Fish Out Of Water

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Maria POV 

I finally arrived at the coordinates to see Ropo, Jack, and a few others standing around a hole in the ground, landing nearby I walked over to the small crowd of people, pushing through them so I could get to the front of the group, in order to see who had fallen into the pit. Looking down I spotted a red-headed girl who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Wilbur, who was also present was asking for her to be helped out and checked for any injuries, fifteen minutes later she was hoisted out of the pit. Now able to get a better look at her I noticed she had on what looked similar to what Puffy often wears, however instead of the almost blood red of Puffy's outfit she instead wore a skirt with a cyan shade with a white blouse, her hands were adorned with different rings and bangles, her face was dotted with freckles and the finishing touches were medium hoop earrings and an assortment of rather loose belts hanging from her waist. There wasn't much time before Wilbur rushed over to her and started blabbering something about where she'd been all these years. 

Wilbur POV

I was shocked to see Sally after so long. Not only that but she hadn't seemed to have aged a day. I hurried over to her. "Sally where did you go?! Where have you been all these years?!" I continued to ask her questions one after another when Maria approached the two of us. "Do you know this young woman Wil?" Maria asked. "Yes, this is my ex-wife Sally. Sally this is Maria, she's the head admin on Unity." I introduced. "Well then, it's nice to meet you, Sally, welcome to Unity." Maria welcomed, using her usual warm smile and cheerful voice. "Thank you," Sally responded, returning the smile. "Wil, how about you give Sally a tour considering you two already know each other?" Maria proposed. "Sure, come on Sally, you'll love it here!" I smiled leading Sally in the direction of spawn.

Minx POV

"I've told you four already I'm not interested in finding a partner right now." I huffed, tired of repeating myself to them. "But Minx-san! there are quite a few boys who seem interested in you, don't you think you should give at least one of them a chance?" Kawaii-chan inquired. "Well, someone can tell them I'm not interested." I crossed my arms. We were nearing spawn when we spotted the infamous Wilbur Soot, talking to a red-headed young woman who looked about Niki's age. I had to admit she looked rather stunning... Wait what was I thinking?! I just said I'm not interested in looking for a partner! "Minx~ you're staring~" Hannah giggled. "HUH?! AM NOT!" I opposed. "Sure keep telling yourself that Minx..." Puffy teased, rolling her eyes playfully. "I think she was looking at that girl Wil is talking to." Niki chimed in. "Kawaii-chan can see why, she's quite pretty, Minx-san has a good eye~" Kawaii-chan added. "Let's go say hi!" Hannah smirked, dragging me with her. "WAH! Hannah slow down!" I cried as she pulled me by my sleeve. 

Sally POV

Both Wilbur and I whipped our heads around when we heard someone shout in surprise to see two girls running towards us, one dragging the other behind them were three more girls, laughing as they ran to catch up with the two. They seemed to be good friends as when the girl who was being dragged tripped and fell all five girls burst out laughing. When they calmed down, one of the three who had been following helped her off the ground as they made it the rest of the way over to where Wil and I were standing. "Hi! I'm Hannah! Who might you be?" Asked one of the girls. "I'm Sally, it's nice to meet you." I smiled. "May I know the rest of your names?" I asked. "Well, the woman in the pirate outfit is Puffy, the girl with the cat ears is Kawaii-chan, the other girl with pink hair is Niki, and that's Minx over there with the dragon tail." Hannah introduced, motioning to each of them. "Well, it's nice to meet you all." I greeted.

706 words


I LOVED writing this. I've wanted to somehow implement/introduce Sally for a while now but I wasn't sure how... I absolutely loved how this chapter turned out tho. What do you guys think about the Minx and Sally idea? Should I make this a permanent thing?



Make sure to vote here on what you think I am going to continue with the idea for this story. hope you enjoyed!

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