Chapter 4

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aizawa's pov
i know your scared for this part but i promise that once you get this over with the fun errands can start and if you behave nicely we can even stop at a toy store and let you pick out some things you would like, i said.
he gave me a small smile and we got out of the car and grabbed my hand and we walked in.
hizashi went and got him checked in and i saw he was hugging the cat roughly.
i grabbed the note book and i handed it to him, are you okay little one? i asked
no zawa i feel really small and i super scared i dont know how to feel big again.
i know being in a place like this can be very overwhelming when you go back and you get scared just hold kitty and she can make you feel better, i said
he nodded and he leaned over and he rested his head on my shoulder.
i wrapped my arm around him and i hugged him.
soon hizashi came back over and sat with us.
he seems to really like you, he said
i smiled a bit yeah,  i said softly as i looked down at him as he had slipped his thumb in his mouth and was chewing the tip of it.
a few minutes later his name was called and he got up a nurse came over to us.
so  we recieved the documents from the cps office so we can go ahead and get started follow me back, she said.
he nodded and he followed her back.
im worried about him, i said
i know but hes getting the help he needs then he can come home with us, hizashi said.
i smiled a bit and i reached over and i grabbed his hand and i leaned over onto him.
he smiled and he kissed my head.
it was an hour later when i saw him walking out hugging the cat  wiping his eyes he started to walk over so i stood up.
he got to me and he laid himself on my chest and i hugged him close to me.
so he is very malnourished he will need to be put on a meal plan, i have the plan that the doctor whats to put him on and he wants him back montly for weight checks as well, the nurse said.
we all nodded and she handed me the paper.
we took him to the desk and we got a schedule made for him for his appointments and we walked out.
hizashi and i got in and but beforei closed my door i noticed he was having a hard time opening his door. i got out and i noticed he was very little. hey little one let me help you, i said
he whined softly, i opened his door and i helped him in and i reached over and i buckled him in, im glad your at least making noises for me im proud of you little one, i said softly.
he smiled softly and he poked me in the face gently.
i chuckled a bit and i poked him back as i got out and i went back to the front seat, and we headed to the grocery store.
we parked and i grabbed his little space bag and we went inside.
do you want to push the cart or hold onto it while i push it? i asked
he held up 2 fingers.
i grabbed a cart and he grabbed onto the side of it and we walked inside now hitoshi listen you need to hold onto the cart the whole time so you dont wonder off, i told him.
he nodded and i grabbed the paper from the doctor from my pocket and i unfolded it and i sat it in the cart.
we walked around picking out the things on the list letting him pick out what brand of each item he wanted so it would make it easier for him to eat.
we got about half way through the store when i saw his hand turning white from gripping the cart tightly.
i stopped walking and i looked at him and i saw he was dissociating like he was overwhelmed or panicing.
hey you okay? i asked
he didnt stop he was still trying to walk while holding the cart.
i went in front of him and i placed my hand gently on his face hey your okay look at me, i said softy.
he blinked a few times and he seemed to be coming back, do you need anything from your bag to help you? i asked.
he lifted his hand and pointed to his mouth.
you want something to chew on? i asked
he nodded. well i dont think i have anything for that but i do have some candy i think some lollipops or some gum in your bag will that work? i asked.
he held up 1 finger.
okay, i opened his bag and i pulled out a lollipop and i opened it and i handed it him, he put it in his mouth and i saw him start to relax a bit. i handed him his notebook.
what happened? i asked
too many people i feel scared
hey its okay we are almost down if it makes you feel safer you can walk with hizashi and hold his hand or he can push the cart and you can walk with me. i said.
he let go of the cart and he walked over to hizashi, and he grabbed his hand.
we started to walk again as we followed the list and also getting anything else we need.
after about 30 minutes we finished and we went to the front and he helped us unload the groceries on the convyor belt and the cashier started to scan them.
we paid and we went back to the car, he helped me load them into the car and i helped him get buckle in.
okay next stop, go home and unload the groceries and then go to the mall, i said.
they both nodded and we headed home.
we drove home in silence.
when we got home hizashi started grabbing bags, and i took hitoshi inside and i turned on some cartoons for him, and he sat down on the floor and i handed him his bag and he pulled out his paci and i saw him relax and become content.
i helped hizashi unload the groceries and get everything put away.
we let him watch his cartoons for an hour before we needed to leave again.
i kneeled down, hey bud ready to go get some clothes and toys? i asked.
he smiled and nodded.
he got up and he grabbed his bag and put his things away we walked out and i locked the door we got back in the car and hizashi drove us this time.
we pulled into the mall and we went inside.
okay we are here to mostly get clothes and shoes then we will get you some things from the toy store. i said.
he nodded as he grabbed my hand and we walked into the 1st store.
hizashi and i carried the baskets as he picked out clothes.
we spent two hours shopping for clothes and shoes for him and hizashi and i were helping him carry his bags.
we walked into the toy store and i saw him smile widely.
go and pick out what ever you want your okay, i said.
he grabbed my hand and he pulled me with him.
