Just A Dream?

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Xisuma POV

Maria explained to us that each group would get to choose an area and build there, each area was like a faction, then once a month representatives from each area or faction would go to a meeting to discuss current happenings on the server if there were any problems everyone could work together on solving them. We decided by voting to call our area Hermitville. Most of us thought it was fitting since our group name was the hermits. I was walking around Hermitville and speaking with Maria about the construction being done on the market when Grian approached us.

Grian POV

This was it I was going to tell her. When we first arrived on Unity she mentioned that she could sense watcher magic and that I looked like Xelqua. "Um, Maria?" I asked. "Oh, hi Grian do you need something?" She asked. "Um, could I speak with you and Xisuma?" I fidgeted with the penny I had in my pocket. "In private?" I added. I saw the realization come across Xisuma's face. "Um, sure come on, we can talk at my place..." She started leading us toward spawn. 

You don't have to tell her... Xisuma messaged me privately.

I want to tell her. She should know... I responded.

When we reached Maria's house she closed the door behind me and we sat down in the living room. Her house was a simple cottage quaint and cozy. "You can sit down Grian." She smiled warmly. "Thank you..." I mumbled as I sat down next to Xisuma on the sofa. "So what did you want to discuss?" She asked. "Well... I need to tell you something..." I answered. "Ah, I think I know what you're about to tell me..." She stood up from her seat and grabbed three glasses from the cabinet and milk from the fridge, pouring it into them. "You do?!" I panicked. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me Xelqua..." She reassured as she set the three glasses on the coffee table one in front of each of us. 

Maria POV

"How did you find out?" Xisuma asked. "I'm much more than just an admin Xisuma." I smiled as I took a sip of my milk. "What do you mean?" Grian pondered. "I'll answer Xisuma's question first. Basically how I knew was because Evo was supposed to join Unity..." I paused as I stood up. "But unfortunately the watchers got to it first..." I scowled as Grian's face dropped. "And I've been watching over you since, protecting you and making sure you're safe," I explained. "Why?" Grian asked. "Because when I saw you sacrifice yourself for the Evolutionists, I knew you would play an important role in defeating the watchers, you're something special G... But your destiny lies in your hands remember that," I explained. "But you can not defeat the watchers if you lose hope!" 

Grian POV

I shot up in bed. "Grian! You're awake!" Scar tackled me into a hug. "Huh? Scar? What happened?" I asked. "You were talking to Maria and X about the market construction when you passed out!" Scar explained. "Can I talk to Maria in private for a minute?" I requested. "Sure, I'll go get her." Scar smiled as he left. Maria walked in a few moments later. "I'm guessing you have some questions for me?" She sighed. "How did you find out?" I questioned. "As I told you, I've been protecting you, keeping you out of harm's way." She shrugged. "How will I defeat the watchers?" I pondered. "I do not know that, but I know you will persevere, you always have..." She smiled as she left the room, leaving me with my own thoughts.

Eret POV

It's been about six days since we arrived on the Unity SMP and everything has been surprisingly peaceful. I mean I wasn't complaining it was a nice change of pace. Maria helped me build a replica of my castle on the Dream SMP. We remodeled it a bit so it wasn't the exact same but it was nice. After we finished we took a step back to admire our work. "Eret?" Maria asked after a minute. "Yea?" I turned to face her. "Do you remember anything from before the Dream SMP or how you got there?" She asked.

Maria POV

It was a stupid question of course he did, why did I ask that? Well at least that's what I thought. "Actually I don't... I just remember showing up on the Dream SMP" They shrugged. "Well that's to bad..." I frowned sympathytheticly. "It's not a big deal really, though there was one time when Foolish said something about the two of us dealing with a Wither Cult?" Eret recalled shrugging. I froze in horror, I hadn't heard anything of them in years... "T-the what cult?" I stammered barely able to believe what I was hearing. "Do you know who they are Maria?" Eret asked as he turned to face me. 

819 words


Yes it's a cliffhanger people because I want to build the tension of the story 😈

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