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Eret POV

I let myself sleep in the following day, I was a bit sore from yesterday but I would be able to manage. I got ready for the day and ate some breakfast before heading out for the day. I saw some kites flying in a nearby field and decided to go check it out. When I got there I saw Michael, Shroud, Maria, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and a few others running around and enjoying themselves. Seeing everyone happy like that having fun and getting along as if nothing had happened to us brought a smile to my face. Heck somehow even Dream and Tommy seemed to be getting along from what I could tell. 

Maria POV

I was showing Shroud how to make a kite with his webbing when I noticed Eret leaning on a tree nearby watching from a distance. "I'll be right back Shroud you stay here okay?" I asked. The young spiderling looked up from his work and nodded. I stood up and walked over to Eret. "What are you doing way over here by yourself?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "Just savoring the moment you know?" He laughed. "Moments of peace like this were few and far between back home... You and your server have had a definite impact on us, Tommy and Dream haven't gotten along since well ever, and now here they are, flying kites together as if nothing ever happened." He sighed. "Come join us!" I laughed as I pulled the royal by the arm over to the rest of the group. Shroud held out a now finished kite to Eret offering it to him. "Why thank you Shroud." Eret smiled. "Eret! Come fly kites with us!" Fundy called. Eret looked back at me and I nodded. Eret quickly stood up and ran over to Fundy nearly tackling him. Shroud and I continued making kites in all different shapes and sizes, as the day went on more and more people joined us until it was basically a server picnic. 

Philza POV

Maria's picnic idea was excellent, everyone seemed happy. I watched Tommy flying around among the airborne kites with Grian and a few others, playing sky tag, an Elytrian version of the children's game. "You okay Phil?" Maria asked. "Yeah, I'm good." I sighed. " You wanna be up there with them don't you?" She smiled. I paused a moment before responding. "Yeah, I do..." I looked back up at the group. "Maybe I could help?" Maria looked at me. "How would you do that?" I was genuinely curious about she could possibly help me. "Well I tend to do experiments with my own wings in an attempt to make them stronger so maybe I could fix you up." She suggested. "I guess it's worth a shot." I shrugged. "Alright, I'll be right back." Maria grinned before flying off in the direction of her cottage. A few minutes later she returned with a toolbox and a med kit. "I need you to unfold your wings so I can actually get to them." She reminded, opening the boxes. 

Maria POV

After about half an hour of working on Phil's wings, I finally finished. "And done, how's that feel Phil? Not too heavy?" I asked. "That's good mate." Phil nodded. "Alright, why don't you try them out?" I suggested. "I was just about to." Phil chuckled, moving his wings back and forth allowing them to lift him off the ground. "LET'S GO!" I shouted, excited about how I was able to help Phil fly again. I unfolded my own wings stretching them.

Phil POV

Maria's wings were whiter than snow and absolutely huge, almost as big as Kristen's. "What are you waiting for?! Come on!" She shouted, already soaring up to the others. I flew up following her. "PHILZA'S FLYING HIGH!" Tommy shouted as I joined the group. "PHIL'S IT!" Kristen yelled, tagging me. "It's on!" I yelled as I chased after Grian. the rest of the day was spent like that, everyone enjoying themselves and each other's company. 

670 words


Sorry, I haven't posted in a while guys I was busy with trimester finals and stuff but I'm on spring break until next Tuesday so I should be able to get some writing done! 😁

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