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Backstage of the Opera Populaire.


Helena giggled as she tightened the laces of Y/N's white corset, "Is he watching tonight?"

"I don't think so, actually — I didn't see Erik in his box."

"A shame, has he ever missed a show?"

"I don't believe so... he didn't join me for tea either..." Y/N answered, picking at her nails, "I hope he hasn't reconsidered— do you think he's avoiding me?"

Helena went quiet for a minute, before firmly saying, "No. Perhaps he is just busy with his architectural work, or he is sitting elsewhere tonight."

Y/N nodded, nervously as she rushed out to stage to perform 'Think of Me'.


The next day, Y/N sat in her room with two cups of tea. Again, it was well past one and Erik had not arrived to their daily ritual.

Y/N turned to her teddy bear on the shelf and said, "What the hell do I do?"

The bear didn't answer.

"What if... well, he's either avoiding me or something is wrong. What if something is wrong?"

The bear continued in his silence.

Y/N shook her head and stood up, "I'm going to find Monsieur Carriere." After her declaration, she stood up and power walked to the Monsieur's office, where she firmly knocked.

"Oui?" Carriere called out.

Y/N entered to see the older man sat at his desk, which was covered in diagrams of the stage.

"Apologies to arrive unannounced, Monsieur, but I come with an... unorthodox question."

"Sounds frightening, how can I help you?"

"Well..." Y/N began, swallowing, "I know we have never discussed our mutual friend before, but I think we both are aware that we each have connections to Erik."

Carriere nodded, "Yes, he told me about your relationship in detail."

"Yes, well... well, have you seen him? He hasn't joined me for tea in two days and he missed last nights performance. I'm worried, you understand?"

"He missed a performance?" Carriere muttered, "Highly unusual for him... I will make sure to go down and check on him tonight."

"You know the way to his home?" She asked, surprised, "I thought only he could navigate that labyrinth."

"He was kind enough to construct me my own, illuminated passage," Carriere spoke with a smile, walking to his bookcase and pulling it open like a door. Behind it was a clear hallway, illuminated as far as she could see.

"It leads directly to him?" She asked, "Or to the water?"

"To him — it opens behind a curtain in his living room."

"Can I go down now? I have the time, it is a Monday after all." The entire cast and crew were given Mondays off as there were no performances.

"I... I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. He doesn't like people coming below without his permission."

"He's taken me down before?" Y/N reasoned.

Carriere looked at her a moment longer and nodded. Y/N smiled to thank him, and quickly made her way down the hallway, which wrapped and lowered her deeper and deeper into the world. After a few minutes of following the path, she saw a velvet curtain, and she pulled it back to see a familiar, dimly-lit room.

Darling. (Erik/Phantom x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now