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Maria POV

Now that Sally's house was finished, I had to get back to my other obligations as admin. "Hey, Sam, how are the new weapons coming?" I inquired. "Well, they'd be coming along much quicker if someone wasn't being so clingy..." Sam huffed, grunting as he tried to pry his boyfriend from around his waist, only causing the smaller to tighten his grip all the more. "Ponkie, I need to go make the weapons so we can fend off the Watchers..." Sam reasoned. "Fine, but cuddles later..." Ponk demanded. "Alright, cuddles later..." Sam chuckled. "Promise?" Ponk asked. "Of course Ponkie," Sam promised, planting a kiss on the top of the shorters head and leaving.


It probably was a good idea to work on the weapon supply, the Watchers could attack any day now for all we knew...

I opened the door to the server's blacksmith shop to see Sam Nook and Grian there working. "Hey, Grian, hey Nook." I greeted. Sam Nook's nickname was Nook due to the fact that there were multiple Sams on the server. "Hey, Sam, how's it going?" Grian waved, gathering up a set of steel combat daggers with a rose pattern on the hilt of both of them and hanging them up. There was no doubt in my mind that they were to be Hannah's, she adored roses and pretty much just flowers in general. "Greetings Awesamdude! Are you here to assist in manufacturing weapons to defend the server known as Unity?" Nook chirped. "Indeed I am Nook." I smiled. Nook chirped happily and returned to his work. He appeared to be working on a cutlass that would more than likely, find its way into Puffy's possession, especially since a cutlass has quite a bit of a pirate aesthetic and Puffy is still a part-time pirate captain to this day. I walked over to the table where everyone's designs were laid out. It was pretty obvious who designed each one, however, there was one design that stood out from the others, the design was a simple sun-shaped pendant, I felt as if I'd seen it somewhere before, but I wasn't sure where... I shrugged it off, grabbed one of the other designs, and started working on it.

Sally POV

"Are you ladies ready to check if you're soulmates?" Maria asked. "Would we be here if we weren't?" Minx scoffed. "I guess that's true..." Maria chuckled as she started summoning a spell between her hands. "Okay, now both of you touch the spell," Maria instructed. Minx and I both touched the glowing ball of light, causing a blinding flash. 

Minx POV

When I opened my eyes, there was a red string connecting mine and Sally's ring fingers. "Congratulations, you've found your soulmate!" Maria congratulated as the red string disappeared. "What if the red string wasn't there?" Sally asked. "Unfourtunatly that would have meant you weren't soulmates." Maria shrugged. 

478 words


I HAVE RETURNED! Sorry about not posting much I've had very little to no motivation recently and have also been a bit busy, but I should be able to post more now!

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