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Maria POV

After about half an hour everyone had arrived and I began the meeting. "Attention everyone!" I called, pausing as everyone fell silent and found their seats. "Those of you who are newer to Unity are presumably wondering what is going on. The basic rundown, this is an ESM which stands for Emergency Server Meeting. We will only have an ESM when there is an emergency situation, which we do... " I paused, letting the murmurs die down. "Myself and a few of the others have been informed by a watcher that Xelo and Xela are planning to attack Unity," I explained. "Do you know who the watcher is?" Scar asked. "The watcher that informed us was Xelqua, otherwise known as the runaway watcher," I answered. "Is Xelqua on this server?" Mumbo asked. "Yes, however, Xelqua requested that their real identity remain a secret unless it is absolutely necessary or until they are ready, so don't be spying on anyone or trying to figure out who they are." I reminded. "Okay good. That's pretty much it just remember to keep an eye out, if anyone discovers sudden new members report them to Herobrine, Kristen, myself, or one of the other admins, and we will handle it from there. Dismissed." I finished. As everyone began leaving Grian tapped my shoulder. "Do you need something Grian?" I asked. "I just wanted to thank you for not exposing that I'm Xelqua." Grian smiled. "Of course Grian, I understand the fact that you're not ready for the others to know and I respect that, and I will have your back when you are," I reassured smiling. 


After the meeting, we all agreed to pitch in and help prepare for the watchers. Kristen, Aphmau, Maria, and Herobrine were training Eret on using his powers, Ponk, Cub, and Shubble worked on preparing medical aid, Alyssa, Callahan, Gem, and Pearl worked on making potions, False, Grian, Foolish, Sam Nook, Phil, myself and the others worked on building defenses and crafting weapons.

Eret POV

"Come on Eret you got this!" Maria was encouraging me as I attempted to master my teleportation and the next thing I knew, I was on top of a nearby tree. "YOU DID IT!" Maria cheered. She and my dad were now yelling about how proud they were. "Now try teleporting back!" She called. "Remember, concentrate on where you want to teleport to, visualize it in your head, and then teleport." My dad reminded. "Got it." I nodded. "Okay, think, visualize, and teleport!" I repeated to myself as I performed each step. "YES!" I shouted when I appeared in front of Maria. She gave me a high-five as my dad patted me on the back. "Way to go Eret!" Aphmau congratulated. "You're a fast learner," Kristen added smiling. "Thanks, Kristen." I grinned.

467 words


This plotline is SO GOOD I LOVE IT! I'm honestly surprised because I'm writing this on the fly and just making it up as I go. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50+ READS! You have no idea how much this means to me.

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