Chapter 12

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(bold= sign, italics= text to talk , normal= vocal)
2 weeks later
hitoshi's pov
i walked out of the school and i sat on the porch as i waited for my dads to come out.
hey hitoshi are we gonna hang out today and study together? bakugou asked as he sat down next to me.
i smiled and nodded.
are your parents comeing to get us or izuku's mom going to get us? he asked
i just pointed at him and he understood.
i heard the door behind us open and i saw my dads walking out i gave them a wave and a nod.
i pulled my phone out of my pocket and i sent a message to hizashi that im having bakugou and izuku over to study and that we would be okay alone while they went on their date.
he sent me back an okay have fun as they got in the car and drove off as izuku came out and he sat with us.
so are you two going over to study or is all three of us? he asked
do you want to come with us im sure my parents wont mind at all? i said
i would like to study with you guys but are you sure you wont mind me joining your study session? he asked
no not at all we invited you but you denied why the sudden change? i asked
well my mom said that she has plans tonight and she wont be home till morning and it gets eerily quiet and i hate it it drives me stir crazy, he said
i smiled and i nodded.
my mom is going to pick us up and drop us off at your house shes giving me money to order us a couple pizza's, izuku said.
i cant eat pizza yet but i dont want to say anything and make him feel bad.
soon a car pulled up and they both got up so i followed and we got in the car.
auntie this is hitoshi, hitoshi this is auntie inko izuku's mom.
i gave her a wave and i pulled my seatbelt on.
i pulled out my phone and i put in my address and i showed it to her.
she nodded and put it in her phone.
did you boys have a good day today? she asked
yeah it was okay same as always. bakugou said
it was good mom nothing special happened, izuku said
thats good boys, she said
we pulled into my drive way and she grabbed her purse, and pulled out her wallet and she handed izuku some cash.
we got out and she pulled away and i opened the door.
i let them in and i closed the door and i locked it again.
i took them up stairs to my room and i opened the door really hoping that i didnt leave any of my age regresison things out, i was thankful that i remembered to put everything away this morning.
i'll call for the pizza before we start what kind do you like hitoshi? izuku asked
i didnt know what to say i didnt want to put them off about me.
i just froze, but bakugou noticed.
he pulled me to the side, are you okay? he asked
i cant eat pizza, i said
is it cause of what you told me a couple days ago you struggle with eating certain things cause of your childhood? he asked me softly
i just nodded
well what can you eat? he asked
um i perfer fish over meats i like tuna and salmon the most, i said
okay well we can order sushi instead can you eat nori? he asked
i nodded with a smile.
he gave me a smile and we went back over to the bed.
hey izku im not really feeling pizza can we get something else? bakugou asked
yeah kat what are you in the mood for? he asked
ohh umm i dont know ohh sushi sounds good, he said
hew as covering for me and i loved that.
oh that does sound good should i order from our favorite take away shop? he asked him
ohh yeah the one on maple and 4th, bakugou said.
izuku grabbed his phone and he pulled up a menu and he passed it to me.
i looked it over and i showed bakugou which ones i wanted.
half role of each if thats allowed, i said
he nodded and he told izuku what i wanted.
he called and placed the order for delivery.
we pulled out our books and i sat on my bed while bakugou sat down at my desk and izuku sat on the floor at the end of my bed and he laid on his stomach.
i grabbed my stuffed kitty and i tucked her in my arm as we got started with studying.
i heard the sound of paws coming down the hall and soon boe was on my bed with me as well, he curled up next to my text book and he fell asleep.
20 minutes later the door bell rang and izuku got up and he went down stairs.
bakugou came over and he sat on my bed next to me.
you doing okay? he asked
i nodded.
a little stressed i dont usually study first thing getting home i usually take time to relax for a bit so im kind of out of my routine, i said
your strict about your routine arnt you? he asked
yes i come home i relax for an hour then study when my parents make dinner, then i feed the cats, then i go shower then thats when i eat dinner so its feeling a little odd being off my routine. i said
well thats understandable what do you do to relax maybe you could relax while we eat? he asked
oh um no i dont think so it would probably make you think differently of me or not want to be friends anymore i can wait i dont want to scare you off, i said
what ever it is you wont scare me off im sure what i do you would think is weird so if you tell me what you do i'll tell you what i do, he suggested
you first.i said
well the less weird one is i love to cook but i also crochet and knit, he said.
really didnt take you for the crochet and knitting type,i said
it helps lossen my muscles in my hand from the damage caused by my quirk, he explained.
well since you shared i guess i have to tell you, i use age regression to help me relax and cope with stress and trauma, i explained
oh i have read about some of that but not much if you want to tell me about it so i can understand it better so i can know how to help you you can, he said.
well pretty much i tend to slip into a smaller headspace where i regress to a younger age and i enjoy more child like things like cartoons, paci's sippy cups, toys, stuffies, sometimes its voluntary and i can control when i slip or its involuntary and i cant control it and thats a lot worse cause it means there was a trigger that caused me to slip and it tends to mean a lot more crying and needing more attention to make sure i dont hurt myself and over all just a lot more negative emotions compared to voluntary.i explained
oh that actually makes a lot of sense well im glad you told me, he said
my door opened and izuku came back in and he sat on my bed and he passed out a box to each of us.
