Building Foolish's House

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Maria POV

That was when it clicked. I now knew why Eret had seemed so familiar to me when I first met him... "A-Alistair?" I nearly choked. "Why does everyone keep calling me that?" She asked. "Eret, I need you to come with me..." I led them over to the nether portal by my house. "Where are we going?" Eret asked confused. "I need to speak with you and Herobrine about something..." I replied as we entered the nether. A large castle made out of nether bricks stood before us. Eret gawked at its size as we walked through the corridors, making our way to the throne room. 

Herobrine POV

"Hero? Are you here?" I heard Maria call as she easily thrust open the throne room's large doors. "Do you need something?" I asked sitting upright on my netherite throne. "I-I think I found them..." She bowed. "Maria, I have told you once, I've told you a thousand times you do not need to bow to me, we are equal," I reminded her as I stood up, approaching her. "But what do you mean? Who is-" I froze as I saw someone else enter the throne room. A tall brunette with sunglasses and a regal outfit. "Alistair..." I approached them. "It's you..." I breathed. "You're Herobrine." She pointed at me. "Maria, what's going on?" He asked turning to Maria. "Eret... Your father is Herobrine... You get your eyes from him." She clarified.

Eret POV

I couldn't believe my ears. Herobrine was my father? And how did Maria know about this? "How did you know?" I ask as I turn to face her. "Maria and I are siblings, she often babysat you while I was busy," he explained. "Then again she was one of the only people who could handle you, most babysitters would only last about five minutes before they quit." Herobrine laughed. 

(time skips brought to you by my laziness and writer's block)

Maria POV

"So what did you think?" I asked as we stepped out of the nether portal and back into the overworld. "I'm still trying to process the fact that Herobrine is my father and all the memories I just got back..." Eret sighed. "I know it's a lot to process, don't worry you'll get used to it." I laughed. 

Foolish POV

I heard Maria laughing and turned to see her and Eret walking out of the nether portal near her house. "Maria!" I called waving the two over. "Hey, Foolish what's up?" Eret asked. "Nothing much how are you guys?" I asked. "Well for one I just found out Herobrine is my father," Eret started. "Yup, that's right." I rubbed the back of my neck. "And two, I finally remember the whole wither cult thing!" They announced, throwing her arms in the air. "That's good that you remember now." I smiled. "Do you guys want to help me get resources for my house?" I asked. "Sure Foolish. We'd love to help!" Maria grinned. "It's over this way." I led them over to a desert area near the area where our group was staying. "You've already got all the scaffolding up I see." Eret laughed. "Yeah, I've been working nonstop on it since we chose the area." I smiled. "Just make sure you rest once in a while." Maria reminded. "Of course," I nodded. "Let's get started shall we?" Eret asked. "We shall." I smiled as I set up a table and unrolled my blueprints for the build. 

Maria POV

We started building Foolish instructing us on what went where. We went our separate ways for the night once it started getting late, and we met up again the next morning to continue where we had left off. About halfway through the day, Eret noticed someone flying overhead. I flew up to see who it was and as it turned out it was actually Grian. He claimed he had been flying around the server and exploring when he saw us working and wanted to ask if he could help, I asked Foolish and he agreed. Grian quickly flew off claiming he'd be right back. We waited a few minutes and soon enough we saw about a dozen people from Hermitville gliding in with their elytras. "I have brought back up!" Grian proclaimed once he landed. Foolish looked at me. "The more the merrier I guess..." He shrugged. We immediately got to work, finishing the entire build by the end of the day. "WOO! Way to work together guys!" I gave everyone a high five. "Now, everyone go home for the night and get some rest. You guys deserve it for your hard work today." I smiled.

Eret POV

Everyone went their separate ways the hermits returned to Hermitville, Maria to her cottage, and I to my castle. Falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

806 words

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