Chapter 22

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Tuesday, before school

I walked into the building. I immediately spotted Clyde and Tolkien talking. I took a deep breath and walked towards them.


They stopped talking.

"Hi?" (Clyde)

"Hey" Tolkien smiled.

"Um, I was wondering if you guys could hang out with C-Craig after school?" I asked nervously.

"Did he send you or something" Clyde asked.

Tolkien nudged him.

"No, can you guys ask to hang out with him. He just really needs you guys right now" I sighed.

"Needs us?" (Tolkien)

"It was a rough night for him yesterday, please don't tell him I told you guys to hang out with him"

They both looked at each other.

"You know about the birthday dinner?" (Clyde)

"Yeah, but there's more to it. He just needs you guys. You are like f-family to him. He said that himself, you know Craig, he'd never admit that to you" I chuckled.

Tolkien smiled. Clyde had a puzzled look.

"Okay, we will" Tolkien said as he grabbed my shoulder.

"But-" (Clyde)

"Remember how Craig was when we left his house" Tolkien mentioned.

"Yeahh" Clyde frowned.

"All I have to ask is, how do YOU know" Clyde pointed his finger and placed it on my chest.

"You just have to trust me" I smiled.

"We trust you" (Tolkien)

"I thought I was his best buddy" He said in an upset tone.

"Clyde..." Tolkien sighed.

Time Skip

I rang the doorbell. Immediately Bebe opened the door.

"EEE" She pulled me in for a hug.

"Let's go" She said as she grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.

We went to her room, her room smelt like strawberry shortcake for some reason. She had music playing and turned it down.

"Sooo" She smiled.

"I think Craig likes me" I said as I sat down on her bed.

"Ooo" She said as she grabbed her hairbrush.

She grabbed all her hair supplies and got on the bed. She began to brush my hair.

"We had a heart to heart talk yesterday. He told me I was easy to talk to, and then told me "the moon is beautiful, isn't it" like that has to mean something right?"


"Maybe I'm just delusional or I read to many romance books, but that means-"

"ITS LIKE A CONFESSION" She shouted excitedly.


I grabbed my phone. It was a message from Clyde. I opened it. He had taken a group picture with Craig. He texted, "mission accomplished".

I quickly typed "thank you".

Clyde began to type...

He seems to be having fun, can't tell tho

Thank you Clyde, rlly dude

I'm sorry if I seemed like a dick head, it's just that me and Craig have been buddies for a while and I guess I got jealous that you knew stuff I didn't

I get it, it's ok Clyde :)

Im throwing a party this weekend at Tolkiens, for Craig. You should def come

I'm working late this weekend, I can try and make it

Great, you can always sleep over too, a friend of Craig's is a friend of ours, he doesn't rlly have many so I guess ur the first from outside our group lmaoo

I smiled at the messages. Everything is going good.

Craig POV

I love my friends, even if I don't show I do. I did find it weird that the all of sudden wanted to hang out at my house but it's alright.

"Who you textin?" Tolkien asked.

"No one" Clyde quickly turned off his phone.

I rose an eyebrow at him. Clyde rose both his eyebrows at Tolken.

"Oh" He whispered.

"Oh what"

" god, your birthday party" Clyde smiled.


"It's going to be so fucking amazing" Clyde said excitedly.

"Who's coming?" I asked.

"Everyone and anyone, it's open invite" Clyde grinned.


"NO IT WONT" (Clyde)



I grabbed my phone and checked it. It was Tweek....and my cousin?

I opened Tweek's message. It was a Guinea pig meme. I opened my cousins.
"Hey Craig" it read.

Clyde and Tolkien continued to argue.

I typed, "hey".

She began to type.

Happy late birthday loser

Haha, thanks

U still live in South Park right?


I was thinking of visiting for a while


What? I can't visit my favorite cousin

You never visit, whats the occasion


I reread the message. "Cred" that was our code word. Our code word for when we didn't want to talk about something but we were feeling sad. Mainly used for when family problems arose. We stopped contact and haven't used that word in years.

Okay, when are you coming?

First thing tomorrow morning, if you send the address

Alright, im guessing ur crashing at my house?

Yup yk it Tucker

Alright I'll send you the address rn

I have a bad feeling. Something bad was going to happen, I can feel it. Things are going to get messy...

Sorry for the not very eventful chapter, this was more of a filler chapter, one that leads up to Craig's party. You guys might hate me in the upcoming chapters lmaooo

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