i chuckled a bit as i left the bags at the front of the store with hizashi and i walked around the store with him as he picked out several coloring books, and i watched him pick out several stuffies mostly cats pokemons and dragons he picked out several toys including blocks and ones that made noise.
once he finished he looked pleased.
we walked to the front and the cashier scanned everything and i swiped my card.
well i think its time to head home and get your room set up the way you want it, i said.
he smiled and nodded.
we got in the car and we headed home.
the car was quiet the whole ride i looked back every couple minutes only to see him hugging all his new stuffies in his arms with a big smile.
i chuckled a bit.
we pulled into the drive way and we unloaded the car.
we walked into the house and he bounced on his feet roughly as he pointed up the stairs with a big smile.
do you want to go play? i asked.
he nodded quickly.
okay go ahead go have fun i'll be up in a minute to help you get your new clothes put away. i said softly.
he nodded happily and he went over to the stairs.
he went to climb up but he got hesistant.
i picked up his bags and i walked over to him, do you need help getting up the stairs? i asked
he whimpered and nodded i held out my arm and he grabbed it and i helped him up the stairs, i took him to his room and he went to the play corner and he sat down and started to put away his toys.
i put the bags down on his bed and i started to put away his clothes in his closet.
once i got everything put away i went over and i sat down next to him.
do you want to move the room around at all to make it feel more like home to you? i asked
he looked at me and took out his notebook.
Can i?
of course you can i'll even help you. i said.
he smiled and he stood up, he looked around for a while and then he nodded.
he took a few deep breathes and i could tell by his demenour that he was big now.
so bed long wise along the wall next to the window, bed side table under the window, the dresser between the bed and the closet, and then the corner on the other side of the window has the swing so stuffies in the corner behind it, along the wall can have the desk, the bookshelf and the play mat can go under the bed and i can pull it out when i want to use it.
awsome lets get to work then we can go cook dinner together, i said.
he nodded and we got started we pushed all the funiture into a corner and we started to move things around and about 45 minutes later we had all the furniture moved around.
now come on lets go cook some food, i said
he smiled and nodded. we walked down the stairs.
okay this is the paper your doctor gave me it has the balance of nutrion for each meal this month and it has reccomended meals for examples if you want to pick from. i said.
he nodded and he sat at the bar counter and he read the paper, he looked interested in a couple but he stopped on one.
he pointed to it and i looked over his shoulder chopped chicken salad.
i nodded well lets get started. i said
we got up and we both washed our hands and i pulled a pack of thawed chicken breasts out of the fridge. okay hitoshi are you okay using a knife? i asked
he nodded.
okay over in the drawer are the knives can you assemble the regular veggie salad and i'll make the chicken salad to go on top. i said.
he nodded and he started to pull the veggies out of the fridge and he started chopping them.
i put the chicken in the pan i started to cook it.
i grabbed a bowl  from the cabinet and i filled it half way with ice and water and grabbed another bowl and i put the chicken in it and i put the bowl inside of the bowl with the ice water and to help it cool down as i shredded it.
once it was cool i took the bowl out of the water and i added mayo sliced grapes small sliced apples and some other stuff ( my moms actual recipe includes grapes and apples)
i got the chicken salad assembled and i took it over to him.
we took it to the table and we sat both bowls down.
okay so i know the hard part for you will be adding all the chicken salad onto your regular salad you dont have to add a large amount just add as much as your comfortable adding i said.
i called for my husband and soon he came down.
oh this looks great you two did great, he said as he sat down.
i wached him grab the spoon from the chicken salad he looked at it but i saw him take a deep breath and he scooped some up and dropped it onto his salad, i was shocked when i saw him go in for a second scoop.
we ate and hizashi and i talked while hitoshi wrote out his answers to our questions.
after we finished hizashi washed the dishes and i took hitoshi up to his room.
what do you want to do till its time for bed? i asked.
can we ask hizashi up and we all color together?
of course we can hes still doing the dishes i'll go down and get him and  why dont you pick out a picture for each of us and when we come back up we can all color together till its time to get ready for bed tomorrow you and i have an errand to run then we have some online work to do together. i said.
i got up and i went downstairs and i saw my husband at the sink washing dishes
i walked up behind him and i wrapped my arms around him.
hey is he doing okay? he asked.
yeah hes good he wants us to both go up and color with him till its time to get ready for bed im taking him tomorrow to meet nezu so we can add him to both our files and so one of us can take the day monday to get his academic test done so they know where to place him for school. i said.
that sounds good but you have to tell nezu to go easy on him you know how he can be sometimes, he said.
i know i know i'll send him a message tonight to let him know. i said.
he finished the dishes and he dried his hand, hey wait before we go up i want to ask you something? he said
do you think you would like more little space appropriate clothes like ounsies or footie pajamas? he asked
i dont know thats something we would have to ask him remember hes still pretty new to his little space and not being able to verbally talk is going to make his little space a lot harder, i said.
i know sho come on lets go upstairs and see what he has picked out for us. he said.

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