked down at him in my arms and he smiled a bit you really are very good with him, he said quietly.
he seems to really trust me and i know this will sound cheesy coming from me but something in my heart is telling me that i need to protect him, i said softly.
he gave me a smile and he leaned over and he put his hand on my face, i know you try to put on the big tough brave guy act but you know i can see through your bravado and see the real you i know you have a soft side and your actually really caring and that you use your tough guy act as a cover so that people dont see your sensitive to feelings, he said.
i gave him a soft smile he leaned over and he kissed me sweetly.
our kiss was interupted but the sound of hitoshi whining.
i picked up his fallen paci and i slipped it back into his mouth and i grabbed his weighted blanket and i laid it over him pulling it up to his neck and he quickly curled up around his stuffed animal as boe ran climbed up onto the bed and sniffed him before licking his face a couple times and laying down next to him.
i looked back over to izuku and i smiled and i put my hand on his face and i pulled him closer to me and i kissed him again.
we pulled away and we spent the next hour cuddling together when there was a knock on the door.
and i saw the door open and i saw mr aizawa walk in, hey is he doing okay? he asked but i saw him smile softly when he say the position the three of us were in, hes still asleep? he asked.
yeah hes doing okay he had a nightmare but i got him better apparently his weighted blanket helps him a lot the pressure of it probably soothes his nerves, i said.
he gave me a nod and he came over and he sat on the side of the bed.
how vocal has he been when its just the two fo you? he asked.
when its just him and i hes doing pretty good he still struggles with full sentences but i think thats just cause he feels like he can be alot more smaller with me but im worried what after what happened what if his vocal skills might regress again even when hes big i think seeing her might trigger a relapse and he goes fully mute again? i asked
well if that happens then we know how to help him and now that he has the two of you it will be a lot easier then last time when it was just the two of us who helped him recover but with four of us it will work a lot better it would be a lot more support to help him, he explained.
i just smiled as i looked down at hitoshi i slowly ran my hands through hitoshi's hair softly.
i felt him wiggle around a little and he opened his eyes and i saw him look up at me and his paci dropped from his mouth as he smiled at me, haa daddy da da he say as he looked at me then over to mr aizawa.s
he sat up and he put his arms out for mr aizawa.
he picked him up and held him on his hip and hugged the sleepy little, did you have a good nap little one? mr aizawa asked him.
he smiled and nodded.
i-is f-fo-food d-dime??he stuttered out quietly
are you hungry? mr aizawa asked.
tum-tummy angy, he said
your tummy is angry so how about we go downstairs and get you some food if you want you can help pick what you want? mr aizawa suggested.
he nodded and he bounced a bit so he sat hitoshi down.
da-ddy come to, he said as he reached for my hand.
izuku and i got up and we both grabbed one of hitoshi's hands and he grabbed his cat and i grabbed his blanket.
we walked down the stairs and i handed izuku his blanket and i took him into the kitchen.
all right toshi lets pick a snack, i said.
he smiled and he rushed over to the fridge so i followed him and i opened the door he stood there and scanned all the shelves and he pointed to the top shelf where all the single serve yogurts and puddings were at, what do you want a pudding or a yogurt? i asked.
gurts, he said proudly,
he looked so proud to say a solid word with out stuttering so i didnt bother to correct him.
i grabbed the three flavors that where up there and i sat them on a lower shelf, what flavor yogurt do you want? i asked
i pointed to each flavor, we have strawberry, peach, and blueberry, i said
bu-bl-blu- i could tell he was getting frustrated.
blueberry, he signed
i grabbed the blueberry one and i sat it on the counter and i put the other ones back on the shelf in the fridge and i shut the door i grabbed it and i sat it on the other counter and i looked at him, do you want anything else with it? i asked he walked over to a cabinet and pointed up, i walked up behind him and i opened the cabinet and he pointed up to a blue box.
i reached up and i pulled out the box and i saw it was graham cracker.
he took me over to another cabinet and i opened it and he pointed to his plates i pulled out his split plate and i poured the yogurt into one side i broke up the graham crackers on the other side. i placed a spoon in the yogurt and i went to his designated drawer and i pulled out a sippy cup that was actually really cute it had little dinos on it.
i took him over to the fridge and i opened the door, what do you want to drink buddy? i asked
he looked and looked for a while till he reached in and he pocked the water pitcheri grabbed it and i poured the water into his cup and i put it back.
