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Prima Donna Rooms of the Opera Populaire


Y/N woke up to a rhythmic pounding on her door. 

"Teddy!" Charles called out for her, "Teddy! Open up!"

Y/N leapt out of bed and hopped around a series of boxes, swinging open the door to reveal an impatient looking Charles. She also noticed he was in nicer attire -- a newly tailored navy coat with golden thread lining.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked, frustrated.

"Is father waiting? Am I ridiculously late?" Y/N spoke in a panic, turning around to open up a trunk of dresses in the corner of her suite.

"Ridiculously so," He affirmed, walking in and shutting the door behind him, "Wear something nice, he made us reservations at Angelina. Then, we must head off to the station." 

"Bloody hell," Y/N muttered, grabbing a deep blue dress (picture up top) and rushing into the bathroom to change, "How much time do I have?"

"Negative five minutes," Charles answered through the closed bathroom door. 

Y/N opened the door, revealing herself in her new dress, with the corset loosely hanging around her. 

"Please help me."

Charles motioned for her to turn around, and he quickly laced up her corset. She grabbed the matching jacket and pull it over her before rushing to fix her hair.

"Do I look okay?" Y/N asked, nervously adjusting her skirt. 

She looked up to see Charles, softly smiling at her, "Teddy, you look as lovely as always," He answered in his soft British voice. 


Breakfast, though amazing, went by far too quickly. Y/N was enjoying herself so much that she was almost able to forget about the fact that her father was leaving. He was going back to England, and she would be left alone in a foreign country, whose tongue was not native to her and whose streets she did not yet know. 

Then, as soon as he asked the waitress for the bill, it hit Y/N -- all the anxieties of her future seemed to hit her at once. 

"Papa, a-are you sure you wouldn't like to stay for just a few more days?" Y/N bargained at the breakfast table, holding her now room-temperature tea as they waited for a receipt. 

He gave her a weak look, and she could tell that he too was not ready. "Unfortunately, my darling, I must return to Winchester. I am afraid that His Majesty is expecting me back in the country as soon as possible... but I have already discussed taking two weeks off next month to come see your performance. Monsieur Carriere has already given us Box Four." 

"Well, that is a comfort at least. I am afraid I will miss you terribly," Y/N said, fighting back to hold back tears, "I cannot imagine a daily life without you in it -- or Charles," She spoke, glancing in Charles' direction with a smile. 

"The Manor will seem far less lively without you, Y/N," Charles said with a melancholy expression, "For the record, I tried to leave my job with your father to move to France with you, and he expressly said I wasn't allowed to."

Y/N laughed, taking Charles' hand, "I will miss you, Charlie. Please, don't replace me while I am gone."

He smiled, "Y/N, I am already interviewing possible candidates for my new best friend."

Y/N chuckled and rolled her eyes before her father told them it was time to make their way to the train station. 


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