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Grian POV

One minute I'm playing sky tag and the next thing I know I'm in a pitch-black room. It was empty. "Hello?! Is anyone there?!" I shouted. Where was I? "It's been a while hasn't it?" I spun on my heel to see who was speaking to me only to see two beings I had wished I would never see again. "Xelo... Xela..." I huffed. "Hello, Xelqua..." Xelo smiled evilly. "What do you want Xelo..." I scowled, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "We just wanted to tell you that you should probably prepare yourself is all..." Xela giggled. My eyes went wide at this. "You wouldn't dare..." "Oh, I think we would though," Xelo smirked. And just like that, I was laying in the field again surrounded by the others.

Maria POV

"Grian! Oh, thank Irene you're alright! Are you hurt?" I asked. "I'm fine Maria... What happened?" Grain groaned as he sat up. "You passed out midair mate, you're lucky Maria was fast enough to catch you before you hit the ground," Phil explained. "Any injuries Ponk?" I questioned. "None that I can see. No broken bones or bruising. Is there anything that hurts Grian?" Ponk asked. "Just a minor headache but that's it..." Grian scratched his head. "You really gave us a scare G, but we're glad you're not hurt." Xisuma nodded. "Anyways it's getting late. Everyone head home and rest, we can do some more fun stuff in the morning." I smiled. Once everyone left it was just Grian, Xisuma, and I as Grian had asked to talk, claiming he needed to tell us something. "So what did you need to talk about Grian?" I asked. "They're coming..." That was all he said quite frankly he looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Who's coming?" I asked, curious as to who he could be talking about. "Xelo... Xela... They're coming here!" He started panicking. My eyes went wide. Xelo and Xela were the head watchers, the only two who were stronger than Grian. "I'll contact Hero and Endra, Xisuma take Grian home and make sure he gets proper rest. He needs to be well rested." I instructed. "Why?" Xisuma asked. "If he doesn't get enough rest, then he won't be ready to fight them if he needs to," I explained. "Got it." Xisuma nodded as he took Grian's hand and started guiding him back to Hermitville. 

Herobrine POV

"Who the heck is calling me at this hour?" I muttered, sitting up in bed and reaching for my phone to see Maria's contact displayed on the screen I sighed and answered it. "Mind explaining why you're calling me at 10:33 at night?" I groaned, "Hero I've got bad news..." She sounded almost panicked. "And what is that?" I asked. "Xelo and Xela are coming for Unity..." She panted, now I was wide awake. "You prepare things on your end I'm going to The End to inform Endra." She huffed clearly out of breath from running to the stronghold. "Alright, I'll talk to you in the morning." I hung up the phone, changed out of my nightwear, and left my room.

Maria POV

I arrived at the stronghold as Hero hung up. Making my way through the maze that the place was to the portal room and opened it, jumping in I landed in the end. Standing up I brushed the dust off my pants and looked toward the end stone castle towering over me. I stepped up to the gate as they opened and walked inside making my way to the throne room.

Endra POV

"Your Highness, you have a visitor from the Overworld." One of the many guards bowed. "Let them in." I nodded. The guard opened the large door and a familiar face walked in. "Maria, how are you?" I asked stepping down from the throne. "I could be better..." The young woman sighed, shaking her head. "Is there something wrong?" I asked concerned. "Well, it has come to my attention that Xelo and Xela are preparing an attack on Unity in an attempt to take over." She explained. This angered me, they dared try to invade Unity? "I created them to protect the Overworld and this is what they do?!" I seethed. "They have been like this for over a century your Highness, they have attacked before, thankfully we were able to fend them off, but I fear what is to happen if they do succeed, I don't know how but they've gotten stronger." Maria shook her head. "I will aid you as much I can Maria, my military and armory as well as myself are at your disposal." 

Maria POV

"Thank you, Endra." I nodded. "Since that is now assorted I will be on my way. It was a pleasure to see my friend." I thanked. "Of course, Maria, and remember to let yourself rest, I know how you get in these situations." Endra reminded. "I know Endra, I will." I smiled as I left back through the portal.

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Sorry this part took a while everyone I had a massive motivation block and could barely get anything done but it's out now so yay! :D

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