A New Adventure

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Xisuma POV

"Okay team is everyone ready to go visit Empires?" I asked as Grian started up the rift. Everyone started shouting in agreement and excitement at the same time and we all hopped in. We arrived but it didn't look like Empires, Scott had informed me that they would be there to greet us but there was no one to be seen. At least until we heard a female voice from behind our group.

Maria POV

So I'm just minding my business mining trees so I could add a few new rooms and a second floor to my house right? When suddenly a whole bunch of people appears out of thin air! "Who are you?! And how did you get on my server?!" I demanded drawing my sword. A taller man approached me from the group. "Hello miss I'm Xisuma and these are my members we don't know how we got here we were going to visit our friends on their server but it seems we somehow ended up here instead I assure you we mean no harm." He explained. "And how do I know you're not watchers or something?" I questioned. "We aren't!" He insisted. "Liar! I can sense watcher magic coming from your group! Now, who is it?!" I ordered my sword was now at his throat. "None of us are watchers! and even if someone was I assure you they wouldn't hurt anyone!" He insisted his hands were in the air. "The only watcher I trust is Xelqua..." I admitted as I sheathed my sword. 

Grian POV

Xelqua... Now that was a name I hadn't heard in a while, I was surprised she knew who Xelqua was, to be honest. "Now that I think about it he kinda looks like your friend there..." She gestured to me. "M-me?" I stammered pointing at myself, shoot they were gonna find out! If she knew what Xelqua looked like it wouldn't be long before I got exposed... "Grian? A watcher? Really? NAAAH!" Mumbo piped in. Phew, hopefully, that would dismiss the girl's suspicions for now at least. Luckily Xisuma changed the subject. I would have to thank him later...

Xisuma Pov

I knew about Grian being Xelqua and how uneasy he was about it so I determined it was a good time to change the subject. "So where are we anyways? And who are you?" I ask. "You're currently speaking to one of the admins of the Unity SMP." She stated. "One of the admins?" Doc asked. "Yes." She nodded. "Who's the other admin then?" I inquire. "Here let me message him." She pulled out her communicator and messaged someone. Instantly someone teleported beside her. "What is it this time Maria?" the man huffed. "YOU'RE HEROBRINE!" Scar exclaimed it was only then that it was in fact Herobrine. "Hero is the other admin on the Unity SMP," Maria explained. 

Maria POV

After a while, Hero and I agreed they could stay. We were in the middle of showing them around when Kelly messaged me. 

Kelly: Maria could you come to Little City? A group of people suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Maria: Sure I'll be right over.

 I explained the situation to Hero who agreed to give the rest of the tour so I could help figure out the situation. I flew over to Little City where there was another group of people I had never seen before looking around Little City. Kelly and Carly were watching them from a distance. "You're kidding..." I sighed. "Maria, do you know what's going on?" Kelly asked. "It seems as if the server is trying to find servers to merge with again," I explained. "Like when it added us?" Carly asked. "Mhm. Exactly like when it added you." I confirmed. "So we're going to get new members?" Kelly asked seeming excited. "Probably." I shrugged. "And this is Little City!" I turned to see Herobrine leading the first group down the stone path.

Xisuma POV

I had to admit Little City was very nice, stone streets lined with homes and shops. A young brunette woman approached us. "Hi welcome to Little City! My name is Carly and this is my twin sister Kelly!" She greeted smiling. "Greetings, I'm Xisuma and these are the hermits." I introduced our group. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kelly smiled as Maria approached us.

Maria POV

"I apologize for my previous acts of aggression towards you and your group." I apologized. "I understand and your reaction was reasonable given the fact that you didn't know us and we randomly arrived on your server without warning." Xisuma excused. 

Aphmau: Maria can you come to the hub?

Aphmau messaged. "Another group of new people?" Carly guessed."Most likely, can you three handle things here?" I asked sighing. "Of course, message us if you need anything." Hero reminded. "Will do!" I yelled as I bounded down the street. As I reached the hub I saw a few dozen people wandering around. "Maria, there you are." Aph greeted me. "This is one of our admins, Maria." Aph introduced me to a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties. "I'm Dream, I'm the admin of the Dream SMP." He held out for me to shake and I took it.

Dream POV

I was introduced to a young woman seemingly in her mid-twenties. As it turned out her name was Maria, and she was the admin here. "Welcome to the Unity SMP." She welcomed. "So that was what this place was called, Unity SMP. Maybe we could finally get a break from all the fighting and war...

922 words


Oh my Irene, this story is gonna be so HYPE! Honestly, I can't wait to see where this goes as I said in the author's note the Unity SMP is trying to create just that, unity. But one thing is for sure there are definitely going to be some bumps before it gets there... NO SPOILERS THO! 

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