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Maria POV

I woke up the next morning to Unity's warning siren. Someone or something had found its way onto Unity that wasn't supposed to be here...

Grian POV

They're here already?! This couldn't be happening, we simply weren't ready...

Maria POV

I hurried to Autumn's room and shook her awake. "Mom? Why is the warning signal going off?" She asked. "I think the Watchers are making their move and attacking..." I explained, causing her to shoot up in bed. "What?! But we're not ready yet!" Autumn fretted. "I know,  but now isn't the time to panic. Get your sisters and go to the bunker, do not, under any circumstance come out until I come and give you the password okay? Shroud, Michael, Jr., Finley, and some of the other children will be there too." I informed. "Yes, Mom... Be safe..." Autumn nodded, leaving the room to do as she was told. 

Fundy POV

Eret and I were watching the sunrise together when a deafening siren went off. I quickly covered my ears in an attempt to reduce the volume of the siren while Eret stood up and took out their sword.

Eret POV

A warning siren? I suddenly had a feeling Unity was officially under attack. I immediately got to my feet and pulled out my sword, ready to defend myself and Fundy. I knew we had to find Maria and the others, but I also knew that more than likely Fundy wouldn't be willing to move until the siren turned off so we would just have to wait a few minutes... A few minutes passed and the siren stopped so Fundy was able to uncover his ears. I helped him off the ground and explained the siren most likely went off because the Watchers had arrived. We made our way back to spawn to see our friends fighting XD, Watchers, Listeners, Speakers, and Wither cult members. Fundy and I immediately jumped in to help our friends. Fundy started digging tunnels, popping up under cult members and pulling their legs into the tunnels, and causing them to get stuck so the others could target them easier. Techno's withers were taking out a dozen cult members at a time. I teleported over to Maria, Dream, and my father to assist them with XD.

Maria POV

Eret teleported over to where Dream, Hero, and I were fighting XD. "And where have you been young lady?!" I asked, firing a spell at XD. "Sorry Maria, I had to help Fundy, his ears were sensitive to the loud warning siren, and there was no way I was going to just leave him alone..." Eret explained. "Very well." I sighed,  knowing Eret had been protecting Fundy from possibly getting attacked.

Grian POV

"Give up Xelqua! You cannot fight forever!" Xelo yelled. "But I can dang well try!" I called back, guiding him and Xela away from the rest of the fighting and chaos. "What are you two waiting for?! Come on and catch me if you can!" I taunted, weaving through trees. "GET BACK HERE!" Xela screamed, infuriated at the fact that she couldn't catch me. "I'll pass, it's more fun to watch your pitiful attempts to catch up to me..." I smirked. After a few more minutes of antagonizing the two head Watchers, we came to a clearing. "Nowhere to run now Xelqua... You're outnumbered..." Xelo laughed as he and Xela cornered me against a mountain. "That's what you two think..." Someone voiced from behind the two, the voice of course came from none other than Xisuma himself. 

He, Pearl, Scar, Martyn, Bdubs, Jimmy, and Scott were all standing there behind Xela and Xelo. "If anyone's outnumbered here it's you..." Pearl scowled. Xelo and Xela looked at each other and laughed. "You may outnumber us but we still overpower you. The only one who can overpower us is Lady Endra!" Xela laughed. "Then it's probably a good thing that she's on our side isn't it?" Scott asked as Endra landed behind him and the others, and she looked ticked off.

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