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3rd Person POV

Two weeks have passed and as the members of Unity continued preparing for the inevitable threat that was the watchers, meanwhile Grian has decided on who will be the first person he is going to tell his secret to...

Maria POV

"You're 100% sure you want to tell him?" I asked. "Yes, out of all the people who don't know yet, I want Scar to be the first person I tell," Grian confirmed, nodding as he spoke. "Hey, Grian! Hey, Maria! You wanted to tell me something?" Scar asked. 

Grian POV

I turn to Maria who nodded. I sighed, turning to Scar. "Is something wrong G?" Scar looked at me, concern painted on his face. "You can tell me anything." He reassured. Promise you won't be mad?" I questioned. "I promise." He nodded. "Scar, I'm Xelqua..." For a moment Scar's face was completely blank as he tried to comprehend what I had just told him.

Scar POV

"WAIT WHAT!?" I yelled, slapping my hand over my mouth when Grian flinched. "Grian I didn't mean to yell I swear," I muttered, my hand still over my mouth. "It's fine Scar I know you didn't mean it." Grian was barely stifling a laugh, using his hand to cover his own mouth, Maria just stood there smiling and shaking her head. "Okay, but are you seriously Xelqua?" I asked. "Yeah... I am..." Grian scratched the back of his head.

Maria POV

"Dude that's so cool!" Scar squealed. "Can I see your watcher form? Can you change your wing color? How strong is your magic? How tall are you in your watcher form? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!" Scar was overwhelming Grian with questions as if Grian were his icon. "Calm down Scar he can only answer one question at a time..." Xisuma laughed walking up to us Doc who was behind him looked shocked at Xisuma's statement. "X! Did you know Grian was a watcher?! Why did you let him stay on Hermitcraft?! You and I both know what they're capable of! They're DANGEROUS!" Doc yelled. Grian started backing up, a guilty look on his face as he ran to me. "Yes, they are dangerous but you know Grian would never want to hurt anyone!" Xisuma shot back. The yelling was starting to hurt my ears but I was too busy comforting Grian to care. "That's enough!" I barked. Both Xisuma and Doc stopped arguing and went silent. "I know that Grian would never purposefully hurt someone, he's not like that. And he didn't choose to be a watcher Doc, he was forced to become one back when he was on Evo..." I clarified still holding Grian. 

Xisuma POV

Doc's face dropped knowing Maria and I was probably right, Grian wouldn't want to hurt someone, and he wouldn't, not on purpose at least. "Very well, I trust your decision." Doc sighed. "Thank you, Doc." I acknowledged. And with that, we parted ways.

Maria POV

"Maria I'm gonna hang out with Scar," Grian informed. "Okay, you two have fun." I waved as the duo ran off. "Okay, what do I want to do now?" I asked myself. "OH! I can go pester Jack for a bit, that would be entertaining." I giggled maniacally as I made my way to Little City.

539 words


This one was really interesting to write and I thought Scar would be the best person for Grian to tell considering their friendship level is practically through the roof ya know? Plus desert duo is my fav on Hermitcraft because yes. 

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