Chapter 7

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* 2 weeks later*
hitoshi's pov
i woke up and it was pretty late in the day but i didnt care, i placed way higher on my placement test that someone my age so the said i had the option to go to school for the 7 months that i would be in middle school or i could stay home and work on my self and my healing with shota and hizashi. after talking for a few days i decided to stay home.
i walked downstairs and i saw shota pacing around the living room with his phone to his ear looking nervous.
i walked over to him and i pulled out my phone.
whats going on you look nervous?
i held it up for him and he leaned in and he read it.
he balanced his phone on his shoulder and he took my phone.
its the judge residing over your case go get ready we might have to leave soon.
he handed it back to me and i read it i nodded quickly and i ran up to my room.
i got changed into a pair of black jeans and a button up.
i grabbed my jacket since it was cold out.
i went back downstairs and i pulled my shoes on and i saw him still on the phone but dressed out in his hero gear.
he talked for a few more minutes before he hung up.
hitoshi we have a problem our mother found out we were trying to adopt you and is now claiming that you ran away all those years ago and that shes been trying to find you saying she was worried you got kidnapped or something we have to go talk to the judge and your case worker. he said.
i felt my heart drop into my stomach.
is she gonna be there? i typed
i dont know they didnt say anything about that but if she is i'll be there to protect you, he said.
we walked out and we got in the car and we drove downtown.
we pulled into te parking lot and we went inside we went through secuity and we made our way to the courtroom where acourt officer was waiting.
shota went up to him and talked to him he waved me over and the court officer took us to the judges chambers.
before he opened the door i quickly pulled out my phone.
Is she here? i asked
im not sure but there will be 2 other court officers in there if anything happens, the man said.
im scared.
i know toshi but i'll be with you the whole time, shota said.
the door opened and he walked in first while i tried to stay covered behind him.
where is my child you heartless man, i heard a womans voice say.
i got scared and i hid behind shota i gripped the back of his shirt and i pressed myself close to him.
ma'am you need to stay calm and let us handle this, the judge said.
sir is the child with you? the judge asked.
i peaked my head over shota's shoulder and i looked at the judge.
as soon as the woman saw me she rushed at me trying to grab me.
i got scared so i ran i dove under the judges desk.
i felt myself starting to panic and slip again.
i held my hands to my ears as i started to hyperventilate as tears started to agressivly fall down my face.
i could hear the raised voices screaming at each other making my panic worse.
i grabbed my phone and i started typing.
i hit the button to play it out loud and i heard the room go quiet.
i soon heard the chair being moved back and a gentle hand touching my face.
hey little one its me i know you want to go home here i brought a stuffie for you and some earbuds watch a show on our phone and hide out under here till its time to go i promise you are coming home with me no matter what i promised to protect you always and that isnt going to change now, shota said softly.
i looked at him and i put my arms out. he pulled me out and sat on the floor while i hugged him for a couple minutes.
go on back under and cuddle your stuffie while we finish this okay, shota said.
i nodded and i crawled back under i put the earbuds in and i connected them to my phone and i put on my little pony.
i got comfy and i cuddled my stuffie as i tried to calm myself down. i watched 6 episodes till i saw shota kneeling down infront of me again.
he carefully took the earbuds out and he gently pulled me out and held me on his lap.
guess what little one? he asked.
your coming home with me and look at this, he said holding up two pieces of paper
you got a restraining order against your mother while they investigate what happened when she abandoned you. then this one says your offically adopted, he said
i smiled widely as i put my arms up and he picked me up and hugged me tightly.
let go pick up boe then go home i know our exicted to finally bring him home. he said.
i nodded happily.
he sat me down and he grabbed my hand to make sure i didnt wander off.
we walked out and he pulled out his phone as he made a call as we got in the car.
he didnt talk to me the whole car ride he was busy with phone calls.
we pulled into the cafe and i saw my kitty already in his harness with his leash on and his paperwork on the counter.
he looked so excited to see me.
i ran over and i scooped him up and i sat on the floor as i hugged him.
shota filled out the paperwork while i played with boe on the floor.
i played with boe for a while till shota came back over and he sat next to me and he pet boe.
so boe is offically yours hes coming home with us lets take him to the pet store and get him everything he will need. he said.
i smiled and nodded as he helped me up and i picked up boe and he climbed up onto my shoulder and he sat down.
i held his leash and i walked back to the counter.
the worker smiled and came over and pet him.
i will miss you little guy i hope you can come visit, she said.
i nodded with a smile and i walked back over to shota.
we walked out and got back in the car boe never leaving my shoulder.
we drove for a while till we got to the pet store.
we walked in and boe perched on my shoulder like a bird who seemed very interested in his surroundings.
shota grabbed a cart and we walked around the shop grabbing everything boe would need, since they have other cats we have plenty of toys for all of them to share but we got a new litter box and a few big bags of litter so split between all the litter boxes, we got a couple big bags of cat food, a couple extra harnesses and leashes just for back ups and a few new toys.
we went to the front and we put everything on the line and the cashier scanned everything and he paid.
we went back and got in the car and he curled up and fell asleep on my lap as we drove in silence back to the house i was so excited for him to see his new home and feel all the love this home has given me since i was brought here.
we pulled into the drive way and shota grabbed the bags with everything we bought and i carried boe inside where i saw hizashi sitting on the couch.
once he heard the door close he looked back and he smiled when he saw us, he got up and he walked around the couch and he hugged shota and they shared a kiss.
and he came over to me and he gently ruffled my hair a bit.
so who do we have here? he asked as he pet boe.
i pulled out my phone and i typed.
this is boe i raised him from a kitten in the park then he dissapeared and then we found him at the cat cafe.
i hit the voice button and it spoke my words for me.
so this is the boe i heard about huh? he asked
i nodded and we went over and sat on the couch and i took off his harness and sat it to the side. they noth sat next to me on opposite sides, so i was thinking today we could start to work on getting your voice back start by making noises then move up to small words how does that sound? shota asked.

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