Confessions and Flirts

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Maria POV

The next morning we got back to work. Half an hour in several hermits flew in on their elytras, Grian, of course, was at the head of the pack like always. "INCOMING!" Grian yelled, nose-diving toward the ground, followed by the other hermits, landing a few feet in front of me. "We have come to assist!" Grian announced. "Why hello to you too Grian." I laughed, watching as the hermits spread out and began working. "Do they always work this hard on projects?" I asked, turning to Xisuma. "Pretty much yeah..." Xisuma nodded. Three days passed and soon Sally's lake house was complete, and we had a lakeside picnic to celebrate.

Sally POV

After we finished building my new house we all decided to have a lakeside picnic to celebrate and enjoy the nice weather. Minx and I got even closer, I had to admit my feelings for her were growing by the day at this point. Not that I was necessarily upset that I was falling for her, on the contrary actually, I was just nervous that she wouldn't return my feelings if I told her, but at the same time I knew I'd never know if I didn't.

Minx POV

Sally and I were sitting at the end of the dock talking when she suddenly went quiet. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Not really, I'm just debating how I'm going to tell my crush I like them..." She explained. My heart sank when I heard this. "Well... Why don't you practice on me?" I suggested.

3rd Person POV

Little did Minx know this was all a plan Maria and Sally had orchestrated earlier that morning. Sally took a deep breath. "Minx... I like you..." Sally exhaled. "Perfect, just like that, now go tell them!" I smiled, fake enthusiasm laced in my voice. "I just did..." Sally smiled.

Minx POV

My eyes went wide. "You like m-me?!" I stammered, Sally nodded. "Do you like me?" She asked. Without thinking, almost as if my body moved on its own, I pulled her in, kissing her. Her lips were soft and salty like seawater, I never thought that salt water would taste good, but that might just be because it was Sally. After we pulled apart Sally chuckled. "I hope you don't mind salty siren lips." She giggled. "As long as they belong to you beautiful..." I smirked, my eyes trailing down her body as she sat on my lap. "Are we interrupting something?" My attention snapped in the direction of the voice to see Niki, Hannah, and Puffy looking at us smugly. "Who knew the Tsundere dragon hybrid could be such a flirt?" Hannah snickered. "Oh, shut up..." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

446 words


Oh my Irene this was good! And the girls' timing was impeccable too, Minx and Sally probably would have started making out if the three of them hadn't caught them red-handed... But I am loving this ship! Remember you guys can make requests via the comments or you can DM me anytime as well!

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