Chapter 3

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"There is a party this weekend, heard it's gonna be a big party, drinks, games, chicks" (Clyde)

"I'm not really interested in dating right now Clyde"

"You just haven't meant the right person" Clyde rolled his eyes.

We walked into the coffee shop. Tweek was wiping a table down and walked towards me.

"Hi Craig!" He smiled.


Clyde walked away to get a closer look at the menu.

"So how'd you l-like the coffee" He said happily.

"It was great"

I didn't drink the coffee. I hate coffee, I didn't have the heart to tell him for some reason.

"That's good, it's my f-favorite" (Tweek)

I gave him a slight smile.

"What a guy gotta do to order around here" Clyde said sarcastically.

"Oh! Be right there" Tweek said as he flashed a smile to me and walked behind the counter.

I walked over to Clyde as he ordered.

"Can I get a Vanilla Bean Latte, Banana bread, and...Craig? What do you want?"

"Uhhh, get me what you made me last time Tweek"

"An expresso" Tweek smiled as he typed it.

"But you don't like co-" Clyde said before he elbowed him hard.

"Noted" He said in pain.

...time skip, day of the party, 6pm

"I will be there Clyde" I said before I hung up.

I put on my beanie and stared into the mirror. What am I thinking? I can't go to this party. I already have a problem with alcohol, im only 17 but it's basically the norm. It's not like I'm more fun when I am drunk, if anything I am more sensitive.

...time skip 7:30pm

I groaned and walked into my living room. My place was pretty bland, just the necessities. I grabbed my house keys and left the house. I walked to the house. It was a pretty basic house. I went in and the music blasted in my ears. Nearly everyone was drunk. Clyde ran to me.

"YOURE LATE" Clyde slurred.

"You're drunk" I said as I smelled his breath.

"You need to catch up" Clyde said as he handed me a red solo cup.

He walked away. I stared at the cup. I sighed and drank.

...time skip 10pm

I was tipsy. Not drunk, I managed to control my intake. I was sitting on the couch finishing what was left in my cup. I had a few drinks and shots. I heard a familiar name.

"TWEEK, TWEEK, TWEEK" I heard people chant.

I got and up and walked over where a crowd was formed. There Tweek was, chugging an entire bottle. He finished and smashed it on the ground.

"YEAHHHH" The crowd cheered as the lifted him up.

"YEAHHH" Tweek shouted.

Soon the crowd died down and Tweek was walking over to get another drink. He was stumbling, a lot. I walked over to him.


"Ohhh h-hey" He said as he saw me.

He walked a little closer to me and fell on me. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"I should take you home" I said as I got him off me.

"Whyyy, it was j-just getting fun" He whined.

"C'mon Tweek" I said as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Tweek?" A girl said as she came up to us.

"Hailey look, a pretty b-boy is taking me home" Tweek slurred.

"I'm taking him to his house, he is out of it"

"Oh okay, Tweek text me when you get home" She said semi slurred.

Tweek gave a thumbs up. We walked out the house and walked on the sidewalk. The crickets were chirping and the stars were out.

"It's so p-pretty outside" He smiled.

He was shivering. I took off my sweater and put it on him. He zipped it up and I put arm around his waist again and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"What?" (Tweek)

"Where do you live?"

"Pfft I don't know" (Tweek)

I sighed and took him to my place.

I unlocked the door and guided him to the couch.

"You could crash here. You're going to wake up hung over" I said as I say down next to him.

"W-whats that" (Tweek)

"You'll find out"

He giggled.

I quietly chuckled.

"Has anyone told y-you how pretty your eyes are?" He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Uh, no?"

"They are v-very pretty" Tweek smilled.


He looked at my beanie.

"Why do you always w-wear that?" He laughed.

"I don't like my hair, pretty stupid right" I softly chuckled.

"Very s-stupid" He said as he reached for it.

I didn't stop him. He pulled it off and fixed my hair.

"Wanna know a secret?" (Tweek)


I couldn't tell him yes, he is drunk, that would be taking advantage of him right?

He pulled me in and whispered in my ear.

"I like your hair" He whispered softly.

He pulled away.

"Don't tell C-craig" He said as he held his finger to his lips.

"I won't" I smiled.

"You need to s-smile more" (Tweek)

"Okay Tweek that's enough, you're drunk. You should get some rest" I said as I stood up.

He grabbed my hand.

"Don't l-leave me" He said as he stood up.


"C-craig" He said as he put my hand on his heart.

"Do you f-feel it? It's beating" (Tweek)

"Yeah that's sorta what hearts do"

"No Craig, it b-beats faster when you are around" (Tweek)

I froze, was this a love confession? We looked at eachother. He was smiling. We slowly leaned in closer and closer and kissed. I quickly pulled away. Tweek giggled and threw himself on the couch.

"Good n-night Craig" He smiled.

He knocked out. I went to my room and grabbed him an extra blanket and placed it on him. He looked peaceful sleeping. I walked to my room and laid in bed. I stared at the ceiling.

What the fuck just happened?

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