Recover And Rebuild

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3rd Person POV

Everyone stood there, speechless at the news. "How long will she be in the coma?" Niki asked. "We don't know..." Cub shrugged. "Can she have visitors?" Scar asked. "She can have one visitor at a time," Ponk explained. "Can I see her?" Eret inquired. "Of course Eret." Cub nodded. Eret stepped into the makeshift clinic, Maria was lying on the one bed in the entire clinic, if you could even call it that, it was more of a cot if you asked Eret.

Eret POV

I sat down in the chair next to Maria's bed and sighed. I sat there in silence for a moment before finally speaking up. "Remind me to stay on your good side, I don't want to end up with the same fate as XD..." I chuckled, pausing for a moment before continuing. "You actually leveled most of the server with that blast... I must say I was pretty impressed... With the size of the explosion that is, not with the fact that it sent you into a coma." I sighed. I talked to Maria for a while longer before eventually standing up and leaving. 


Two weeks passed before much changed. Vincent figured out how to tap into Maria's mind space finally giving us the ability to somewhat communicate with Maria. 

Herobrine POV

We finally had contact with Maria after two weeks of her being in a coma. Everyone had been leaving gifts for her, everything from flowers to cards to stuffed animals. Eret visited Maria every day, sometimes even staying at the clinic overnight and sleeping in the chair right next to her bed.

Niki POV

Eret had spent the night at the clinic with Maria yet again so Puffy and I were delivering him some breakfast from the café per their father's request when he came running out of the clinic calling for Ponk and Cub.

Eret POV

I had woken up in the chair next to Maria's bed in the clinic. I sat up and stretched before looking at Maria right as her eyes fluttered open. "Maria?! Oh, my Prime I need to get Cub and Ponk! You stay there, I'll be right back!" I yelled, sprinting out of the clinic. "I need Ponk and Cub!" I shouted, running past Puffy and Niki. Twenty minutes later we were back at the clinic. Everyone was waiting outside for the news. 

Vincent POV

The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath waiting for any news about Maria's condition. "Mom? Is Maria gonna be okay?" Liz asked. "I'm sure she's going to be alright Lizzy," Clara reassured. "Then why haven't we heard anything yet?" Liz questioned. "We just have to be patient for now Liz..." William answered. "Okay, daddy..." Liz nodded, going back to playing tic-tac-toe with Chris. 

Ella POV

"I'm gonna need to talk to Herobrine, Eret, Deo, Ella, Autumn, Skye, and Jade." Ponk listed, poking his head out the door. The five of us filed into the clinic to see Maria propped up against some pillows. "MAMA!" Jade cried, running over to and jumping on Maria's bed. "Hey, kiddo! How've you been?" Maria asked. "Okay I guess, but I really missed you..." Jade pouted. "Well I'm here now aren't I?" Maria chuckled. "We missed you, Maria..." Herobrine sighed. Maria did have to stay in the clinic for another day or so but once Ponk and Cub were sure she was good to go she left with us. 

Maria POV

We started rebuilding the server the very next day. And with how many people helped out it didn't take long at all in fact, most of the server was back up and running within the next two months. Everything was going smoothly and everyone was happy...

But when it comes to Unity,

The End...

Is really only the beginning...

635 words


Okay, I'll admit, it was shorter than I thought it would end up being but it's the content that counts right? But in all seriousness I absolutely loved writing this book, it was a journey for me when it comes to my writing and I want to thank all of you for reading my work and supporting me along the way because it means so much to me.

Special shoutouts to




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