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Minx POV

How was I already falling for someone I just met?! I mean she was SO PRETTY! I hadn't even known her for a day and I was practically head over heels for her. I couldn't sleep at all that night. All I could think about was Sally. I was so tired the next morning that I almost fell face-first into my breakfast this morning due to how exhausted I was. "You okay Minx?" Niki asked, giggling. "I'm fine..." I groaned. "You sure?" Puffy asked. "Yeah, I just didn't sleep very well last night," I explained, placing my dishes in the sink. "Maybe some fresh air will help you wake up a bit." Hannah proposed. "Good idea Hannah." Puffy nodded.

Sally POV

Today was my second day on the server. I was very keen on meeting more new people, the people I had met yesterday had been very kind and welcoming to me. I didn't have my own house yet so Maria set up the guest room in her cottage for me to stay in for the time being and I was very grateful to her for doing so. She and I were going to scope out where I wanted to build my new home. After a while, we stumbled across a small lake. "This is perfect," I nodded, smiling as I surveyed the area. "Well then, how about we get some of the others and start working?" Maria grinned.

Fundy POV

I was talking to Foolish and Eret when our communicators buzzed.

Maria: Is anyone available rn?

Eret: Foolish, Fundy, and I are available, is there something you need?

Maria: Sally needs help building her house, would you be willing to lend a hand?

Foolish: Can you send your coordinates?

Maria: Sure,

Once Maria sent the coordinates we started making our way there.

Hannah POV

Puffy, Niki, Minx, and I were taking a walk, talking and laughing when we saw Maria and Sally standing over by the pond talking, most likely about Sally's house, so we decided to go over and say hi. "Hey, Maria, hey, Sally. What are you talking about?" I asked. "Hey, ladies, we were just talking about some home design ideas Sally had in mind while we waited for Foolish, Fundy, and Eret since they're gonna help build," Maria explained. "Could we help?" Minx asked. "Of course! The more the merrier." Maria grinned. And just like that, we got to work.

Eret POV

By the time we arrived, Maria and Sally were already working. Puffy, Niki, Hannah, and Minx were also there helping with the building as well. "Hey, Maria! We're here!" I called, waving at her. Maria perked up at hearing her name. Seeing us, she set down the planks she was carrying and walked over to us. "Hey, you three!" Maria greeted, her usual warm smile spread on her face. "You're just in time, we just started working." She explained, leading us over to where the others were working. "Alright, you three go get to work, come find Sally or me if you have any questions or need anything." Maria reminded. "Yes ma'am!" Foolish smiled, giving Maria a thumbs up. 

Sally POV

I don't know why but while we were working I couldn't help but constantly glance over at Minx, at one point we made eye contact and I felt my face heat up, the eye contact lasted mere seconds but it almost felt like an eternity for me, I quickly snapped out of my almost trance like state and returned to what I was doing.

Minx POV

I was blushing like crazy, I could feel it. Sally quickly turned away but I could make out a light blush dusting her face. I debated with myself for a few minutes before deciding to talk to her. "Hi," I waved. "Oh, Hi Minx, do you need something?" Sally asked, turning away from the boards she'd been hammering into place. "I actually just wanted to talk and get to know you." I shrugged. "Oh, well I'd actually like that, I mean Wilbur and Fundy are the only other people here that I know, and even then I don't even know my own son really I've been gone almost his entire life you know?" She sighed, shaking her head. I sat down across from her and we started chatting as we worked, we learned quite a bit about each other too.

Sally POV

Minx and I talked for the rest of the day, finding we had quite a bit in common as well. I also found myself thinking she was quite attractive and decided to talk to Maria about it that night. "Well from the sounds of it, you might just be in love..." Maria smiled as she made two cups of tea, one for each of us, Green Tea for me, and Lavender for herself. 

Maria POV

Sally's head shot up, surprised at my thought. "In love? But I haven't been in love in years... Never mind the fact I just met her yesterday!" Sally clamored. "Love works in ways that many will never understand Sally..." I exhaled, mixing my tea. "Do you believe in soulmates Maria?" Sally asked. "Why of course, however, I know there are many unfortunate souls who never find their own soulmates I'm afraid..." I sighed, shaking my head dolefully and taking a sip of my tea. "Have you found yours?" She pondered. "I have met many possible suitors, unfortunately, I have not yet found my match..." I shrugged. "Perhaps Minx is my soulmate..." Sally thought out loud. "Perhaps, but you'll need to talk to and get to know her if you want to be sure." I reminded, finishing my tea and setting the empty cup in the sink, Sally doing the same. "I'll see you in the morning, good night Sally." I yawned. "Good night Maria," Sally responded.

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I know I haven't posted much in the last week or two, I've mostly been working on Time Travel Shinanigans (Go check it out!) anyways don't forget to vote and comment, I read all of them and I love hearing what you guys think of my stories/writing! 

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