Chapter 44

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"Okay, you had to drink o-one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Tweek said as we cuddled.

"Water, safest option" I closed my eyes and continued to big spoon him.

"You know, I didn't expect you to be this clingy" He chuckled.

"Deal with it" I mumbled.

"You act all tough at school just for you to end up big spooning me after school" He giggled.

"We could be touchy at school but you were the one who decided to stay lowkey"

"They are all going to stare at us Craig. I hate attention. You already see how they look at S-Stan and Kyle, they'll do the same once we go public" He sighed.

"So what babe? Let them stare"

Tweek POV

"I'm scared" I mumbled.

He sat up. I sat up as well and we faced each other.

"How are you going to be happy if you keep caring about what OTHERS think" He held my hands.

"It's just scary, what if we get like h-hate crimed or something" I said nervously.

"I'll kill them" He firmly spoke.

"Let's not go that far" I chuckled.

"You get my point, I won't let anything happen to you. For once just do something you want to do without caring about how other people will feel" He smiled.

My phone started to ring. I checked it, it was my dad.

I sighed.

"I have to go" I clenched my phone.

Craig sighed.

"Okay" He whispered.

I kissed him on the forehead.

"If you're going to kiss me at least kiss me on the lips" He rolled his eyes.

"Who are you" I teased.

"Craig Fucking Tucker" He pulled me by my collar and kissed me.

"Well Craig Tucker, I bid my farewell" I said as I got off his bed.

He groaned.

"I hate your parents" (C)

"You haven't even met them" I laughed.

"Don't need to, I already know they are little bitches. Stealing you away from me" He scoffed.

"So needy" I softly chuckled.

He flipped me off.


"Go" He crossed his arms.

"You aren't mad are you?"

"No, just disappointed" He huffed.

"You really are a whole different person" I teased.

He held my hands and looked into my eyes.

"Love can change a person" He smiled.

I smiled. My phone rang again.

"I seriously have to g-go now"

"Okay, Happy Birthday Honey" He let go of my hands.

"I love you" I said as I walked out his room.

I picked up the phone.

"Im already on my way dad" I sighed.

"TWEEK THIS IS UNACCEPT-" He said before I quickly hung up.

I left his house and walked towards my house.

You may be thinking, wow this relationship is going great. Well honestly it's just kind of weird. We are lovey dovey in private but in public it's like we are strangers. Well thats an exaggeration but we just treat eachother like we aren't kissing and cuddling after school everyday. It feels like I'm the side chick in a way, even though I'm the one and only chick. Well not chick but you know what I mean. I love Craig, I really do, but sometimes it feels like I want more, I need more. Yes I'm the one who wanted to keep things lowkey but I did it to protect us. Or did I? He didn't seem to care to be public. Was I just doing it because I'm scared, not because WE are scared but because I AM scared?

Why the fuck am I talking to myself?

I soon arrived home. I reached for the door and took a deep breath. It's my birthday, what's the worse that can happen?

Time Skip, Craig POV


"Craig, I'm telling you, I'm going to make it big. I'm going to be a star just because I'm so fucking sexy" Clyde scoffed.

"Sexy? Yeah okay" I laughed.

"Your house is so silent, it's creepy" Clyde shivered.

I rolled my eyes.

Clyde came over and we decided to just hang out at my house. We've been just watching random shit.

"There's this show we HAVE to watch" Clyde snatched the remote.

The doorbell began to frantically ring.

"What the hell?"

"Answer it, I'm not answering that shit"  (C)

I walked to the door and reached for the doorknob.

"WAIT, what if it's a serial killer" Clyde panicked.

"What serial killer would ring the doorbell" I said as I twisted the knob.

I opened it and it was Tweek. He dropped his duffle bag and hugged me tightly.


"Can I crash here?" He sniffled.

"Y-yeah, what's wrong?" I asked.

He stayed silent and stopped hugging me. He brought a duffle bag and his book bag. He looked over at Clyde and awkwardly waved. Clyde awkwardly smiled.

"Shit, um"

"It's fine I can leave" Clyde sighed.

"NO" Tweek spoke.

Clyde looked at him weirdly.

"I mean, don't leave" He softly chuckled.

"I have a guest bedroom?" I mentioned.

"I could use the rest" He wiped any tears forming on his eyes.

I grabbed his duffle bag and led him to Red's old room. He sat down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just a thing with my parents" He sighed.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I just want some space" He sniffled.

"Okay" I kissed him on the forehead.

I walked out his room and shut the door. I sighed. I walked back to Clyde.


"He okay?" Clyde said worried.

"Do you want to do something?"

"Do what?" He rose an eye brow.

"Just come with me"

"This is either going to be the greatest idea ever or I'm going to end up dead after this" Clyde sighed.

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