did you want anything else in your water? i asked
he shook his head.
okay what do you want to carry out your water or your plate? i asked
he went over to the counter and he picked up his plate and he took the spoon and licked it then put it in the sink, making me very confused. i followed him out and he sat down on the floor in the little space area that izuku had set up for him i sat next to him and i placed his water next to his plate and i watched as he picked up a piece of graham cracker and dip it in the yogurt, i smiled to myself
he smiled at the tv when izuku put on carebears and he tucked his stuffed cat under his arm and boe laid right next to him as he slowly ate his snack.
i heard a phone ding and i turned and i looked at izuku and he looked conflicted.
whats going on? i asked.
mom just texted she said that has to leave for a week something is happening with a family member but its only ever been the 2 of us and you know how i am when it comes to being there alone, izuku said.
i know izu but dont worry i'll come home with you and i'll cook your favorite meals i know after a lot of stuff that happened you dont like being alone my parents arnt back yet so i can stay as long as you need till auntie gets back, i said with a small smile.
you both know if you need somewhere to stay you can always hang out over here hitoshi really seems to like you both and plus we have a couple spare rooms too you two are always welcomed here and i know hitoshi would love it if you guys hung out sometimes, mr aizawa said as he walked into the living room and he sat down next to hitoshi who smiled widely and giggled softly.
he tapped mr aizawa and he looked down at him, whats up little one? me asked as he placed his hand in hitoshi hair and rubbed his head.
he pointed down to his plate of food, mr aizawa looked down with a big smile, wow buddy you have a really good looking snack is it yummy? he asked him.
he giggled and ate a bite of it with a smile, thats good buddy looks like he made you a good snack.
if your sure about your offer then we will take you up on that i dont know about izuku but i would love to spend more time with him, i said.
well i'll take you two back to midoriya's house so you two can grab some stuff then how about i treat everyone to dinner tonight, he offered.
i looked back at izuku and he smiled down at me and he ran his fingers through my hair.
if you want to we can do that, he said.
i nodded. well mic and i have a short patrol we are covering for a hero that got injured last week all the other heros are covering for him we should only be gone for an hour or 2 can i trust you two to stay here and watch him while hes little? mr aizawa asked us.
of course we will you dont have to worry about that, i said with a smile as hitoshi pushed his plate away and he grabbed his cup and he moved closer to my and he laid his head on my lap, i grabbed his blanket and i pulled it over him and he hugged the stuffed cat, i gently ran my fingers through his hair as he looked up at me.
hey buddy is there anything you want or need before me and papa leave? mr aizawa asked hitoshi.
i want paci please? he signed.
i'll go get it for you then i'll tell these two the rules for looking after you, he told him.
mr aizawa got up and he went back upstairs. soon he came back down and he handed me his paci so i took the cap off and i handed it to him.
so when looking after him if he isnt watched all the time he tends to wander off but thats mostly if we go out in public, 2 he isnt allowed in the kitchen by himself he will get overwhelmed with all the food and panic or he will gorge himself till he vomits so if he wants a snack or something to eat one of you need to be with him if hes big then hes fine to go by himself but if hes small he cant go alone, 3rd if any messes happen and he gets dirty he likes to take bathes but he doesnt like to be alone when doing so, so when hes in the bath sit outside in the hall next to the door and every once in a while just talk to him and let him know your still there, and 3rd if he gets tired, overwhelmed, scared  he gets 1 of 2 ways he either gets very clingy and wants to cuddle or he gets very agressive and he wont listen he will cry a lot he might hit or kick if you try to touch him if hes really bad when hes like that just push through it and then put him the swing and he will swing himself to sleep, he told us.
we can manage that izukusaid with a smile.
present mic came down the hall and he came over to us.
you ready to go sho? he asked
mr aizawa leaned over and he kissed hitoshi on the head, i'll be back later okay and i'll bring you back a treat but only if i hear that you have behaved well , mr aizawa told hitoshi.
he sat up from my lap and he put his arms up asking for a hug.
mr aizawa hugged him and hitoshi whispered something to him.
present mic came over and hugged hitoshi as well and soon they were both walking out the door.
well this is going to be a learning expierence for both of us, izuku said as he sat down on the floor with us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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