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Jack POV

"So what do you think?" I was talking to my best friend Ropo. "And what happens if one of the members gets stuck in one of the traps instead?" Ropo reminded. "Whatcha doin'?" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Maria! Don't do that!" I scolded but of course, she and Ropo were laughing too hard to even be listening. "Dude, you should have seen your face!" Maria wheezed. "You're both idioms..." I huffed. "If we are then you are to Jack." Ropo chuckled. "HOW AM I AN IDIOM?!" I cried. "Who got a knee to the no-no square from Lucinda because he thought it was a good idea to cat-call her and Katelyn?" Maria reminded. "THAT WAS ONE TIME!" I yelled. "It was still fun to watch..." Maria pointed out. 

Ropo POV

"Anyways did you need anything, Maria?" I asked. "Not really, I just wanted to see what you two were up to." Maria smiled. "Nothing really, Jack was just explaining his ideas to catch some guy in all black robes that's been following us around lately." I shrugged. Maria's eyes went wide when I told her this, her face going pale as if she had seen a ghost. "A-All black you say?" She stammered. "Yeah, it's probably nothing though." I shrugged again. "Well it was nice talking to you two but I suddenly realized I need to go do something..." She chuckled nervously as she walked off. "What do you think that was about?" I asked. "I don't know." Jack shrugged. 

Maria POV

All black robes?! The only people that fit that description that I could think of was the Wither Cult... But that was impossible, right? They couldn't be back... This might be bad, we might not only be dealing with the watchers but the Wither Cult as well?! This was bad... This was very, very, bad... 

Maria:  Grian, Xisuma, Eret, Foolish, and Herobrine could you meet me at my cottage? I need to speak with you.

Herobrine: I'll be there in five.

Eret: Sure,

Grian: Omw

Xisuma: Okay,

Foolish: Is something wrong Maria?

Maria: Potentially yes... 

I put my communicator away and sighed. I was already stressed out enough because of the whole Watcher situation and now this? My stress levels were through the roof right now... I was pacing around my living room frantically when the doorbell rang. I quickly ran over to the door and threw it open, letting the five inside.

Foolish POV

Maria seemed extremely anxious and upset about something. the six of us sat down in Maria's living room. "So, what did you need to talk about?" Eret asked. "It has come to my attention that there's a chance that the Wither Cult is working for the watchers..." Maria explained. "But what could the watchers give the Wither Cult?" Xisuma asked. "One word. Power... If there's one thing the Wither Cult wants, it's power..." Eret sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Eret's right, the Wither Cult's goal has always been to become more powerful than anything or anyone..." I agreed. "Since this is the Wither Cult we're talking about I think Eret should stay in the nether with me," Herobrine suggested. "Dad, it's okay, I can handle myself." Eret attested. "I want to make sure you're safe Eret." Herobrine reasoned. "I can keep myself safe?!" Eret clamored. 

Maria POV

"How about a compromise?" I suggested. "Go ahead." Hero nodded. "How about this, Eret will stay with  your father in the nether at night when you're sleeping, and during the day you can go wherever you please." I proposed. "I think that's a good compromise, right Eret?" Foolish chimed jabbing them in the side with his elbow. "That's fine with me I guess..." Eret shrugged. "Very well," Hero sighed. "Then it's settled, Eret will stay in the nether at night, and he can go wherever she wants during the day." I finalized. After everyone left and I decided it was time for a nap. But of course, just before I fell asleep my communicator went off. "OH! COME ON!" I yelled, checking the communicator.

Jack: Maria, one of my traps caught someone can you come to check it out?

Maria: Omw, be there in five.

683 words

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