i turned on my tv and i found a random show that we all agreed looked good.
we watched tv and we ate our sushi quietly i ate almost all of mine leaving only 3 pieces behind.
once we all finished  i turned the tv off and we got back to studying.
we studied and compared notes for the next 2 and a half hours till m phone dinged.
i grabbed it and i saw it was a text from shtoa saying that they were leaving their date.
hey my parents are on the way home you guys gotta leave soon since my parents are hero's its a safety thing they dont want any one outside of the family to know im their kid unless they have to.  i said
thats understandable we can head out, izuku said.
they both packed up and i walked them downstairs to the door.
we can walk home its not that far, bakugou said.
i gave them a nod and i waved at them as they walked down the street as i saw my parents car pulling down the street.
they pulled into the driveway and they got out and came in.
they both hugged me and they sat their jackets on the back of the couch.
how was it what did you guys do?, i asked
oh we just went to dinner then we went and walked down by the beach and got a treat from street vendor, hizashi said with a smile as he kissed shota, im gonna go get myself cleaned up, can you help hitoshi with his bedtime routine hes probably stressed with being out of his routine today? hizashi asked
he nodded and i started feeling like slipping again, i walked over to shota and i grabbed his hand and he looked at me and gave me a gentle smile.
he took me upstairs and he sat me on my bed.
i put my arms up wanting attention and touch.
he sat down next to me, i climbed up and he held me on his lap and let me just hug him and he held my head softly on his chest as he rubbed my head.
are ou okay little one? he asked.
i - i wa-want t-touch at-attention, i stuttered out.
i got you little one i can hold you as long as you need till its bath time, he said softly.
he stood up and he moved us closer to the top of my bed and he opened the drawer on my nightstand and he pulled out my paci.
he offered it to me and i took it, i put it in my mouth and i wrapped my legs around him and  i tightened my arms around my neck and he softly hummed to me. he stood up and he slowly walked around the room rubbing my back gently.
after about 10 minutes i started to feel less stressed and i started to relax.
i tapped him and he sat me back on the bed.
you want to get your jammies picked out then go take a shower or a tubbie? he asked.
i nodded and he went over to my closet and he pulled out 3 different options for me 1 was just a black ounsie with gray shorts, the 2nd was my care bears feeties pajamas to look like bedtime bear, and the 3rd was my pokemon shirt and pant set.
i pointed the feeties and he nodded he hung everything else back up and he sat it on my bed and he took me to the bathroom and he helped me get the shwoer started and he walked out and closed the door behind him he tapped the door a couple time to let me know he was still outside.
i got undressed and i climbed into the water, i washed my hair and i cleaned myself.
i turned the water off and i got out and i wrapped my towel around me.
i tapped on the door and he opened it and he came back in.
okay do you want to get dressed then bursh your teeth or brush your teeth first? he asked.
i smiled and i pointed to my teeth.
he nodded and he opened the medicine cabibet and he pulled out 2 of my different flavored toothpastes ( A/N: from an autistic person the hello brand flavored toothpaste is the best in taste, and texture i use the watermelon and the orange cream flavors)
which do you want? he asked.
i looked at them and i pointed to the strawberry one he nodded and he grabbed my tooth brush and he set it up for me.
he wet it and handed it to me. i carefully brushed my teeth making sure not to miss a single tooth.
ince i finished i rinsed out my mouth and i grabbed his hand and he took me back to my room.
he stood in the door way back facing me so i could get dressed i quickly got dressed into my jammies and i grabbed my paci, my blankie, and my stuffied kitty and i went over and i tapped him.
tv-t-time? i asked.
yes of course we can have tv time lets go down stairs and you can pick something to watch. he said
i nodded and he helped me downstairs.
he set up a little space for me on the floor with a blankie to lay on and some stuffies to cuddle.
i laid down and shota pulled my blankie over me and made sure i was comfy.
do you want a drink buddy? hizashi asked
tus- wa-water pw-pwease. i said
he nodded with a smile and he walked to the kitchen.
i w-wan-ca-care-bears pw-pwea-pwease? i asked
do you want the old school one or the new one? he asked.
o-old ones i wike th-them be-better. i said
okay little one get comfy, he said
he opened youtube and typed it in.
i got comfy with my blankie and stuffies and i started to watch it.
hizashi came back in and handed me my sippy cup.
boe had laid down next to me and i pet him as i felt really little.
i got sleepy after an hour and i drifted off to sleep to the sound of the show playing.
i woke up slightly and i realized i was being carried up the stairs by shota.
i tucked my head back into his chest and he rubbed my head softly.
its okay little one im just putting you to bed, he said quietly.
i tucked my hands in next to my face and he walked into my room and he laid me down on my bed and he pulled my covers over me and he made sure i had everything and just a few seconds later boe jumped up and curled up not far away from me.
shota sat next to me and he stayed with me till i feel back asleep.

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